Chen Yuan drove to Xinyan Village, Baili Town.

It was already dawn, and as soon as he stopped the car, Chen Yuan tied up the eldest brother to the side to prevent him from making trouble.

After arranging the monkey eldest brother, Chen Yuan put the ingredients for the tofu banquet on the banquet car, which had a cold storage that could preserve the ingredients well.

After doing all this, Chen Yuan went to check the dishes that were stewed in the big pot last night.

Those dishes were the top priority of today's birthday banquet. If something went wrong, it would definitely be a disaster.

Fortunately, those dishes were lying in the pot, quietly emitting fragrance.

In order to guard these dishes, Mo Sha Niu did not sleep well all night.

The aroma of the dishes was so fragrant that all the wild cats and dogs came around at night. If Mo Sha Niu had not been smart and burned a few piles of firewood in the open space, those dishes would have been stolen long ago.

"Where's Li Tao?"

Chen Yuan asked in confusion when he saw that only Mo Shanniu was there.

"In the car, the guy said he was afraid of the dark, so he went in to rest early."

Mo Shanniu shook his head helplessly. None of the post-2000s can be worry-free now.

Li Tao stayed in the car and played games until two or three in the morning. He must not have woken up yet.

Chen Yuan said "Oh" and asked Mo Shanniu to go into the RV to catch up on some sleep.

Anyway, it's only seven o'clock now, which is still quite early. He can just wake him up when he gets busy later.

Mo Shanniu was also relieved. Seeing Chen Yuan coming, a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

He dragged his tired body towards the RV. He glanced unintentionally and seemed to see something very different.

He rubbed his eyes, shook his head involuntarily, and murmured a few times, "I really can't stay up late. My eyes are tired. In order to live a few more years, I should go back to sleep."

Mo Shanniu was really scared by the scene in front of him. He actually saw that there seemed to be a child tied to a tree, and the little eyes were looking at him eagerly.

Do you think it's outrageous?

Mo Shanniu hurried into the car to catch up on sleep.

Mo Shanniu was really too tired, and his eyes were a little tired. He actually thought that Monkey Master Brother was a child.

Naturally, he saw that the child was tied to a tree with a rope.

This made Mo Shanniu say in his heart that he was really crazy.


It wasn't long after Mo Shanniu ran into the RV that Heizi and the others came over.

"Hello, Master Chen."

The bus stopped on the side, and the people on the bus got off one after another.

The driver walked straight to Chen Yuan and greeted Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan also politely greeted the man: "Uncle Benke, hello."

The name of the bus driver was Tang Benke, yes, it was the "ben" of the undergraduate and the "ke" of the undergraduate.

Every parent has the wish that their son will become successful, and Tang Benke's parents are no exception.

Their lifelong wish is that their son will be able to pass the undergraduate entrance examination and go to college when he grows up, even if it is a second-tier university.

That's why they chose this name.

But even if Tang Benke chose this name, he might not be able to study well. He stopped studying after junior high school. He went to work in other provinces at a very young age.

In fact, in their era, being able to study in junior high school was considered educated.

Unlike now, you may meet an undergraduate when you go to the toilet.

Nowadays, there are so many undergraduates in society, and graduate students are everywhere.

If you only study in junior high school, it's really like being illiterate.

Chen Yuan's third uncle Tang Hongbo was his junior high school classmate, and the two were quite familiar with each other.

Therefore, when Chen Yuan wanted to use a car this time, the first person he thought of was Tang Benke.

As soon as Tang Benke heard that Chen Yuan needed a car, he agreed without hesitation.

Chen Yuan is now well-known in their area, and everyone who knows him knows how delicious his cooking is.

The scene of those students and teachers eating until they were full last time is still lingering in Tang Benke's mind.

As soon as he thinks of that scene, he knows how good Chen Yuan is at cooking.

Chen Yuan cooked two banquets in their Tangjiaao.

Unfortunately, Tang Benke has never eaten Chen Yuan's cooking.

Originally, Tang Benke didn't have time today, but when he heard that Chen Yuan needed a car to cook a banquet in another town, he drove over without saying a word.

Anyway, even if the sky fell today, he would not go anywhere, just stay here.

As long as he can eat Chen Yuan's cooking, he doesn't even need the car fare.

Chen Yuan first arranged for the kitchen helpers to start working. To be honest, today's task is still quite heavy.

60 tables of banquets are not very common, usually there are about 10 or 20 tables.

Therefore, today is also a great physical challenge for Chen Yuan.

There are also someThe vegetables were not bought back, so Li Mo took people to the vegetable market in the town to buy vegetables.

It is close from the village to the town, and it is convenient to buy vegetables. Some small dishes must be bought temporarily to be fresher.

Li Mo took people to the town, and Chen Yuan began to prepare breakfast this morning in the temporary kitchen.

It would be unreasonable not to make some breakfast for so many people.

Chen Yuan also thought about it and made a bowl of noodles for everyone.

This noodle is not the kind of dry noodles, but hand-rolled noodles.

Now it is difficult to eat real hand-rolled noodles in the ordinary market. Generally, the noodles in noodle shops are pressed out by machines.

Although the noodles pressed out by the machine look more uniform and beautiful, they are still very different from the real hand-rolled noodles in terms of feel.

When buying ingredients yesterday, Chen Yuan specially asked Lao Mo to prepare a bag of special gluten flour.

The higher the gluten of the flour, the better the taste of the hand-rolled noodles, and it will be full of chewiness when eaten.

But the higher the gluten, the more strength is needed to roll it.

Therefore, many people like to choose medium-gluten flour when making hand-rolled noodles, which is easier to operate.

But Chen Yuan used special-gluten flour to make hand-rolled noodles this time, anyway, he is not short of strength now.

Since his body was transformed by the props given by the system, he found that his physical fitness is dozens of times better than before.

There is endless strength in the whole body!

Including Chen Xiaoyuan, cough...

Everyone was shocked when they saw Chen Yuan twisting a big bag of flour.

That was a bag of 25KG flour, how come it was like a bag of salt in Chen Yuan's hand!

This is too scary.


Just when someone was about to hand Chen Yuan a knife to open the bag, he waved his hand and punched the bag of flour.


The bag of flour was actually punched with a hole by Chen Yuan's fist.


Everyone watched this scene and swallowed their saliva with great difficulty.

This young Master Chen is so strong that people who don't know him would definitely think he is a martial arts master.


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