Because Chen Yuan and the others didn't know where Tofu Man's home was, they planned to let Gu Qianyue take them there.

As soon as Uncle Gu got in the car, he stared at the interior of the Land Rover and glanced at Chen Yuan with complicated eyes.

I thought, I haven't seen this kid for a few days, and he's already driving a Land Rover?

Seeing the other party's surprised expression, Chen Yuan had to explain to Uncle Gu that the car belonged to Lao Mo's friend.

But Gu Qianyue didn't show anything, and he was getting more and more satisfied with his son-in-law.

Not arrogant or impatient, handsome, can make money to support the family, and most importantly, his cooking skills are so good.

Tell me, where can you find such a son-in-law!

Uncle Gu pointed the way in the car and told them about Tofu Man.

Chen Yuan and the others didn't expect that a young man who made tofu in the countryside would have such a wonderful story.

Tofu Man's experience can be described as "tragedy".

Tofu Man went to college for a few years and had a girlfriend during college.

After finishing college, his girlfriend chose to continue her studies.

But Tofu Man chose to work and earn money to support his girlfriend's undergraduate studies.

Who would have thought that his girlfriend would have hooked up with another male classmate during her undergraduate studies.

Heartbroken, Tofu Man went to his girlfriend's school and made a scene, then resolutely returned to his rural hometown.

After returning to his rural hometown, he followed his mother to sell tofu in the town.

Tofu Man is smart and has a business mind. Since he returned to his hometown to sell tofu, the business of the tofu stall has gradually improved.

With the craftsmanship passed down by his deceased father, and the real materials used in their tofu making, they have also left a good reputation in the town.

The tofu stall, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, not only did not go bankrupt, but its business has gradually improved.

Now it is difficult to find a piece of tofu. Tofu Man has a strange temper. He only produces so much tofu every day and is unwilling to make more than one piece. He closes the stall after selling it. This is the case every day.

“Turn in from here, their home is here.”

Chen Yuan followed the instructions of his uncle and came to Tofu Man’s home.

It was so late, but Tofu Man’s home was still lit, it seemed that he was working overtime to make tofu.

In fact, although their tofu is so popular, the work of making tofu is still very hard.

It is said that the water they use to make tofu is all mountain spring water transported back from Zi Que Ridge, so the tofu they make is so delicious and so popular.

Mr. Li ate their tofu and specified that he would eat Tofu Man’s tofu for tomorrow’s tofu feast.

When they knocked on the door of Tofu Man’s home, Tofu Man and his family were a little confused.

It was so late and someone came to knock on their door. Could it be that someone from above was sent to conduct a surprise inspection?

After all, their recent business is so good that it is inevitable that people will be jealous.

“Sister-in-law Chen, I am Brother Gu. I brought people here today to buy your tofu.”

Gu Qianyue knew their family and quickly stood up to greet Tofu Man and his family.

Tofu Man is also surnamed Chen, and he and Chen Yuan and his family are related for a hundred years.

"Are you buying tofu?"

"Oh, it turns out to be Mr. Gu from the cake shop. If you want to buy tofu, come back tomorrow morning."

Tofu Man and his mother were working overtime to make tofu, and they were sweating profusely. When they saw that the person who came was Mr. Gu from the cake shop, they were relieved immediately, thinking that he was here for another health inspection.

At this time, the tofu has just started to be made, where can I buy tofu? So I thought of asking Mr. Gu and his family to come back tomorrow morning.

"It will definitely be too late tomorrow morning, we are in a hurry to make a tofu feast."

When Chen Yuan heard that they had to come back tomorrow morning, he got a little anxious. This tofu feast cannot be made well in a short time, and many materials have to be prepared in advance.

If they come back tomorrow morning, it will definitely not be done well.

"What? Tofu feast, are you kidding? Is there really someone here who can make a tofu feast?"

At this time, a very strong man slowly approached.

Chen Yuan really saw Tofu Man's face for the first time. He had a very ordinary round face with a beard and two big dark circles under his eyes. He looked like a person who often stayed up late. His whole face looked very haggard.

When he heard someone say that he was going to make a tofu feast, Tofu Man wondered why he didn't believe it.

Their family had been making tofu for more than ten years, and he had never seen anyone make a tofu feast in real life.

Today, he was shocked to hear someone say that he was going to make a tofu feast.

You know, it's not that you can call it a tofu feast just by cooking a few dishes with tofu as the ingredient.

Making a tofu feast not only requires very particular ingredients, but also very high cooking techniques.

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to? If he doesn'tIf he can make tofu banquet, then I dare say that no one in An County can make this tofu banquet. "

Li Mo snorted. This guy is from Dongfeng Town, but he doesn't even know "Master Chen"?

I'm going to die...

"I don't care who he is. If he can make tofu banquet, I will give him my tofu stall." Tofu Man glanced at Chen Yuan with disdain.

Fuck, this guy is a little handsome, but handsomeness can be eaten? Can he make tofu banquet?

Dream on...

Tofu Man saw that Chen Yuan was so young, even younger than him, so naturally he didn't believe that the other party could make tofu banquet. He probably only knew how to cook instant noodles.

"Okay, I hope you are willing to admit defeat and don't deny it when the time comes."

"What are you denying? I, Tofu Man, can do what I say. "

Hearing Chen Yuan's words, Tofu Man said confidently.

He felt that he would definitely win, because the other party was too young and didn't look like he could cook.

"Okay, then we have a deal."

"Wait, let me make it clear to you in advance, it's not like you can just cook a few tofu dishes and call it a tofu feast."

Tofu Man is not stupid, the dishes made by the other party must satisfy him.

If you just cook some tofu and call it a tofu feast, he won't do it.

"No problem, I will definitely convince you." Chen Yuan said confidently, "Do you have a pen and paper?"

"What for? ”

Tofu Man thought the other party was going to sign a document, but he didn’t expect the other party to write down some ingredients on a piece of white paper.

“Water tofu, tofu brain, tender tofu, old tofu, tofu with sour syrup, tofu with curd, smoked tofu…”

Looking at the handwriting on the white paper, Tofu Man’s face became more and more solemn.

How could this guy know so much? He couldn’t really make a tofu feast…

At this time, Tofu Man struggled for a while, but soon calmed down.

Thinking that maybe the other party was just bluffing on purpose, wanting him to retreat.

He, Tofu Man, was fearless, so how could he be fooled like this.

“You can do all these, right? Pick out the ones you can’t do and cross them out.”

As he said, Chen Yuan handed the pen to Tofu Man.

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