Yu-Gi-Oh!: As A Teacher, I Have Many Talents All Over The World

Chapter 94 Seto Kaiba Is Not Ashamed To Ask? Teacher You Who Refused The Invitation!

Memories of the past kept flooding into Seto Kaiba's mind!

Dark Archmage!

The bond of friendship!

A false memory of failure!

The Black Magician Fusion of the Two God Queens!

The fluctuating dragon-slaying swordsman!

last of the last!

Muto Yugi’s final comeback is final!

The scene after scene made him feel familiar and unfamiliar with the fact that he lost to You Tianling.

"President Kaiba! President Kaiba!"

"Are you okay? Do you need to call an ambulance?"

"President? President?"

When the surrounding bodyguards became louder and louder, they even shouted 120.

Only then did Kaibaase come back to his senses from the memories of his slumber.

"No, no need!"

"I just thought of an old friend."

"Open it for me."

Kaiba Seto pushed away the bodyguard next to him and looked at You Tianling opposite with a pale face.

Principal Samejima's heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene!

Shouldn't it be!

President Kaiba wants to take action against Teacher Yu!

No! It’s not about taking action!

It's dismissal!

If this is really the case! What should he, the principal, do?

Is it against President Kaiba's wishes?

Or should you obey President Kaiba's wishes?

So difficult!

Principal Samejima started to feel numb.

Professor Kuronos and Coach Napoleon began to feel happy.

Teacher You! You were kicked onto the steel plate!

Defeat the president of Kaiba Group?

Do you still want this job?

"It's over! Teacher You, why are you so ignorant! Didn't you know that you lost to President Kaiba on purpose?"

"Teacher You won't be fired, right? I heard that Duel Academy is invested by Kaiba Group! President Kaiba has this right!"

"How about we beg President Kaiba? Teacher You is a good teacher. What will happen to us if he leaves?"

"That's right! If President Kaiba wants to fire Teacher You! I will be the first to disagree! Even if he is the president of Kaiba Group!"

The voices of concern, discussion, and support below are one after another!

Everyone is worried that Seto Kaiba might put pressure on Principal Samejima because of this incident!

Let You Tianling resign voluntarily!

Almost all the students in the red class have chosen to support and prepare to protest!

Even facing the Kaiba Group! The students in the red class are not afraid!

Hearing these voices from the audience, You Tianling felt warm in his heart.

It seems that this teacher is not in vain!

If there are students who are willing to protest for him, that is actually enough!

If President Kaiba really wants to put pressure on him to fire him, there is nothing he can do!

"Teacher You, today's duel allowed me to see your strength!" 927

"Can you explain to me your best victory layout chain?"

"Please Teacher You, please be willing to answer my questions without hesitation!"

Seto Kaiba waved his hand in slight respect.

The attitude is extremely sincere.

Absolutely, there is no sense of frustration after failure!

This scene stunned everyone!

President Kaiba! Are you actually asking Teacher You for advice?

I thought President Kaiba was going to put pressure on Teacher Yu to fire him!

As a result, this reversal made it impossible for the students in the red class and Mr. You’s students to survive!

Seto Kaiba, who has always been conceited and arrogant! Will he still ask for advice?

Unheard of!

Never seen it before!

Even the target! It’s Teacher Yu from Ordinary Duel Academy!

The bodyguards next to him all pulled up their sleeves and were ready to take action with an order!

But this wave of reversal made them quickly withdraw their hands and stand at attention.


The teacher that all their presidents ask for advice!

If you still dare to take action now, is it because you don't like the iron rice bowl?

"Oh, President Kaiba, what exactly don't you understand?"

"Teacher You, for example, the name of the Chaos Magician card does not have a black magic field. Why?"

This is what Seto Kaiba is most curious and confused about!

He obtained the information and naturally knew that the condition for the activation of the black magic array was to summon the black magician!

But by the way! The Chaos Magician doesn’t have the Dark Magic Field!

"President Kaiba, this is because Chaos Magician has an effect card named Dark Magician!"

"So after my ritual summoning is successful!"

"The black magic array's exclusion effect was triggered!"

You Tianling gave an explanation with a faint smile.

Not knowing the effect, I faced the Chaos Magician I saw for the first time!

It’s normal to not understand and feel confused and confused!

"What is the field magic card?"

"Why can the Dark Magician Girl be resurrected?"

Seto Kaiba continues to ask!

He is no longer the Seto Kaiba he used to be!

If you don’t understand dueling, you should naturally ask without shame!

more importantly!

This duel! He saw the shadow of the former Pharaoh Atum in You Tianling!

Duel with You Tianling!

It was as if he was dueling with Pharaoh Atum!

When this feeling came up, Seto Kaiba himself couldn't believe that he had such an idea!

But it’s a fact! It’s a fact!


That's why he respects You Tianling in front of him so much!

In other words, respect for You Tianling, who has a similar temperament to Pharaoh Atum.

“It’s easy!”

"My venue has another effect!"

"If I successfully summon or special summon "Dark Magician" or "Dark Magician Girl", (baec) can target 1 of those monsters and activate it. "

"Then I select 1 "Dark Mage" or "Dark Mage Girl" with a different card name from that monster from my graveyard and Special Summon it.

"So when I specially recruit the Chaos Magician with its own card name effect, I can resurrect the black magician girl who was destroyed by you and sent to her grave!"

"Any question?"

You Tianling briefly talked about the effect of the field magic card wizard to rescue the disaster!

But others couldn’t hold it any longer!

This field magic card! In addition to free whoring search!

It also comes with our own system resuscitation ability!

This is very outrageous!

This means that the card name in your graveyard can be used as a black magician monster and can also be resurrected!

Kaiba Seto understood everything now!

"I see, here's the last question!"

"Why can Chaos Magician destroy cards?"

"Are there any triggers?"

Seto Kaiba continues to ask!

I’m not ashamed to ask the third question!

You Tianling didn't hide anything and immediately gave the answer!

"The conditions are simple!"

"Because the 2 effects of Chaos Magician are once per turn, when the effect of a magic trap card is activated, it can be activated by targeting 1 card on the field. Destroy that card.

"So, whether you initiate it or I initiate it!"

“Anything can trigger card explosion!”

"You even have to be careful during your turn!"

After listening, Seto Kaiba fell into silence again!

Teacher You’s Dark Magician! It’s too powerful!

This Chaos Magician!

Not only can you blast cards! It also comes with your own Dark Magic card name!

The point is still this card explosion!

Although you take the target! But being the first to act has a certain restrictive effect!

And Seto Kaiba was relieved after all the doubts in his heart were resolved!

Principal Samejima next to him secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

Fortunately, it’s not something difficult for him to do!

But the next second! Principal Samejima breathed a sigh of relief and had to raise it again!

"Teacher You, are you willing to work as a professional teacher in our Haima Group?"

"The benefits of our Kaiba Group are definitely better than being an ordinary teacher at Duel Academy."

“Whether it’s salary, advance card package experience, virtual system experience, travel welfare subsidies, etc., they are all top-notch!”

"You can think about it."


Poaching on the spot!

Principal Samejima was dumbfounded!

President Kaiba! He actually poached someone on the spot!

Professor Kuronos and Coach Napoleon in the audience were stunned!

Not only did Yu Tianling, who defeated Kaiba Seto, not be in danger of resigning!

Even! Are you going to get a promotion?


It’s not as simple as getting promoted!

This is really a job-hopping promotion!

What kind of company is Haima Group? The world’s top company group!

Needless to say, the benefits include five insurances, one housing fund, etc.?

Isn’t this more exciting than being a teacher in an ordinary school?!

"Mama Mia! Teacher You has taken advantage of everything!"

"No! I can't suppress my feelings anymore!"

Professor Kuronos has a dark face!

Even if he was beaten to death, he never expected that You Tianling would take this opportunity to get an offer from the Haima Group!

Still! An offer invitation from Kaiba Seto, the president of Kaiba Group!

"Hey, Professor Chronos, accept your fate."

"If you think so, after Teacher You is gone, aren't those students all ours?"

Coach Napoleon comforted and persuaded.

But the pupils in his eyes were red, not to mention how envious he was!

if it is possible!

He wished that Seto Kaiba had invited him to be the teacher of a professional player!

Not only because of the salary, but also because of the face!

"Teacher You, oh, I don't know whether I should feel happy for Teacher You or sad for me. Teacher You is gone, and we..."

"Stop talking! I already want to cry. Teacher You was so kind to our red class! He is gone! What will happen to our red class?"

"Hey, it's not easy to meet a good teacher, but a good teacher like Teacher You is extremely attentive to us poor students!"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, why do everyone have the same expression? Teacher You didn't even agree!"

Although the students around said congratulations, most of them were reluctant to give up!

Especially the students in the red class, all of them couldn't help but feel a little wet in their eyes.

Even if they know that Teacher You hasn’t given an answer yet!

But they don’t believe that Teacher You will refuse when faced with the temptation of the Kaiba Group!

Before the atmosphere begins to ferment!

You Tianling gave his answer without thinking for long!

"I'm sorry, President Kaiba."

"I don't want to be a teacher of professional players."

"I just want to be my Duel Academy teacher."

"President Kaiba, I refuse this invitation."


Teacher You agrees…………


Everyone: "???"

The teachers and students who originally thought Teacher You would agree were stunned!

What Teacher You just said!

Seems to be?


Teacher Yu! Rejected Seto Kaiba’s invitation!!!

This is not true, is it?

"Rejected? Teacher You refused!"

"I knew it! Teacher You will never leave us!"

Judai Yujo suddenly jumped up and down laughing!

The moist eyes all indicate that this trip

How depressed Jojudai felt when he learned that Teacher Yu might leave.

As the first student to become You Tianling.

From the beginning of school!

He almost recognized You Tianling as his teacher!

He never thought that Teacher You would leave them!

"Hehehe, I knew Teacher You wouldn't abandon us and go to the Kaiba Group!"

"Although Kaiba Group is indeed very good."

"But, he left, our Duel Academy......"

Wan Zhangmu said while wiping tears from the corners of his eyes.

The meeting with Teacher You, the duel, the teaching, etc. kept popping up in my mind!

If it weren’t for Teacher You!

He didn’t even know that even weak cards could form bonds with his deck!

"Hmm, he's still the same guy."

"It seems that President Kaiba's idea is going to fail."

"Teacher You, you will never leave us."

Originally, when I learned that Kaiba Seto invited Teacher Yu.

Asuka's heart was like a knife, and an inexplicable sting came from the bottom of her heart.

But when I heard Teacher You decisively refused!

Asuka stopped wanting to cry, and cherished every moment with Teacher You more and more!

Because you don’t know what day it will be.

Teacher You may have left their Duel Academy.

"Can you give me a reason?"

"Why reject me?"

Seto Kaiba looked at You Tianling in confusion, he didn't understand at all.

Such a great opportunity.

For a teacher in an ordinary college.

There is no reason to refuse!

Whether it is future or money.

Isn't the Kaiba Group better than ordinary duel academies?

Why would he dare to refuse?

"The reason? It's very simple."

"I love the students of Duel Academy, my colleagues, and my leaders."

"I love the students who are willing to learn from me, and I love every bit of the Duel Academy experience even more."

"Whether it is the worst red class or the powerful yellow and blue class, they are all my students."

"They work hard day and night to learn dueling knowledge, study dueling techniques, and understand dueling concepts."

"They have not forgotten their original intention of dueling, and they love dueling innocently. Their laughter and laughter are their words."

"As a teacher, I like to live on campus."

"It's much more comfortable here than outside."

"Of course, the more important reason is."

"Teacher-student relationship."

"The teacher-student relationship between me and Duel Academy has been established for half a semester..."

You Tianling heartily stated the reason for his refusal.

Professor Kuronos, Principal Samejima and others were moved by the sincere reasons for rejection.

The surrounding students even increased the dose of sadness in these words.

Tears flowed down completely uncontrollably.

Yes! Teacher-student love!

This is the best reason to refuse!

School opening test, survival assessment, curriculum instruction, resistance to seven stars, mid-term assessment…………

Bit by bit!

It’s all a process of accumulating the relationship between teachers and students!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuah! I can't help it, my eyes are scratchy! Teacher You is so sudden and sensational!"

Sho Marufuji was the first to cry.

Maybe it's the herd effect.

As Marufuji Sho burst into tears, other students who were holding back their tears also burst into tears!

Under this scene!

Principal Samejima was so embarrassed that he was at a loss!

This is the first time!

This is the first time this has happened!

Although teachers have resigned before, the students in the class will also be sad!

What a waste!

This is the whole school teachers and students!

So many people feel sad for Teacher You alone!

That’s ridiculous!

Principal Samejima was surprised that Teacher Yu would refuse.

But I was very happy that Teacher You refused.

Because of the presence of Teacher You in Duel Academy, the dueling level of this group of students has improved so quickly!

If Teacher You really left, he wouldn't know what to do.

"Teacher-student relationship?"

“Teacher-student relationship.

"Teacher, the teacher-student relationship with students..."

Seto Kaiba did not expect the final reason for his rejection.

Just three words: teacher-student love.

As if once.

There is also such a picture.

And the reason given is.


That's right.

It's Muto Yugi, Honda Hiroshi, Masaki Kyoko, Jonouchi and the others.

Every duel is about friendship.

In the end, Muto Yugi drew the card that turned the tide of the battle!

At the moment, You Tianling is in love with this group of students in the college.

It was a hard lesson for him.

Maybe, this is something he can't understand?

"I see."

"Teacher-student relationship?"

"Perhaps I still don't understand the reason for your refusal."

"But I want to say something."

"You are very similar to him. Duel with you has ignited my fighting spirit that I have not ignited for many years."

"We will meet again later."

After Kaiba Seto finished speaking, he flicked his cloak.

After turning around

Seto Kaiba was escorted away by his bodyguards.

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