He put the banquet dishes he brought back into the storage box, and then he went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he also went to check the system rewards.

Sure enough, there was no reward from the system this time.

Because the rewards were all given in advance, that is, the medical kit.

Originally, Chen Yuan was still wondering if the system would make an exception, but he didn't expect that this system was still a very principled system.

Since the reward was given in advance, there was naturally no reward for this mission.

It was a bit disappointing...

He lay on the bed, feeling sleepless, and took out his mobile phone and started to browse.

He found that his mobile phone was full of World Cup news. He was also a fan of Boss Mei. When he saw that Boss Mei scored a goal on the Internet, he was happier than anyone else.

This might be Boss Mei's last World Cup, and he didn't know if he could finally win the World Cup.

After watching the game, he didn't dare to stay up late anymore.

Although he now has a medical kit, when he thought of the back of his hand that was pierced by the real doctor, Chen Yuan felt a chill inexplicably.

I was just about to go to bed, after all, I had to rush to Baili Town tomorrow to prepare for the 100th birthday banquet for Mr. Li.


Just at this time, his mobile phone rang. When he opened the phone, it turned out to be a message to add a friend on WeChat.

Who has nothing to do to add me so late?

Chen Yuan thought that his business had come, but it turned out to be a strange girl.

Sui Sui?

Looking at that online name, why did Chen Yuan feel a little creepy?

Sure enough, he saw the other party's message.

"Chen Yuan, I am He Sui, the intern doctor in the town hospital. Why didn't you come to the hospital for an IV drip today? Add me, I have something to say to you."

It turned out to be He Sui. How could she have a contact information?

When he was hospitalized yesterday, he filled in Hei Zi's phone number.

Hei Zi... okay...

Chen Yuan was speechless for a while. If he had known, he would have written Mo Sha Niu's phone number.

He didn't know why He Sui added him. He saw that woman didn't look like a good person, so he simply ignored the message.

The next day, Heizi and his friends came to Chen Yuan's house to gather and prepare to take a bus to Baili Town.

Li Mo and his friends chose the all-inclusive package.

What is all-inclusive? It means that the Li family is only responsible for paying the money and does not need to care about other things. It is no different from hiring a professional banquet team to cook at home.

Li Mo's clansmen are really weird. People like Li Laoer don't pay money, but still want to eat for free and don't want to do any work.

Or those clansmen who do business outside have a big picture, otherwise they would have made trouble long ago.

Since the Li family has discussed it within the family, Chen Yuan naturally can't say anything. Anyway, he just needs to collect the money.

As for the money for hiring kitchen helpers, it will all be paid by the Li family. Chen Yuan is only responsible for calling people.

The main banquet will be tomorrow, so there is no need for so many people to prepare the dishes today.

Chen Yuan also called a few people who often help with banquets, such as Uncle Pan Zi, Aunt Wang, Heizi, Mo Sha Niu and others.

Sister Yu also came over. This woman's life was too difficult, and she had to raise two children alone.

The little money she earned from odd jobs nearby could not support them at all.

Chen Yuan, for the sake of Mo Shaniu, would lend a hand, since the kitchen help was also in need of helpers.

"Heizi, did a woman named He Sui call you yesterday?"

"Yes, she said she was a doctor from the hospital and wanted to ask about your condition. I tell you, Yuanzi, can you not write my name next time?"

"No, don't you always write my phone number when you are outside?"

Hearing Heizi's request, Chen Yuan chose to refuse directly.

When Heizi went out, he often filled in Chen Yuan and their mobile phone numbers randomly.

As a result, Chen Yuan and his friends either received calls from the foot bath city or calls for loans, which made them very annoyed.

So when these people went out, as long as it was not a very important occasion, they would not really fill in their own phone numbers if they had to fill in their phone numbers.

You say it's hurtful...

Come on, come and hurt each other!

Heizi was so stern that he couldn't say a word. He couldn't argue or fight, so he could only accept his fate.

Today, he planned to drive the banquet car to Baili Town.

Only Heizi could drive this car, and he had an A1 driver's license.

"Fuck, Yuanzi, how many secret weapons do you have behind our backs?"

The car was parked in the small square of Chen Village. When everyone saw the banquet car that could open the banquet hall, they were all stunned.

Especially Heizi, who couldn't let go of the banquet car.

Hearing that Chen Yuan was going to give this car to Heizi, Heizi was so happy that he forgot about the phone number just now.

Everyone put the things for the banquet on the banquet car, this car is full of black technology. Before it is unfolded, the space inside is still quite large.

All the tools for placing the banquet were loaded into the car, everyone rested for a while, and then drove to Baili Town.


Baili Town.

Xinyan Village.

This village with flat terrain and convenient transportation is the village where Li Mo is located.

Knowing that Chen Yuan and his friends were coming today, Li Mo also took people to the town's vegetable market early to buy vegetables for the banquet.

After buying vegetables, he also took people to clean up the weeds on the vacant land next to the ancestral hall.

Although it still looks bumpy, it is much better than the previous weeds that looked like a barren land.

"Old Third... Master Chen Yuan and his friends are here."

At this time, Li Mo was resting at home, and Li Tao and his friends came to knock on the door.

"You are here now, you are here very quickly."

Before Chen Yuan and his friends came, he also contacted Li Mo.

Li Mo just closed his eyes for a while, when Chen Yuan and his men came over.

Li Mo hurriedly led his men to the Li's ancestral hall.

Two new cars drove into the village, attracting many villagers at once.

Although the villagers of Xinyan Village are also well-informed and have seen BMW and BBA, this kind of new black-tech car is the first time they have seen it.

Especially when the banquet car was unfolded, some villagers even covered their mouths and screamed.

For them, it was too shocking.

I saw that the banquet car, under Heizi's control, slowly drove to the open space above the ancestral hall.

Finally, it stopped in the middle of the open space.

"Yuanzi, is this position okay?"

"It should be okay, why don't we give it a try.

To be honest, Chen Yuan had never really seen the banquet car in its unfolded form, so he couldn't tell how to park it.

The venue looked spacious enough, so he should give it a try.

For safety reasons, Chen Yuan asked Heizi to get off the car first, and then he pressed the unfolding button of the banquet car.


As soon as he pressed the button, a series of mechanical vibration sounds came out.

The banquet car began to transform around like Kunpeng spreading its wings.


In front of this banquet car that can be unfolded, all Transformers have to roll aside.

While the banquet was still transforming, Li Mo came with his men.

Just happened to see this scene.

Li Mo looked at the banquet car in front of him and was stunned.

This car looks full of technology, which makes him feel itchy.


The car is still unfolding. This process is very long and extremely time-consuming.

But the people around did not show any impatience. On the contrary, they watched with great interest.

It was the first time for everyone present to see a dining car slowly transform into a banquet hall. During the whole transformation process, Chen Yuan was a little nervous, fearing that something would go wrong in any link, thus causing irreversible losses.

Fortunately, the whole process went very smoothly.


With a very dull sound, the banquet car was transformed, and a spacious banquet hall appeared in front of everyone.

The whole transformation process looked full of technology.

"Wow... Transformers, do you think this is Optimus Prime or Decepticon?"

"Mom... I also want to buy a Transformers car like this. ”


At this time, the children watching were all staring with envy.

Children had no concept of money, they simply thought that this banquet car was cool and wanted to buy one.

Everyone looked at the banquet hall that had just "appeared out of thin air" with curiosity, and many people still felt unreal at this time.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that this huge banquet hall was transformed from a semi-trailer truck.

This banquet hall looked like a mobile restaurant, and it looked very impressive.

Lighting, murals, air conditioning, stage, KTV, everything was available, and it was no different from those restaurants outside.

At this time , those people in the Li family who were thinking of going to a restaurant outside to hold a banquet were also stunned for a moment.

They couldn't believe that a restaurant that looked very luxurious could just appear like this.

These people were also slapped in the face. Looking at this unique banquet restaurant, their attitudes suddenly changed drastically.

With this mobile restaurant, those restaurants outside were instantly not so attractive.

Let me ask you, in the whole Baili Town, who would hold a banquet in such a mobile restaurant.

At this moment, their damn vanity began to overflow.

Everyone put the deformed mobileThe banquet hall was surrounded, and everyone started to visit it. They felt that everything they saw was extremely magical.

"Awesome, Yuanzi, where did you get this banquet car? It's really surprising."

Heizi looked at the scene in front of him and was a little incoherent.

This is completely a mobile restaurant!

If this car is placed in the small square in the village, it will definitely be a small restaurant.

In the future, if anyone in the village wants to hold a wedding or funeral, they can just do it in this mobile restaurant. There are all kinds of things in it, and there is no need for people to move it around.

Moreover, after unfolding, the banquet car looks very tall and noble.

It allows villagers to enjoy a better environment than the restaurant without going to the restaurant outside, and they can also eat the dishes made by Chen Yuan. It is a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

Heizi seems to have seen a good way to make a fortune. If he drives this car to the village to hold a buffet, wouldn't it be invincible?

All those restaurants in the town and those professional mobile banquet teams will be completely beaten to pieces in front of this wedding banquet car.

"Let's talk about the car later. Let's work first. It's getting late and we have to rush back in the evening."

Looking at the excited Heizi, Chen Yuan quickly changed the subject.

Where did this car come from?

He couldn't explain it to them at all!

Should he just say that the system gave it to him?

That's pure bullshit. The system only exists in novels and is the biggest secret in his heart. No one will tell it in this life.

At this time, Heizi pulled Chen Yuan and told him his inner physiognomy, asking Chen Yuan not to miss such a good opportunity to make a fortune.

As brothers, they should also help them.

"I'm telling you, Yuanzi, if this mobile restaurant business is opened, with your cooking skills, you will definitely make a lot of money."

"Well, what you said seems to make sense. I will think about it carefully."

In fact, Chen Yuan had considered what Heizi said before, that is, driving a banquet car to the countryside to hold a buffet.

However, the size of this banquet car is really too big. It may still be useful in some plains.

It's just that there are many mountains and hills in An County, and there are no eighteen bends in the rural roads. This semi-trailer can't even turn a corner in some places.

I still want to open the banquet like this, don't be funny, if you are not careful, the people and the car will fall under the cliff, giving the villagers more opportunities to eat.

However, it is also a good choice to put this banquet car in the small square of Chen Village and use it as a restaurant.

It can be unfolded when a banquet is to be held, and folded when not. Parking it aside is not a problem. Anyway, the Chencun Square is very spacious, so it is no problem to park a few more.

If the gimmick of this mobile restaurant is popular, coupled with Chen Yuan's cooking skills, the business will definitely not be bad.

Maybe people from the nearby villages will ask him to cook banquets, and he will definitely have endless tasks.

However, this matter needs to be considered in the long run. Chen Yuan just doesn't want to be too troublesome.

The construction of his old house is about to start, and he will be busy at that time.

The matter of the mobile restaurant can only be postponed to the future, and we will talk about it next year!


Chen Yuan and his people started to work on the vacant land next to the ancestral hall.

After a while, an open-air kitchen rose from the ground.

Those awnings were newly bought by Chen Yuan and his team. They used to rent them. Later, they felt that renting was not cost-effective at all. Thinking that they would have to cook large banquets for a long time, they bought a few awnings.

A brand new awning was erected on the open space over there, and the mobile restaurant next to it was added.

The originally barren open space suddenly changed a lot and looked very lively.

The newly bought light strips, ribbons and flags were hung on the shed and the mobile dining car, and the whole scene looked very good.

Turn on the speakers of the mobile dining car and play a song "Good Days" to make it even more perfect.

After the scene was arranged, the temporary kitchen was almost done.

The table, the stove... it looked like it was done.

Now we started to prepare the ingredients for tomorrow's main meal.

Li Mo and his men brought all the vegetables they had bought in the town market before, and piled them up in the kitchen.


Banquet car

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