Dressed in a white chef's uniform, he overturned the greasy and chubby image of village banquet chefs in the past.

"Ningning is here, where are the third aunt and uncle?"

Chen Yuan smiled and greeted his little cousin.

"They are still behind! I was suffocated by the dishes you made all the way, and I couldn't stand it, so I ran over quickly."

Ningning's cousin walked around in the open-air kitchen, and her saliva almost flowed out. Although many dishes have not been completely formed, the fragrance has long been everywhere, and it is really irresistible.

"Ningning, it's too hot here, you go inside to rest, your cousin Chen Ping will be back to pick up the bride later."

Chen Yuan reminded him and looked at his mobile phone. It was getting late, and some dishes had to be cooked, otherwise it would be troublesome if they couldn't catch up with the big banquet.

"I'm not hot. It's not as fun as you cooking when you're welcoming the bride."

"Then stay away to avoid being splashed with oil. In this hot weather, if you get burned by oil, you will definitely get scars. If a girl has scars, she won't be able to wear beautiful skirts in the future."

After that, Chen Yuan prepared to fry sugar color.

"Aunt Si, don't turn the fire too high."

"Okay, this is OK."

"Yeah, it's OK."

The fire should not be too high. If it is too high, the rock sugar in the pot will be burnt. Such sugar color will be bitter and astringent when fried, and it will be difficult to eat.

The control of the heat is very high when frying sugar color. It is difficult to control the heat in a rural firewood stove like this, which requires higher cooking skills.

Heat the oil in the pot. The sugar used to fry the sugar color here can be white sugar or rock sugar, and the latter will fry the sugar color more red and brighter.

Chen Yuan naturally used rock sugar. Put the rock sugar into the hot oil and break it up appropriately. In order to prevent sticking to the pot and burning, you must stir it constantly with a spoon. This process is extremely challenging for a chef's patience and arm strength.

But this is a piece of cake for Chen Yuan.

After a while, the sugar color in the big pot turned red.

Chen Yuan poured a spoonful of water into the pot. The water here cannot be cold water, but warm water or boiling water, otherwise the fried sugar will solidify and the pot of sugar color will be ruined.

The oil and water are completely integrated into each other, reaching the point of mutual support, and then the pre-processed lamb chops are added to the pot.

Even with Chen Yuan's arm strength, he can't lift the big iron pot to the point of lightness to flip the pot. He can only use the big iron spoon to stir quickly to prevent burning.

This is destined to make Chen Yuan use his hand speed after being single for more than 20 years!

After that, add various spices and pour in an appropriate amount of broth.

"Fourth sister-in-law, please make the fire bigger."

"Okay, Master Chen, what's the trouble? You're too polite."

The rural woman showed a simple smile. It was her honor to be able to make fire for such a chef.

Most of these kitchen helpers were the ones who had the big banquet hosted by the old secretary last time.

When they heard that Chen Jianjun's family was going to have a wedding, and Master Chen was still the chef, they came over and recommended themselves. They were very active.

Just kidding, you can eat meat if you follow Master Chen. Many people have no personal connections with the Chen family, and have no reason to come and give money for the banquet. If you come to help the kitchen, you can eat the banquet and get red envelopes. How can you miss such a good thing?

The thick soup began to stir under the urging of the fire. The evenly thick lamb chops were like people who had just learned to swim, rising and falling in the boiling soup. Sometimes they dived deep into the water, and sometimes they floated to the surface. As they sank and floated, the wonderful taste was slowly formed in the subtle way.

Cover the pot and leave everything to time.

Tang Ningning stood aside, silently wiping the saliva from the corners of her mouth. Fortunately, she had just taken a short video and was going to post it on WeChat Moments.

She walked aside and poked the screen flexibly with her fingers.

"A lifetime of good fortune and a lifetime of love. I only wish that our love will always accompany us and our marriage will always be together. Today is my eldest cousin's big day. My dear cousin Chen Yuan is helping to cook. I am hungry watching the scene beside the pot."

A paragraph of literary text was added above the video, which looked a bit like a middle school student.

After posting it on WeChat Moments, Tang Ningning continued to watch cousin Chen Yuan cooking with great interest.

Tsk tsk, cousin Yuanzi's kitchen knife and hand speed made Ningning dumbfounded.

Is this really her cousin? At this moment, she even suspected that Chen Yuan was possessed by some immortal chef.

"Ningning, what are you doing in the kitchen? You're interrupting your cousin Yuanzi from cooking! Come with me to see your uncle and aunt. I'm telling you, your cousin Chen Ping is coming back to pick up the bride. You have to help get the wedding blanket, okay?"

Tang Ningning was still watching her cousin cook with great interest, but was carried into the house by her mother.

I didn't even go to say hello to my uncle and aunt! What kind of words are these?

Seeing my cousin Ningning being dragged away by my third aunt unwillingly, Chen Yuan was relieved. He felt uncomfortable being watched by such a little girl while cooking.

After Tang Ningning was pulled into the house and said hello to her uncle and aunt, her parents temporarily "restricted" her freedom.

Today is the big day of the old Chen family. Many relatives of the Chen family have come. They are all drinking tea and chatting in the house with fans.

Tang Ningning did very well in the college entrance examination this time. Chen Hongmei and her husband felt very proud wherever they went.

They are both teachers. If they can't even teach their own children well, wouldn't it be embarrassing to tell others?

Fortunately, their Ningning is very competitive. This time, while all the relatives are here, they have to satisfy the vanity of the couple.

Tang Ningning, a tool, can only sit aside and listen to the relatives' various compliments on her.

Alas, if it weren't for the food cooked by cousin Chen Yuan, she wouldn't want to come here even if she was beaten to death.

"Hongmei, I heard that your Ningning scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination this time. It's really amazing. It's much better than my kid. My Qiangzi only scored more than 300 points. It's probably difficult for him to study in a good junior college."

"Ningning scored such a high score, so there is no problem in getting into a 985. Which school did you apply for?"

"I applied for Fuhua University. I just received the admission letter two days ago."

"Oh, Fuhua University is a good university, a famous university. It will be easy to find a job after graduation in the future, and the salary is also high."

"Hongmei, this is a big happy event, aren't you Yes, we have to have a big banquet to celebrate. "

"We haven't thought about it yet, aunt, you know that Hongbo and I are both teachers, and we are afraid that holding a graduation banquet will have a bad influence."

"What's wrong with that? In my opinion, we have to hold it. This is a matter of honor for the family. You don't know that someone in our village held a banquet just because his son passed the third-tier college entrance examination."

"Ningning did so well in the exam, so we should have a big banquet. We relatives and friends can also benefit from it."

When they heard that Tang Ningning was admitted to Fuhua University, relatives and friends were instantly excited. They talked about it one after another, which made Chen Hongmei and her husband feel happy.

It's not that they want to show off on purpose, but they really want to be proud of themselves.

Because they only have one daughter, they don't know how many times they have been laughed at secretly.

This time, their daughter finally got admitted to a famous university, and they must let everyone envy them!

"What? The wedding car was stuck on the road?"

My uncle Chen Jianjun suddenly received a call saying that the wedding car was stuck in traffic.

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