When this kid eats, he always likes to save the delicious food for last.

Now, he is being noticed by others.

"Brother Taozi, I see there are still a lot of dishes in your bowl, can you give me some to try?"

"Yes, there were too many people eating at that table just now, and I didn't even get a few bites of many dishes."

"Since you have finished your meal, you should not be able to eat those dishes, right?"

The friends surrounded Li Tao in the middle, staring at the dishes in the bowl, and kept swallowing their saliva.

From their appearance, it is obvious that they did not eat enough there just now.

Li Tao was like a puppy protecting his food, protecting the small bowl of food in front of him: "What are you doing? I can still eat!"

"Don't, Taozi, we are half-brothers, you can't be so stingy."

"That's right, if we don't eat these dishes today, they will definitely not taste good if we leave them until tomorrow. We might as well help you solve it with reluctance."

Looking at these shameless guys, Li Tao instantly spit out a foul language: "Get out, all of you get out."

He opened his mouth and spit a few mouthfuls of his own essence into the bowl of food. After spitting, he didn't forget to stir the food with chopsticks.

Friends: "..."

Is it necessary to be so ruthless? Damn, he is a ruthless person...

But what shocked Li Tao was that there was actually a ruthless person who was even more ruthless than him.

The man was called Erhu, and this Erhu actually said that he didn't dislike Li Tao's saliva.

Erhu is a big fat man weighing more than 200 pounds. Just look at his body shape and you can tell how much he likes to eat.

After hearing Erhu's words, the people present, including Li Tao, were shocked.

This guy can do anything for a bite of food.


After Chen Yuan finished his meal, he took people to prepare all the dishes for tomorrow.

There were several big dishes simmering on a low fire in several large pots. These dishes will play a very important role in tomorrow's main meal.

Moreover, these dishes take too long to prepare. If we start to cook them tomorrow, it will definitely be too late.

So they must be prepared the night before.

Chen Yuan asked Heizi to drive Lao Mo's BMW SUV to take people back. He planned to sleep in the RV with Mo Sha Niu and watch the big feast simmering in the pot.

But at this moment, Li Mo suddenly came to tell Chen Yuan that Mr. Li insisted on having a tofu banquet tomorrow, and the tofu must be the same as today's tofu.

Chen Yuan bought the tofu in his own town, and each person was limited to two pieces.

Chen Yuan bought two pieces of tofu. He used one piece when cooking crucian carp tofu soup just now, and there was still one piece left in the storage box.

Obviously, this is not a good way to make a tofu feast.

Mr. Li suddenly clamored for a tofu feast, and no one could persuade him.

If he couldn't have a tofu feast tomorrow, he would rather not celebrate his birthday.

Old children, old children, sometimes they act like spoiled children, just like children, and you can't coax them no matter how you coax them.

A 100-year-old man cried and clamored for a tofu feast. If you don't make it for him, he will roll on the ground. Li Mo and other young people don't know what to say.

If you can't satisfy Mr. Li's request, this banquet can't be held.

"My hands are so naughty, what tofu can I make for the old man."

Chen Yuan really wanted to slap himself a few times at this time. It would be fine if he didn't cook tofu, so why did he have such trouble.

It seems that he has to go back.

Because the ingredients for making tofu are too demanding, he is definitely worried about handing it over to others.

"Xiao Chen, I'll go with you. Anyway, there's nothing to do at home."

This is the first time that Li Mo has heard of a tofu banquet since he was a child. He also wants to know what kind of ingredients are needed to make a tofu banquet.

He is very curious. If he doesn't go, he probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

"No way, Yuanzi, you want to go back?"

Mo Sha Niu was stunned when he heard the news.

He was still thinking that he would have a motorhome to sleep in tonight, but before he could be happy. Chen Yuan told him that he had to drive the motorhome back, which Mo Sha Niu couldn't accept.

Is he going to sleep on the ground by himself?

Then he must be frozen to death!

He estimated that he would not be able to see the sun tomorrow morning.

"Xiao Chen, leave this RV here for Xiao Mo. I'll borrow one from my brother. Also, if Brother Mo is scared, I'll find someone to accompany him at night."

As he spoke, Li Mo looked at Li Tao on the side.

Li Tao and his friends hadn't gone back yet. They were playing the game of PUBG on their phones.

Li Tao: "..."

He was completely stunned. Why was it always me who got hurt?!

"Mo Sha Niu, you must remember the meat and vegetables stewed in the big pot at night. You must keep these vegetables and don't make any mistakes."

Before leaving, Chen Yuan did not forget to tell Mo Sha Niu.

"Don't worry, the vegetables are there, the people are there, and the vegetables are gone, the people are gone, right, Xiao... Tao?"

Mo Sha Niu patted his chest and made a promise, then glanced at Li Tao beside him, why is this guy so cowardly.

Little did he know that Li Tao was most afraid of the dark. When he thought about spending the night on this wasteland today, he didn't know what to say.

Why didn't he refuse the arrangement of his third uncle? Because he didn't want to expose his fear of the dark and be laughed at by his friends.

When Li Mo drove the borrowed car over, Chen Yuan was stunned.

Land Rover...

Fuck, are these bosses so rich?

Either BMW or Land Rover...

As the saying goes, you can drive a Land Rover only after you have tasted the bitterness of bitterness.

Chen Yuan had never driven a Land Rover in his life, so he proposed to be the driver.

Li Mo was eager to do so. He had been driving for more than 20 years. Now he was annoyed when he saw a car, so he didn't want to drive anymore.

Chen Yuan drove the car to Dongfeng Town.

When they arrived in Dongfeng Town, they found that the tofu stall had closed long ago.

It was past ten o'clock now, and most of the shops on the street were closed, let alone the tofu stall.

Although the owner of the tofu stall was also from their Chen Village, his family had moved to the town for many years and were not very familiar with the villagers.

He made money and bought land and built a building in the town.

It happened that Gu Hongti's family was also from the town and had been doing business in the town for so many years. I thought he should know the tofu stall owner.

Sure enough, when I asked Uncle Gu, I didn't expect that he really knew him.

Gu Qianyue (Gu Hongti's father) said that the tofu stall owner called himself Tofu Man in the town, and the tofu stall business was previously run by Tofu Man's father.

A few years ago, Tofu Man's father died of illness, and the business was handed over to Tofu Man's mother.

A widow took over the tofu business alone and barely made ends meet.

Later, Tofu Man gave up his job in the big city and came back to help his mother make tofu. Unexpectedly, the tofu business became bigger and bigger.

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