Chen Xiong felt like he was going to collapse.

In order to avoid being urged to get married, he hadn't been back to his hometown for several years.

If his family hadn't almost blown up his phone, he wouldn't have come back this time.

What was he doing back? To make the villagers laugh at him?

He was 40 years old, but he didn't even have a partner.

After returning to his hometown after many years, before he even entered the door, the villagers pointed fingers at him behind his back and said those ugly gossips.

The children of his playmates and childhood friends in the village have grown up, and some of them have even become grandfathers.

But Chen Xiong was still alone. When he sat with his relatives at home during the banquet, he would inevitably be gossiped about.

So, when someone asked if anyone wanted to sit at the same table with the children.

Chen Xiong immediately moved his stool and ran to sit at the same table with the children, but he didn't expect this result. These children urged him to get married, and almost took Chen Xiong's life.

Chen Xiong was almost irritated to the point of having a cerebral hemorrhage. When he came to his senses, all the dishes on the table were taken away by the children.

At first, he thought that the children could not eat so much, and thought that the rest would all be his.

But he never expected that the children would pack up and take away all the food, leaving some soup and vegetables for Chen Xiong. Fortunately, the bottle of wine he had drunk was not packed up and taken away by the children.

It was really a bandit in the village. Whoever said that you have to sit at the same table with the children for a banquet, he will be angry with whoever says so next time!

After a meal, there were laughter and joy everywhere, and the scene was unusually warm.

Compared with the liveliness of Chen An's family, other people in Chen Village felt a little uncomfortable.

Because Chen An's family held an engagement banquet this time, they invited their own relatives, and did not invite anyone in the village.

You know how fragrant Chen Yuan's cooking is. Not only did the whole Chen Village smell the fragrance, but at least half of the people in the village almost cried because of the greed.

At this time, it was just time for dinner.

Every household started to cook, and the villagers also killed chickens and ducks in tacit understanding. Today, they had to have fish and meat.

The banquet dishes were so fragrant that the fragrance was even pervasive and drifted everywhere. The people in Chen Village were so greedy that they jumped up and down, and they must have wanted to have a good meal.

After the meals in their homes were ready, the villagers couldn't wait to prepare for dinner. If they didn't eat, they would be almost greedy to death.

When the meat dishes were in their mouths, they suddenly felt that the dishes were like chewing wax, without any taste at all.

It wasn't just one person who had this feeling, but the whole village was like this.

Looking at the meals I made, I felt that I had no appetite at all.

Where were the banquet dishes made by Chen Yuan! It was a pity that they couldn't eat them, which was a sin.

If they couldn't eat those fragrant banquet dishes, could they not smell them?

Many people thought so and walked out of the house with their bowls.

As expected, when we got outside, the banquet food became even more fragrant, and the tempting aroma drifted over with the wind, which could make people dizzy.

The villagers who walked out of their homes with bowls took a deep breath of the aroma, and then quickly took a bite of the food.

As expected, the effect was very good.

Instantly, the food in the bowl tasted much better than before.

As expected, eating with the aroma is delicious!

At this time, an extremely interesting phenomenon appeared in Chen Village.

The villagers of Chen Village walked out of their homes like sleepwalkers with their bowls, took a breath of air by the roadside, and then took a bite of food.

Some people couldn't help but walk towards Chen An's house automatically, and found that they were already far away from home halfway.

The villagers immediately woke up and found that they were not the only ones like this. Many people also came to the open space not far from Chen An's house like they were possessed.

Originally, I felt a little embarrassed to find myself here, but when I saw so many people, I felt much better.

Since everyone is here, shouldn't we finish the meal while enjoying the aroma?

What? Embarrassment?

What's the big deal about embarrassment!

As long as you are not embarrassed, then others will be embarrassed.

On that open space, the villagers of Chen Village were either standing or sitting, holding bowls in their hands, which looked very funny, but also a little helpless.

"You said Chen Jianming (Chen An's father), how could he be like this? His son's engagement is such a big happy event, but he didn't invite the villagers to the banquet. Don't you think it's infuriating?"

"That's right, this guy is hypocritical. When we were drinking together, he clearly said that he would definitely host a banquet to entertain everyone. Is this how he treats us?"

"Don't say it, it's just an engagement, and everyone can understand if he didn't invite them."

"That's right, who of you invited them to your engagement? Don't you invite your relatives to sit down."

ThisWhat he said makes sense. In the past, when Chen Yuan's children got engaged, who would invite villagers to attend?

Besides, even if the host invited people from the village, those villagers might not necessarily go to the banquet. They might even say bad things about you behind your back, saying that you are crazy about money and are thinking of ways to collect money.

"In the future, we in Chen Village must set an unwritten rule. As long as it is a family affair, no matter whether it is a big or small matter, we can't just invite relatives from our own family."

"I agree. As long as there is a personal relationship in the village, we must invite them. Otherwise, how can we be worthy of the banquet cooked by Chen Yuan."

"What dishes do you think they have for this engagement banquet?"

"Let me smell it. Damn, I smell the smell of elbow."

"I smell the smell of spicy beef."

"I...seem to smell the fragrance of braised pork."


One by one, they raised their heads and sniffed the air like puppies.

It would have been fine if you didn't smell it. Once you smell it, the aroma is so fragrant that you can't help but drool.

The aroma is really delicious. Before long, they finished all the food in their bowls.

But the engagement banquet was not over yet. Seeing Chen An's family enjoying the good food and wine, some people couldn't stand it and went to his house to get another bowl of food to eat.


"Woo, the dishes are finally served."

When all the dishes were served, Chen An wailed.

Today he is the protagonist, but he has to work by himself. He is really a big complainer!

Now it is finally their turn to eat. One by one, they start eating like starving ghosts.

It is so fragrant that people can't stop...

"Eat... I am really starving."

Heizi and the others shouted and started eating with bowls and chopsticks. Everyone is familiar with each other and they get along very casually.

Chen An was really hungry. The bowl of noodles he had in the morning was knocked over by the big rooster, so he basically didn't eat anything.

The most regrettable thing was the two pieces of pork trotters. He only took a bite and they were gone before he could even taste them.

Now looking at the bright red Dongpo pork elbow, he couldn't bear it anymore and picked it up with his chopsticks.

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