Hero deck.

One of the old competitive decks.

For a long time in the past, it was a very popular deck.

However, although it was very popular, the hero deck had many shortcomings, such as long chain, many waste cards, insufficient terminal resistance, and almost all hand traps.

This made the strength of the hero limited.

But even so, the hero can still rely on the extremely high killing ability of the deck itself, the various miracles brought by the fusion magic card, and the combination of cards such as [A Drop of Taboo] to complete some very classic game kills.

Moreover, the hero deck is also the favorite deck in the heart of the tenth generation. In the countless dark duels during his travels, this deck brought too many miracles to himself!

"Magic Card! [Hero Arrives] Activate!"

Taking the initiative, Judai took the lead in his own deployment

"When there are no face-up monsters on the field, pay half of your life points to activate this action, and Special Summon a 4-star or lower [Elemental Hero] monster from your deck!"

Yujo Judai waved his hand, and a card flashing with golden light immediately flew out of the deck.

"Come out! [Elemental Heroes - Sky Man】!"

The hero wearing blue shoulder armor and with wings spinning at high speed flew up from the card and landed on Yuki Judai's field.

【Yucheng tenth generation: LP8000 4000】

【Elemental Heroes-Skyman】

【Star rating: 4


【Attack power: 1800, Defense power: 300】

"What? Deduct 4,000 HP right from the start?"

Osu-go was a little surprised by Judai's operation. He put himself in a 4,000vs8,000 situation right from the start. Wasn't this guy's duel too reckless?

"But it's worth it."

Yujo Judai drew a card from his deck.

"【Elemental Hero - Skyman], when summoned or special summoned successfully, you can choose one of its two effects to activate"

"Effect 1: Destroy up to the number of Spell and Trap Cards of [Heroes] on your side of the field except Skyman."

"Effect 2 adds a [Hero] monster from the deck to the hand."

In this era where everyone has a single card spinning top, heroes still have two cards spinning tops at the cost of half health.

This can be considered a feature, right?

"The card I added to my hand is [Phantom Hero - Solitary Good Man】"

"In addition, the effect of [Phantom Hero - Solitary Man] is activated."

"You can activate this effect by discarding a [Hero] monster other than this card from your hand, and Special Summon [Phantom Hero - Solitary Good Man] from your hand!"

Yujo Judai skillfully deployed his hero deck.

"I send [Elemental Hero - Shadow Mist Lady] to the graveyard and Special Summon the Good Man!"

The one-eyed hero wearing pink armor appeared on the field of the Tenth Generation, with a pair of sharp claws sticking heavily to the ground.

【Phantom Hero-The Good Guy】

【Star rating: 5】


【Attack power: 1600, Defense power: 1800】

"Furthermore, the effects of the Good Samaritan and the Shadow Mist Lady are activated at this moment."

Yujo Judai arranged the chain:"First, the effect of the Shadow Mist Lady"

"It can only be activated when Shadow Mist Girl is sent to the Graveyard. Add a [Hero] monster other than [Elemental Hero - Shadow Mist Girl] from the deck to your hand."

Choose a [Hero] from the deck, and Yuki Judai continued.

"Then there is the effect of [Phantom Hero - Solitary Good Man]"

"This card can only be activated when it is successfully summoned or special summoned."

"Select a [Phantom Hero] monster from your deck other than [Phantom Hero - Solitary Man], and use it as a Continuous Trap Card, and place it face-up in your Magic and Trap Zone!"

Yuki Judai said, having already selected a card from his deck.

"After activating this effect of the Good Samaritan, until the end of the turn, you can only Special Summon [Hero] monsters from the Extra Deck."

"The one I chose to set in the Magic Trap Zone is [Phantom Hero - Incremental Man】!"

Yujo Judai throws down the card he selected from the deck

"Then, when [Phantom Hero - Increment Man] is used as a continuous trap card, during the main phase of both parties, you can release a [Hero] monster on your field and activate it to Special Summon this card!"

The Good Man on the field was immediately released by Judai.

The next moment, the one-eyed hero wearing purple armor has already appeared in the monster zone.

【Phantom Hero-Incremental Man】

【Stars: 3】


【Attack power: 900, Defense power: 1100】

"This effect can only be activated when the Incremental Man is Special Summoned from a Magic or Trap Zone. From your deck, Special Summon a 4-star or lower [Phantom Hero]"

"The one I chose to special summon was [Phantom Hero - Bionic Man】!"

【Phantom Hero-Bionic Man】

【Star rating: 4


【Attack power: 1000, Defense power: 1200】

"It can only be activated when a Bionic Man is summoned or Special Summoned, and a [Hero] monster is sent from the deck to the Graveyard."

Yujo Judai smiled and said,"The one I chose to send to the Graveyard is [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man】!"

Destiny hero?

Wei Suwu was curious.

Good fellow.

This human has used heroes of three fields in a duel so far.

Isn't this too much?

"The second effect of the bionic man is activated"

"Once per turn, remove a [Hero] monster from your Graveyard and add a [Fusion] from your Deck to your hand.】,"I choose to exclude the loner and select Fusion from the deck to add to my hand."

"Then, I set the incremental man and the bionic man as the connection mark of LINK-2 and perform the connection summon!"

Yucheng Judai quickly took down the two monsters on the duel disk.

"Link Summon! LINK-2 [Special Hero - Crossman】!"

A hero with both arms covered in scarlet blood crosses appears in the Extra Monster Area.

The cross on the crossman's chest also glows red.

【Special Hero-Crossman】

【Warrior Clan/Connect】

【Connection Marker:】

【Attack: 1600、LINK-2】

"Special Hero......"

Weisuwu was secretly shocked.

The hero of the fourth field?

"When Crossman is Link Summoned, you can only activate this effect by targeting a [Destiny Hero] monster in your Graveyard."

"Special Summon that monster!"

"I choose to special summon [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man】!"

The demon in the cemetery roared and appeared on the field of Judai

"Then, activate the other effect of Crossman"

"You can activate this by releasing a [Destiny Hero] monster on your field."

"A [Hero] monster with a different name from the released monster is added from the deck to the hand."

"The card I chose to add to my hand is [Fate Hero - Denier】!"

Yugi Judai continued,"Then, set the [Special Hero - Crossman] and [Elemental Hero - Skyman] on the field as connection marks!"

"Perform the second LINK-2 link summon!"

"Come out! [Special Hero - Scepter Pioneer】!"

A hero wearing a blue wizard cape and waving a golden staff appeared in the extra monster area.

【Unique Hero - Scepter Herald】

【Warrior Clan/Connect】

【Connection Marker:】

【Attack: 1900、LINK-2】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The effect of the Demonic Man in the Graveyard is activated. By banishing this card from the Graveyard, you can Special Summon a second [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] from your Deck.】"

"Then, activate the magic card fusion!"

"Fuse the Destiny Hero in your hand - the Negator, with the Destiny Hero on the field - the Demonic Man!"

Yujo Judai waved his hand,"Fusion Summon!"

"【Destiny Heroes-Destruction Phoenix】!"


As the pitch-black flames spread rapidly from underground, the Phoenix Man of Destruction, wearing phoenix feathers, was born from the pitch-black flames!

【Destiny Heroes-Destruction Phoenix】

【Star rating: 8】


【Attack power: 2500, Defense power: 2100】

"Then, because the location of the special summon of the Phoenix of Destruction is the lower connection area of the Scepter Herald,"

"The effect of the Divine Staff Herald is activated, targeting a [Fusion] Magic Card or [Change] Quick-Play Magic Card in your Graveyard, and that card is placed on your field!"

Yuki Judai took out the Fusion from the Graveyard, and then continued:"Then, the effect of [Destiny Hero Denier] in the Graveyard is activated"

"This card can only be activated if there is a [Fate Hero] monster in your Graveyard or on the field other than a Negater........."

"This card is Special Summoned!"

【Destiny Hero-Negator】

【Stars: 3】


【Attack power: 1100, Defense power: 600】

"Then, if you negate a Human Summon or Special Summon successfully, choose a [Destiny Hero] monster in your Deck, Graveyard, or Banished State, and place it on the top of your Deck!"

"I chose the [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] in the Banished Zone, placed it at the top of the deck, and activated the effect of [Destiny Hero - Demonic Man] in the Graveyard, banishing myself and Special Summoning Demonic Man again!"

Magic Man's special move actually looped?!

Seeing Yuki Judai's operation, Osakugo was shocked.

Demonic Man, as a 6-star monster, only has 800 attack points and 600 defense points, which is absolutely unqualified for a Duel Monster.

But this card can be used to Special Summon other Demonic Man from the deck by banishing itself from the Graveyard, thus becoming a high-quality material.

"Then, I activated the fusion again."

"Merge the demon man on the field with the [Elemental Hero - Liquid Man] in the hand card!"

Yucheng Judai raised his mouth slightly[]

"It is a fusion of two heroes with different attributes!"

"Come out! [Elemental Hero - Sunrise】!"

A hero in flaming red armor was born from the fusion vortex.

A blue cape fluttered in the strong wind generated by the fusion.

【Elemental Heroes - Sunrise】!

【Star rating: 7】


【Attack power: 2500, Defense power: 1200】

"This can only be activated when Sunrise is successfully Special Summoned. Add a [Miracle Fusion] from your deck to your hand."

"Then, the effect of [Elemental Hero - Liquid Man] sent to the graveyard due to fusion is activated, and this card becomes the fusion material of [Hero]. It can only be activated when it is sent to the graveyard or excluded. Draw two cards from the deck, and then choose a card from your hand to discard."

Yucheng Judai waved his hand, and three cards were added to his hand.

Although the hero deck has many shortcomings.

But its advantage of being able to mobilize almost the entire deck resources in one deployment is fully demonstrated at this moment.

"I choose to send the [Destiny Hero - Gunner] in my hand to the graveyard."

"Then, activate the magic card! [Miracle Fusion】!"

"Remove Skyman and Liquidman from the graveyard! Fusion Summon [Elemental Hero - Absolute Zero Man】!"

Yuki Judai activated the fusion again.

As Skyman and Liquidman overlapped in the fusion vortex,

Absolute Zero, wearing a white robe, descended from the sky, stirring up a frost.

【Elemental Heroes - Absolute Zero】

【Star rating: 8】


【Attack power: 2500, defense 4.8 Reserve power: 2000】

"Then, activate the quick attack magic card [Mask Transformation】!"

"Target the [Destiny Hero - Demon Man] on the field, send that monster to the Graveyard, and Special Summon [Masked Hero - Dark Claw】!"

【Masked Heroes-Dark Claw】

【Stars: 6】


【Attack power: 2400, Defense power: 1800】

"At this moment, according to the effect of Sunrise Man"

"The ATK of monsters on my field increases by 200 points equal to the attribute type of the monster on my field!"

"I have three attributes: light, dark, and water."

"Therefore, the attack power of all monsters on my field increases by 600 points!"

【Elemental Heroes - Sunrise】

【Attack: 2500 3100】

【Destiny Heroes-Destruction Phoenix】

【Attack: 2500 3100】

【Elemental Heroes - Absolute Zero】

【Attack: 2500 3100】

【Masked Heroes-Dark Claw】

【Attack: 2400 3000】

【Unique Hero - Scepter Herald】

【Attack power: 1900 2500】

Looking at the five heroes standing on the field of Yuki Judai, the treasure guarding monster, Ecclesia, the water fairy and others who were watching the game all exclaimed in amazement.

Even Weisuwu couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

"Cover two cards"

"That's it, the round ends."

Yujo Judai threw down two cards and ended his turn with a smile.

Five in front and two in back.

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