Abyss Dimension.

Great Sand Sea - Golden Gorgonda.

On the endless golden sand sea.

With the formation of the dimensional crack.

Judai, Ecclesia, and Naiad finally landed on the land of the Abyss Dimension again.

As soon as he walked out of the dimensional crack. Judai felt a disturbing breath hovering above the blue sky.

In the sky, purple abyss cracks flashed from time to time.

The abyss cracks, like a pair of eyes, stared at everything on the Great Sand Sea from the sky.~

"Is that the direction where Long Yi Kingdom is located?"

The water fairy looked at the endless sea of sand.

In the north of the sea of sand, there was a sky covered in blood.

Although the water fairy did not come to the Abyss Dimension, from the oral accounts of Judai and Ecclesia, she could more or less guess what happened in this world.

The ominous blood seemed to be foreshadowing the fall of Long Yi Kingdom at this moment.


Ecclesia also looked into the distance. Yes, that was the direction of Long Yiguo.

And the blood-red color covering the sky was the ominous mark of He.

"I can't feel it anymore......The Holy Breath of the Vatican......"

Gently touching the stigma on her forehead, Ecclesia's face was filled with pessimism.

"Sister Fleurdelis......"

Feeling sad,

Ecclesia suddenly felt a weight on her shoulders. She looked up and saw the gaze of Yuki Judai.

"Don't worry, if the Church wants to lead us to Longyi Kingdom, they will never take action against Fleurdelis."

Yucheng Judai knew that the ultimate goal of the Church was to collect the souls of 666 pure and desperate saints, including Ecclesia and Fleurdelis.

The Archbishop wanted to use the souls of these 666 saints to open the door of disaster and transform himself into a being beyond the gods.

If the Archbishop wanted Ecclesia's soul to achieve his ultimate goal, he would definitely not absorb Fleurdelis' soul in advance, but use Fleurdelis as bait to lure them to rescue her.

"Ten generations......"With the comfort of the Tenth Generation, Ecclesia gradually let go of the grief in her heart.

She knew that as long as Sister Fleurdelis was still alive, everything could still be saved!

"Then, let's quickly set off for Long Yi Kingdom!" The Water Fairy couldn't wait to start talking, shaking her body while posing a boxing posture and punching straight,"Kill that so-called archbishop and let him know how powerful the Tenth Generation is!"

Yucheng Tenth Generation:"......"

"Well, it is indeed a good decision to go straight to Huanglong."

Yucheng Judai knew that in order to solve all this, he just needed to kill the man behind the scenes, Aluber.


Why didn't the system teleport them directly to Longyi Kingdom, but teleported them to the Great Sand Sea?

Judai and his friends didn't notice it.

In the gravel pile in the distance, several iron robots were lying in the gravel pile, secretly watching these visitors from another world.

Their mechanical eyes were scanning Judai, Ecclesia, and the water nymph.

Finally, they all locked onto the holy mark on Ecclesia's forehead.

"Are they enemies from that prison town?......"

"However, they feel a little different from those guys in the Death Prison Village. They seem to still maintain their human form."

"Well, why bother about so much? No matter who enters the Great Sand Sea, we will warmly welcome them!"

It seemed that they had reached some consensus.

The robots looked at each other, and a wicked smile appeared on their faces.

Just as the three of the Tenth Generation were preparing to leave for Longyi Country, a burst of firecrackers suddenly sounded in the Great Sand Sea.

The Tenth Generation and others looked up and saw all kinds of colorful and various rockets coming towards them from the sky.

The dense number of them immediately frightened the two girls, Ecclesia and Naiad, so much that they hugged each other tightly and screamed loudly.


Yucheng Judai waved his hand.

Yubel's transparent soul immediately appeared behind him.


Looking at the colorful rockets that were coming like rain, Yubel's eyes darkened slightly, and he immediately opened his hands to condense a black protective shield in front of the three people.

The rockets were changed in their trajectory the moment they touched the protective shield, and turned back again, reflecting back in the original direction.


Amid the explosions like firecrackers

, the robots in the distance were blown away by the blast and fell to the ground screaming.

Fortunately, the rockets they fired were harmless and only had the impact of intimidation.

So the force of the rebound could only blow them away at most.

"Eh? That, that is......Are they robots from the Iron Country?

Seeing the robots lying on the bumpy ground with their eyes spinning around, Ecclesia blinked and seemed to recognize their identities.

They were the treasure-guarding cannon monsters.......

Yujo Judai also recognized the identities of these guys.

Treasure Guardian Cannon Monster, a treasure hunter active in the Great Sand Sea. It is also a very important branch in the story of the Abyss Dimension.

No wonder the system teleported me here, is it because of this?

"But, damn, what kind of magic is this? Can it even deflect rockets?......"

"It's over, it's over. I'm going to fail here today."


"Damn monsters from the Death Prison Village, even if you kill us, we will never���I will tell you where the treasure is!"

Several treasure-guarding cannon monsters twisted their heads on the ground, screaming like victims.

"I said, it seems like you were the first to take action......."

Yujo Judai was speechless.

You were the ones who attacked first, and I just bounced your attack back. Why are you acting like we were the first to attack?

Are you throwing a tantrum here?

"Um, Death Prison? What is the Death Prison you are talking about?"

Aklisia looked at these treasure-guarding cannon monsters with some curiosity.

As a native of the Abyss Dimension, how come she has never heard of such a place as Death Prison?

""Huh? Aren't you from there?" At this time, one of the khaki robots with a rocket warhead pointed at Ecclesia's forehead and said,"Look at your forehead, there are still traces of the brand there.""

"Eh?" Ecclesia covered the stigma on her head, and seemed to have an ominous guess about the Death Prison they were talking about,"Could it be that the Death Prison is.........Long Yiguo?"

"Long Yiguo? This name sounds a bit old-fashioned."

"Yes, yes, Long Yiguo disappeared from this world a month ago. Now Long Yiguo is called the Death Prison Township."

"Because it is full of monsters corrupted by the brand, it is called the Death Prison."

After hearing the answers from the treasure guards,

Ecclesia's expression froze.

Her own country.

Her familiar home.......

Has it been completely corrupted by the brand?......

""Hmm?" Seeing Ecclesia almost crying, several treasure guards looked at each other.

One of them, a sturdy gray-blue treasure guard, seemed to have thought of something.

"Speaking of which, some time ago, I heard from those guys on the Iron Beast Front that a saint had escaped from Long Yiguo......."

"That person, could it be you?"

After it said this, the other treasure guards began to look at Ecclesia again.

"Now that you mention it, it seems quite similar."

"In that case, they are not monsters from the Death Prison Town?"

"If you are not an enemy......"

Several treasure-guarding artillery monsters gathered together and discussed something in a low voice. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this moment, the originally calm sea of sand suddenly began to tremble slightly.

A roar came from a distance.

Judai and others hurriedly became serious and looked in the direction of the roar.

But they saw a brown-red ship with giant rockets hanging on it, sailing towards here quickly.

The ship was speeding on the sand, and the golden sand mist it raised even covered the sky!

【Treasure Guard Cannon Monster Ship-Noisy Explorer】!

""Eh, eh? A ship, a ship sailing in the desert?"

Looking at the huge ship, the water fairy was completely stunned.

This, this is too contrary to common sense! Where in the world can there be a ship sailing in the desert?!

��Oh! It's the Captain! The Captain is here!"

""Captain! We are here!"

Seeing the huge ship heading towards them, the treasure guards waved their arms and shouted happily.

The Explorer slowly stopped beside the treasure guards.

Judai and others looked up.[]

Then I saw a giant robot covered in golden iron sheets, jumping down from the Explorer.

It stepped heavily on the sand, instantly stirring up a cloud of dust.

【Captain of the Treasure Guard - Weisuwu】!

"It seems something has happened here."

He slowly stood up from the blowing sand.

His strong body, as tall as a hill, immediately gave Ecclesia and the water fairy a strong sense of oppression.

"This, what is this!"

"I don’t know either!"

The water nymph and Ecclesia hugged each other, both trembling and screaming.

"I am the leader of the Treasure Guard Cannon Monster Group, and also the captain of this Noisy Explorer."


Osuki-go pointed to the huge ship behind him and glanced at Yuki Judai, whose expression remained motionless.

He seemed to be able to sense the aura of a strong man coming from Yuki Judai.

Osuki-go clenched his fists and made a hoarse mechanical sound.

"Boy, were you the one who injured my men just now?"

"I already said you guys were the first to do it......."Yucheng Judai pinched his brows

"Captain! Give this guy a lesson!"

"Be careful, Captain, this guy is very powerful!"

Seeing their boss was about to make a move, the treasure guards immediately hid behind Weisuwu, waving their fists and shouting.

Seeing Weisuwu was about to use force, Yuki

Judai had no choice but to raise the next-generation duel disk on his arm, and the darkness around him began to surge rapidly.

"Oh? Duel disk?"

Seeing the thing on Yuki Judai's arm, Wei Suwu was slightly startled, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc

"I see, is this a duelist from another world?"

"But! Even if you are a duelist, you have to take my punch!"


Without saying anything, Osuki Go threw a punch at Yuki Judai.

Yuki Judai had no choice but to fight back.

As the power of the sword beasts attached to his right arm, Yuki Judai also clenched his fist and punched Osuki Go heavily.


The impact of the two people's fists instantly overturned the surrounding treasure-guarding cannon monsters, as well as Ecclesia and the water nymph.

The surrounding sand, with Judai and Osuki Go as the center, instantly expanded into a circle visible to the naked eye.

Looking at Yuki Judai, who was punching with him but had no change in expression.

Osuki Go showed a surprised expression on his face.

A mere human being could actually fight with him in a contest of strength.

This guy is not an ordinary person!

Slowly retracting his fist.

Osuki Go's eyes looking at Judai also changed a little

"It seems that I underestimated you a little bit."

After moving his arms, Weisuwu slowly spoke

"Come on, you're a duelist, right?"


Then, how about we fight it out as duelists?���The board unfolds at this moment and turns into a duel disk.

"......Of course, no problem."

Yujo Judai also became interested.

He unfolded the next-generation duel disk on his arm, took out a deck and inserted it into the duel disk.

Things that can be solved by dueling are not a problem at all for Judai.


【Yucheng tenth generation: LP8000】

【Treasure Guard Cannon Monster Captain Osakugo: LP8000】

Is that the rule of 8,000 LP?

Glancing at the 8,000 LP displayed on the duel disk, Yuki Judai drew five cards from his deck.

"Then, I will attack first."

He scanned the five cards in his hand.

Yujo Judai's mouth slightly raised, and he took the lead in showing a card in his hand.

"Activate magic card! [Hero Arrives】!"

Heroes are coming?!

Seeing the activated card, Ecclesia and Water Fairy were both surprised.

The Judai used a hero deck!

On the other side.

On the Explorer.

A pink-haired cat-eared girl sat in the co-pilot seat, propping up her face and watching the duel on the screen.

However, the brown-haired boy.

The girl always felt that he looked familiar.


"Come to think of it, he seems to be the one who fought against the entire Church alone in Longyi Country."

The girl snapped her fingers and suddenly thought of something.

If it was really him

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