Many people lamented that it was a pity that they didn't take a picture of the scene just now.

If they had taken a picture with their mobile phones and posted it online, they would definitely get a lot of likes and hearts.

Chen Yuan poured all the flour on the chopping board, added water and salt, and kneaded the dough on the chopping board.

Chen Yuan brought this chopping board and table himself. It was not light. Two or three people took a lot of effort to get it off the banquet car.

As the banquet business became more and more popular, Chen Yuan also continued to add some professional banquet tools for himself.

Since he had this banquet car and the transformable dining car, he found that it was really convenient to cook banquets outside.

Especially for a large banquet with many tables like Mr. Li's, it would not work without a large car to pull the tools.


Under Chen Yuan's rubbing, the flour and water slowly reacted and soon became a smooth dough.

The white and plump dough looked very cute.

But this dough, which is very cute in Chen Yuan's eyes, is a surprise in the eyes of others.

"Are you going to make noodles? My goodness, how many noodles are you going to make? Can we eat them all?"

"Let's not talk about whether we can finish them first... Did you see it just now? His posture of kneading the dough is really handsome."

"Who of you has a daughter, you better hurry up, I have already asked around, this chef is not married yet?"


The fact that Yuan kneaded a bag of flour at one time immediately caused a sensation.

In addition to hiring a kitchen helper in Chen Village today, Xinyan Village also hired a few.

The kitchen helper in Chen Village was no longer surprised by the scene just now.

But those people in Xinyan Village saw Chen Yuan cooking for the first time, so they were inevitably amazed.

They were instantly shocked by the scene in front of them.

My goodness...

Carrying a bag of flour is like carrying a bag of salt.

Smashed the cloth bag of flour with one punch.

Knead a bag of flour at one time.

These operations made them dumbfounded.

Some people were interested and asked the people in Chencun about the chef's situation.

When they heard that this young chef was not married yet, their eyes lit up immediately.


Chen Yuan didn't care what others said at all, and started making his noodles.

He cut a piece of dough from the big dough, and then took out the rolling pin to roll the noodles.

After a while, a thin and tough dough was rolled out.

Chen Yuan folded the big dough into several layers like a quilt, and then picked up the knife and cut it "click-click".

Soon, hand-rolled noodles of the same thickness and length were made.

Chen Yuan sprinkled flour on the hand-rolled noodles, and then put them aside to roll more noodles.

When there were enough noodles, Chen Yuan stopped.

Then he used the prepared ingredients to stir-fry two dishes as toppings.

At the same time, let Pan Zishu boil a large pot of water.

After the two dishes as toppings are ready, Chen Yuan is ready to cook noodles.

One dish is stir-fried pork with peppers, and the other is braised tofu.

They look good. If you put a spoonful of this on the noodles, it will definitely be delicious.

After the water boils, it will boil in the big iron pot.

Chen Yuan sees the right time and puts the right amount of noodles into the pot.

After the noodles are cooked, rinse them with cold water three times, and the noodles will taste more chewy.

Chen Yuan asks people to prepare a large bowl for the noodles. The bowl should be big to eat noodles.

Put the noodles into the large bowl, and then add the milky white mutton soup.

The mutton soup had been boiled for several hours last night. All the meat on the mutton ribs has fallen off, and the mutton has become soft and rotten.

But this mutton soup only needs to be drunk. It doesn’t matter whether the meat is eaten or not.

In addition to lamb ribs and lamb, there is also fish in the mutton soup.

The word "fish" plus the word "lamb" is fresh.

Drinking mutton soup is all about the word "fresh". When you drink the fresh soup, your whole stomach is cheering.

Spoon a few spoonfuls of mutton soup into the noodle bowl, and add a few spoonfuls of toppings. If you like spicy food, you can add secret chili sauce.

Sprinkle a handful of coriander or chives on the noodles, and the whole bowl of noodles looks very appetizing.

"Hmm? This noodles is really too fragrant, it's really mouth-watering!"

Looking at the noodles on the table, people around couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Heizi, tell everyone to put down their work and eat the noodles quickly. The noodles won't taste good if they are left out for too long."

"What about you? Don't you want to eat together?"

"Oh, I'll eat the noodles and you can cook them?"

"... Forget it then."

Heizi originally wanted to ask Chen Yuan to eat noodles with him, but he was stopped by the other party's words.

What a joke, asking him to cook noodles?

The question is, if he dares to cook, will others dare to eat?

Heizi was really hungry, so he immediately ran over to grab a bowl of noodles.

Fortunately, he acted quickly, otherwise there would be no more.

Tang Benke, the old driver, also acted quickly. He had been watching Chen Yuan cook noodles for a long time.

As soon as the noodles were cooked, Chen Yuan's voice fell, and he quickly grabbed a bowl of noodles.

The bowl of noodles was still warm, and the fragrance was unbearable before it was eaten.

Tang Benke liked spicy food, so he went to the seasoning sauce and added two spoons of it to the noodles.

Stir the noodles gently with the chopsticks, and the whole bowl of noodles became red under the rendering of the red oil, and the spicy taste came out all at once.

Then put some toppings on the noodles, and I couldn't wait to eat with chopsticks.


When the noodles were eaten, they immediately felt very chewy and full of wheat aroma.

The noodles were soaked in mutton soup, very saturated and extremely juicy.

The toppings were also delicious.

Fried pork with peppers, braised tofu... just two dishes that looked very ordinary, but they felt very refreshing when eaten.

Fried pork with peppers gave him a big surprise. Originally, this dish was also very common on the tables of ordinary people in An County.

But Tang Benke had never eaten such good fried pork with peppers.

Taking a bite of such a dish, it gave people a feeling of freshness, spiciness, and rich meat aroma, which made him shout with pleasure.

What surprised him most was the braised tofu. The tofu was fried in hot oil until golden on all sides, but it tasted fresh and tasty, with a fragrant bean aroma.

"Good seven..."

Tang Benke was eating noodles, and his mouth was still a little hot, but this still couldn't stop the determination of a foodie.

Then, the warm noodles were rolled up by the tip of the tongue and went down into the stomach like a snake.

The whole stomach felt like it was burning.

It was so good, it was so good...

Tang Benke felt that he had come to the right place today, otherwise how could he eat such delicious noodles.

"Damn, you guys have eaten it all, and I bought buns and fried dough sticks?"

At this time, Li Mo, who had just returned from buying vegetables, looked at the people who were eating happily, and the buns and fried dough sticks in his hand suddenly lost their fragrance.

How did they eat it all? What should I do with the buns and fried dough sticks in my hand?

This time, Li Mo went to the vegetable market in the town to buy vegetables. After buying vegetables, he thought that everyone should not have eaten breakfast yet.

So he paid out of his own pocket and bought buns, fried dough sticks, and even soy milk.

But when Li Mo put the breakfast he bought on the table and called everyone to come and eat, no one even looked at him.

Li Mo: "..."

At this time, everyone's thoughts were all on Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan was cooking noodles, and there were a lot of people around him. He was even more popular than Ramen Brother.

"... It's time to eat noodles. Don't crowd. Everyone has a share. Come one by one."

Chen Yuan's voice came out, and it was like the sound of nature.

However, Chen Yuan spoke now.

Everyone lined up obediently, just like a good elementary school student.

What a joke, the scene of Chen Yuan carrying flour and beating the flour bag with his hands is still lingering in their minds.

So, they are all afraid of Chen Yuan.

Now they listen to whatever Chen Yuan says, and they are both afraid and respectful of Chen Yuan.

At this time, Chen Yuan cooked the noodles, and those who wanted to eat noodles consciously lined up to get noodles.

When the steaming noodles were served in the bowl, with the fragrant mutton soup, and two spoonfuls of toppings on the noodles, it was so tempting to watch.

Li Mo saw that people around him were eating noodles, and his stomach suddenly growled.

He took a look at the breakfast he brought back and shook his head secretly.

He spent money to buy all of this, and he didn't want to be blamed. If he didn't eat it, wouldn't it be a waste of money?

Li Mo thought for a few seconds and picked up a fried dough stick and a cup of soy milk.

He first took a bite of the fried dough stick, and then took a sip of soy milk.


He just took a sip of soy milk and hadn't swallowed it yet.

The bland taste on the tongue immediately made him feel tasteless.

Li Mo really couldn't swallow it, and he felt nauseous, and all the soy milk spurted out.

Damn, this soy milk is really too bland, there is no soy milk taste at all, it's all the flavor of essence.

He immediately realized that there was something wrong with the soy milk he bought. If I guessed correctly, all these soy milks were made by mixing soy milk powder with water.

This is a damn thing...

Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people.

I clearly asked repeatedly whether this soy milk is made from soy beans.The boss repeatedly assured that it was freshly ground.

Is this freshly ground soy milk? Even a dog can tell that it is mixed with water.

Li Mo casually threw the unfinished cup of soy milk into the trash can. Can this stuff be drunk? Don't drink it to make people sick.

"Hey, fortunately, the Chinese people nowadays have reached the point where they are immune to all poisons, otherwise they would have been poisoned by such unscrupulous merchants."

Li Mo took another look at the fried dough sticks. He just took a bite and felt dry. Too much alum was added.

He didn't notice any strange smell when he ate it, but after eating it, he could immediately feel a bitter taste in his mouth.

To be honest, he couldn't eat this fried dough stick.

He placed his only hope on those buns, hoping that those buns would give him a glimmer of life.

But Li Mo was wrong. After he picked up a raw meat bun and ate it, he was completely stunned.

The skin of the bun was not fluffy at all, and there was no chewiness at all.

And the meat filling inside, not to mention the small amount, is still dry, without any juice, and the meat tastes like fake meat.

Li Mo really wanted to curse, is there anything edible for this breakfast?


At this time, Li Mo found that there were sounds of people eating noodles all around.

Looking at their expressions, you can see how delicious the noodles are.

Li Mo couldn't help it anymore and walked towards Chen Yuan.

There was no one there now, because everyone got the noodles.

"Old Mo, you haven't eaten yet?"

Chen Yuan looked up and saw Li Mo looking at him eagerly.

Is there something wrong with his face?

Li Mo said truthfully: "Oh, I originally wanted to not let you get too tired and didn't want you to make breakfast, so I bought some breakfast from the town. If I knew that those breakfasts were so bad, I wouldn't buy them."

He now calls himself a big complainer.

Not only did he spend so much money, but the things he bought were still so bad.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan cooked noodles, otherwise those people would definitely curse him if they ate the breakfast he bought.

"That's perfect, I didn't eat it either, so leave the last two bowls of noodles for us."

"That's great, I'll go prepare the bowls."

As he said that, Li Mo happily brought two large bowls over.

After a while, Chen Yuan cooked two bowls of noodles.

He simply adjusted the flavor, then added thick white mutton soup and a handful of chives.

"It's a pity that there is no topping."

Looking at the two bowls, there was not even a bit of juice left, and Li Mo's face immediately drooped.

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I still have a trick up my sleeve."

As he said that, Chen Yuan took out two bowls, one of which was filled with fried pork with peppers, and the other was naturally braised tofu.

"Xiao Chen, you really should change your name to 'Liu Yishou'. Haha, you are so cunning. You even thought of saving food for yourself."

"Of course. If you don't think of ways to be nice to yourself, isn't that stupid?"

Chen Yuan smiled proudly. He knew that the food would be eaten up.

So when he cooked the food, he deliberately saved some for himself.

"How do you divide the food?"

Just looking at the food will make people drool. It's really unbearable.

"Equally divide it, what do you think?"

"Very good."

Li Mo didn't expect Chen Yuan to be so generous. If he had hidden the food, he would not be willing to give half to others!

The two agreed and started to divide the food.

Half for each person.

Using chopsticks to scoop the food into his bowl, looking at the bowl full of noodles and delicious food, even Chen Yuan couldn't hide the joy on his face.

Seeing the people around him eating noodles without caring about their image, and praising Chen Yuan's noodles, Chen Yuan was so happy.

As a chef, this moment is the happiest.

Watching the diners wolfing down the food he made himself is also a very happy feeling.



After that, Chen Yuan and Lao Mo didn't communicate any more, and started eating the bowl of noodles in front of him.

The taste is really good, and I became addicted to it and couldn't stop at all.

"Fuck, it smells so good."

"What's that smell? I'm so hungry."

"I suddenly don't feel sleepy when I smell this smell."

At this time, three voices came out in the open space.



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