"Come...in-laws, mother-in-law, drink this glass of wine, we are all family members from now on." Chen An's father was really happy today.

His son is so old now, and he finally found a partner, but it almost broke down.

Fortunately, the final ending was still very satisfactory, thanks to Zhao Xiangfen's parents. The in-laws and mother-in-law are really good. If it were other parents, they would have taken their daughter back to their hometown long ago.

Zhao Xiangfen's parents were also very happy today. Although there were some conflicts between their daughter and son-in-law before, they are now resolved.

When a couple lives together, there are always some obstacles that cannot be overcome, and there will always be bumps and bumps.

The teeth and tongue will "fight" after being together for a long time.

Besides, Chen An's attitude of admitting his mistakes is pretty good, and he also vowed never to gamble on football again.

The Zhao family also gave Chen An a chance to reform.

At this moment, seeing Chen An's father raise his glass to toast, Zhao Xiangfen's parents also smiled and raised their own glasses, with smiles on their faces, as if the unhappy things before had disappeared, and no one took it to heart.

When they saw the full table of dishes, Zhao Xiangfen's parents were amazed.

Before, they had eaten the seafood feast made by Chen Yuan.

They didn't expect that Chen Yuan was really a master of cooking. Not only did he cook seafood feasts well, but he also cooked these banquet dishes so well.

Dad Zhao took a sip of wine, then picked up a few slices of spicy beef and put them in his mouth.

The beef slices were very spicy and melted in the mouth, not at all dry.

It tasted spicy and the meat was tender and delicious.

Although it was spicy, Dad Zhao couldn't help eating it.

This is the best condiment for drinking. He has never eaten such delicious spicy beef.

You know, people from Haicheng can't eat much spicy food, and Haicheng cuisine is mainly light.

Dad Zhao himself didn't expect that he could eat spicy food so well. If he was in his hometown, he couldn't eat such spicy food.

Eat a bite of spicy beef and drink a little wine. This life is really happy like a god.

In addition to spicy beef, other dishes are also delicious. For a Haicheng person, it is not accustomed to the dishes here when coming to other provinces.

There are huge differences in food culture between the two places!

Anxian likes spicy and heavy oil, while Haicheng prefers light and sweet food.

Therefore, most Haicheng people who come to Anxian can't stand the food culture here.

Anxian has to put chili peppers when stir-frying vegetables. Who can stand this?

But they are very used to the dishes made by Chen Yuan today.

Whether it is spicy or not, whether it is soup or stir-fry, everything is so delicious that people can't stop eating it.

When the wonderful food slid from the throat into the esophagus, the whole person seemed to float in the air. The long-lost feeling of fullness gave people a kind of pleasure that was difficult to describe in words.

If it tastes good, eat more.

After that seafood feast, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother had not had this feeling of fullness for a long time.

Even if it is the same dish, can it be the same after being cooked by two different people, Chen An's mother and Chen Yuan?

Chen An's uncle Chen Xiong sat at the table with the children. Before the dish was served, he opened a bottle of wine and drank by himself.

It was great to be the only one drinking at the table, and no one would compete with him for the wine.

He is in his forties, and he lives a muddle-headed life every day, taking one day at a time.

Originally, Chen Xiong worked in another province. If it weren't for his nephew's engagement, he would not have come back.

I haven't been back to my hometown Chen Village for several years, and I found that Chen Village has changed a lot.

Chen Yuan, the son of Jianguo, suddenly became the chef in the village. Wasn't he working outside like him before? How did he suddenly become a chef? Why can't I believe it?

"Huh? My God, this taste is too fragrant, what kind of divine delicacy is this."

When Chen Xiong took the first bite of the banquet dishes, he was instantly amazed.

Originally, he was skeptical about the taste of these dishes, but he didn't expect that the dishes were really delicious. After taking a bite of the dishes, the wonderful taste instantly spread between his lips and teeth, making him happy both physically and mentally.

As the delicious dishes were served, the children at the same table were no longer calm, and they all picked up their chopsticks and started to pick up the dishes.

When the dishes were picked up in their bowls, they ate them one by one, just like piglets eating, panting and relishing.

Eat, eat, the leftovers are all mine...

Chen Xiong watched the children fighting for food, and he laughed in his heart.

Children nowadays have small stomachs, are very precious, and are very picky. They were not like when they were young, when there was nothing to eat and they would fight for everything.

Chen XiongThinking that those kids couldn't eat much, wouldn't the leftovers on the table belong to him alone?

At this time, someone threw a pack of cigarettes over.

There is a pack on each table. This is the custom in An County. No matter what kind of banquet is being prepared, a pack of famous cigarettes produced in the province will be placed on the table.

As soon as the cigarettes were thrown on the table, Chen Xiong didn't have time to grab the pack of cigarettes.

A boy at the same table, who was only about ten years old, reached out and grabbed the pack of cigarettes in his hand, and then quickly put it in his pocket.

"..." Chen Xiong pursed his lips and lectured the child, "Little brat, how old are you? You are so young and you can't even smoke. Hurry up and give the cigarette to your uncle, or I will go to school and tell your teacher tomorrow."

Who would have thought that the child simply didn't buy his story: "Uncle, who are you trying to scare? These cigarettes are for my dad. If you want to smoke, just ask your son to give them back to you!"

"You kid..." Chen Xiong was so angry that he couldn't say a word. His whole body was shaking. He really wanted to beat him up.

But he still underestimated how lethal those kids were.

Then, a little girl of about the same age laughed and said, "He has no children. My mother said that he still doesn't have a wife."

"What? You are so old, but you don't even have a wife? Let me tell you, Xiaojie in our class has a girlfriend."

"That's right. At your age, you should have grandchildren."

"You are 40 years old and still not married. Do you have to wait until you are 50?"

"Uncle, your mother must be mad at you. My aunt is 30 years old and still not married. She almost pissed off my grandma to death."


Chen Xiong, who was drinking leisurely, felt his head buzzing. Those children were really talkative, and they were more nagging than his mother who was over 70 years old.

He shouldn't have come back! !

Every time he came back, his marriage became a laughing stock among the villagers.

Originally, he had finally found a table with children for the banquet this time. He thought he could escape the disaster, but he didn't expect to be hurt even more.

Is this going to make people live! !

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