Because of the duel information collected by Youtian, Dazi could probably guess that most of the two cards on Youtian's cover were pits.

I just don't know if these two folds are attacking the Xuan Pit, or summoning the pit, or other strange cards.

"Insidious dueling king Youtian, draw cards!"

You Tian was suddenly unhappy, just play cards well, how can you scold me for being insidious, I'm not happy~ Meaning.

You Tian is very unhappy, You Tian is about to punish Dazi, You Tian opens the fold, and You Tian launches - trap card to disrupt the duo.

"The Disrupt Duo effect activates, place two Disruptive tokens in your monster zone. "

A miniature version of Disturb Red, Disturb Blue, wearing the Disturbed Clan's signature red briefs,

Lying charmingly in Dazi's monster area, it seemed to be saying to Dazi: Uncle, you see whether our brothers are beautiful or not.

Dazi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he saw this scene, the card deck used by Duel King Youtian was not the same as he imagined.

Unlike typing, the people in Joouchi, who had seen the power of this deck, began to cheer.

"Okay, so the other party won't be able to summon the monster, come on. "

The castle, which had just recovered some of its vitality, immediately began to cheer for Youtian.

"It's a great tactic, and if you can't summon monsters in a duel, you'll lose half of it. Dark Game said with a sigh.

"Hmph, completely block the monster area, how many tactics do you have as a guy!"

President Haima gritted his teeth, and his heart was already thinking about the seal after that.... What cards are you ready to deal with this guy Youtian.

"Did you actually block all my monster areas, it's really not easy, dueling king Youtian. "

"I've long told you that no matter how weak a monster is, coming together can burst out with amazing power. "

Dartsy smiled slightly, and the Orihagang incantation on her forehead became brighter and brighter.

"Jie Ji, Duel King Youtian, you have overlooked a problem, as long as I use these two monsters as sacrifices, I can directly summon the superior monsters!"

"Sorevadowana, I forgot to tell you, there is no way to use the derivative of the Disturb Clan as a sacrifice!"

"Nani !!"

Dazi's expression was very surprised, but he didn't panic at all, because Olihagang's enchantment was a magic trap area where monsters could be summoned.

But he has lived for more than 10,000 years, and he has never encountered such a disgusting thing, and he doesn't let people summon monsters, how can he play this TM??


"I'll activate the magic card black hole and destroy all the monsters on the field!"

You Tian: Well??? are you meowing a card, why don't I remember that there is a black hole in the Peacock Dance deck.

However, it is useless for You Tian to complain, since the black hole has been activated, he can only bear the effect of the card.

I saw a huge black whirlpool appear in the middle of the field, sucking all the monsters on the field into the whirlpool step by step.

Moments later, the entire arena was empty.

"Although my monsters can also be summoned to the Magic Trap card area due to the influence of Orehagang, destroying your monsters is the best tactical choice. "

"It's worthy of Tatsu, and it's quite a bit of a two-hit (referring to the imprint), but at this time, the effects of the two disruptive tokens that you destroyed were also activated!"


Under Darts's shocked gaze, scaled-down versions of Disturbed Red and Disturbed Blue flew out of the graveyard.

Then the two token monsters pounced on Tatsu's body and exploded with a bang.

[Dartsy HP: 1900-1300]

"When they're destroyed, each of them will deal you 300 damage. "

"How can you cultivate, what a sinister guy, dueling king Youtian. "

You Tian spread his hands, his expression was very arrogant, and he seemed to say: How about being insidious, come and bite me if you don't accept it.

"But I'm using a peacock dance body, so you won't worry about it at all, right?"

"Why should I worry, if I can defeat you, everything will be solved. "

In the original anime, Tatsuki took advantage of the psychology of the dark game and didn't want to hurt his companions.

Summoned the souls he had collected, including, AIBO (Table Game), Jonai, Peacock Dance, and others.

So if you really want to say that it is despicable and insidious, in the face of Dazi, You Tian is still willing to bow down.

"It's really indifferent and ruthless, dueling Wang Youtian, I will activate the magic card from the sky, and both sides will draw six cards in their hands. "

After a bang, both hands filled up with six cards again.

And after drawing six cards from her hand, Dazi's expression became hideous again, trying to perform a show of beauty.

It's a pity that the peacock dance's face is not so developed, and the face show fails.

"Let you see the true power of Orihagang, activate the field magic Kaolihagang's qi!"

Outside the original six-pointed star formation, there was only a layer of spells around it.

When Oreha's Rigid Qi was activated, the spell became two layers, and the two different layers were rotating around each other in opposite directions.

Seeing this scene, You Tian immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

I heard Dazi say, "Let you see the true power of Orehagang." ".

You Tian thought that this Dazi was ready to start printing cards, and he had printed a picture of Orehagang's god for himself.

You must know that Orehagang's Celestial Swing card is a very outrageous card in the ZZ universe.

It has the effect of excluding all the opponent's decks, hands, fields, graveyards, and all cards after activation.

The most important thing is that it can't be activated yet, and it can't be affected by other effects, and it's also a quick-fire magic card, so I ask you if you're afraid.

(ZZ Universe refers to the ZZ Juvenile Museum, a domestic manufacturer of pirated cards, DIY a lot of cards with outrageous effects.) )

"I didn't expect that in order to deal with you, I actually used the second enchantment in advance, you are really unforgivable. "

Hearing this, You Tian rolled his eyes directly, you have to activate this card, what does it matter to me.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, even if you use the third barrier, you won't be able to win against me. "

"I didn't know enough about it, but I activated the effect of the Harpy Queen in my hand, threw her into the graveyard, and added the Harpy's hunting grounds to my hand. "

After a shuffle of the dueling disc, the deck delivered a card to Tatsu.

"I'm going to launch this Harpy's hunting ground next!"

Dazi directly started cheating openly, and it was also a field magic card, and after he launched the Harpy Banshee's hunting ground, this Olihagang's double enchantment was actually still on the field.

"You're cheating, Darts, according to the rules, after you activate the new field magic card, Orehagang's enchantment should be shattered. "

"Hahaha, Oreha is not a simple venue, he is the will of the earth, as long as it is activated, it will not be affected by other cards!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately reminded You Tian of the classic lines of Yu-Gi-Oh.

It's not a monster, it's a Kamida (god).

Anyway, it's very magical, but Olihagang also has a fatal weakness, that is, he was beaten by the nameless dragon Three Knights Tianke, but unfortunately these three cards are not available.

"You're right, Oreha's just unaffected, when I destroy your Harpy Hunting Grounds, unleash the Great Tornado of Trap Stuck Sand!"

The trap card opened, and the tornado blew over the grassland of the hunting ground in an instant, kicking up countless turf gravel. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the blink of an eye, the grassland was blown to pieces.

"What a cautious duelist, always stamping all sorts of strange trap cards on his field. "

After one more sigh, Dazi attacks from her hand to summon Harpy1.

A hot eighteen forbidden body, paired with special legs and claws, may satisfy some people's XP.

[Harpy 1,4, Attack: 1300, Garrison: 1400]

"When Harpy 1 is on the field, the attack power of the wind-type monster will increase by 300 points, and with the blessing of Olihagang, the attack power of this card will increase by a total of 800 points!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a look of pain appeared on the harpy's face, and a six-pointed star spell appeared on her forehead.

0 begging for flowers

[Harpy 1 Attack Power: 1300-2100]

"When I have a Harpy monster on the field, I can activate this card. "

Dazi smiled slightly, and inserted a magic card in his hand into the duel plate.

"Unleash the Magic Kavanhua Mirror - a gorgeous doppelganger and specially summon the three Harpy Sisters from the deck!"

As the saying goes, one is not enough, so the three of them come together, and three harpies of different shapes stand together.

This is one of the ace monsters of the Peacock Dance, the three sisters of the Harpy Girl.

[Three Sisters of the Hippogriff, 6 stars, Attack Power: 1950 Garrison Power: 2100]

"Due to the influence of Orehagang and Harpy 1, the three sisters of the Harpy will also have an 800 attack power. "

[Hippogriff's Three Sisters' Attack Power: 1950-2750]

At this moment, the attack power of the two monsters on the field has exceeded 4,000 points combined.

On the other hand, there is not a single monster on the field of Youtian.

At this moment, the people watching the battle around couldn't help but worry about You Tian.

"The total attack power has exceeded 4,000, and You Tian is a little dangerous. Jouchi looked worried.

"I didn't expect Dazi to use the Peacock Dance deck for the first time, and he could master it so skillfully, in the face of such a situation, what are you going to do. "

The dark game looks at Youtian, and he is constantly thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

"Hmph, mediocrity is mediocrity, have you forgotten, You Tian still has a fold. "

After such a reminder from the seahorse, everyone finally noticed that You Tian still had a fold that had not been activated.

According to their perception, this fold is mostly a pit.

"Are you going to attack it? Darts. "

"You're naïve to try to lure me into attacking and then triggering the trap you've laid. "

Datsy took a card from his hand and continued:

"I've studied your dueling habits a long time ago, I won't be so easy to fall for the trick and launch the magic card triangle god spark!"

After the card was activated, the three Harpy Sisters immediately began to transform into magic, and the three of them stood in a triangular position, with electric light flowing on their bodies.

"After this card is activated, the initial attack power of the three Harpy sisters will become 2700 points, and your trap card will be blocked. "

The flowing electric light continued to flow in the three sisters, and it was replaced by a triangular magic circle, which suppressed the cover card of You Tian to death.

[Harpy Three Sisters Attack Power: 2700-3500]

"I didn't expect the attack power to surpass the blue-eyed white dragon of the Seahorse President!"

Seahorse Seto: If people are not there, don't cue.

"In this way, your trap card can't be activated, and the Harpy Girl 1 directly attacks Youtian, and the kamikaze tears!"

There was a chirp in the sky, and the Eagle Girl 1 flew high from the sky, showing her sharp claws, and a claw aimed at Youtian's abdomen.

[Youtian HP 4000-1900]

"Next, the three sisters of the Harpy Girl attack directly, and the kamikaze is triple torn!"

Creep save me!!

The Chestnut Dragon reappeared and helped You Tian block the fatal blow.

"Ahh "

You Tian pretended to wipe his sweat, as if he had really escaped.

"Sure enough, the soul of the Duel King is not so easy to obtain, I stamped a card, and then activated the second effect of Oliha's strong energy. "

The second spell of Oreha's enchantment began to spin rapidly.

"For every monster I have on the field, I can regenerate 500 HP. "

The light flashed, and Darze's health rose by 1,000 points to 2,300 points.

"Don't be discouraged, you'll almost beat me, draw cards. "

After a few words from PUA Dazi, You Tian drew the hand of this round.

"I'll get to the court with a card first. "

As the saying goes, there must be a demon when things go wrong, and You Tian's sudden abnormal operation made the alarm bell in Dazi's heart ring wildly.

(The story of the Harpy Girl and the Kathu who disturbs the clan is still quite interesting, and if you are interested, you can search for it yourself.) on).

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