"You're going to have to do some tactics again, Youtian. "

Dazi guessed correctly, the card on the cover of the sky is the disturbance magic, which has the effect of destroying and disturbing the three brothers after entering the cemetery.

So first stamp this card, which was also specially arranged by Youtian.

"Unleash the Magic Card Double Whirlwind, and when this card is activated, it will destroy one of my magic trap cards on the field, and it will also destroy one of your fields. "

As soon as the words fell, two whirlwinds, one red and one yellow, appeared on the field.

Directly blow the two folds designated by You Tian to smithereens.

"Oops, it's actually a hole that has been earned, earned, earned. "

"Don't get carried away here, I still have two monsters with high attack power on the field. "

Dazi is so angry in her heart, as an old antique who has lived for 10,000 years, she has never been so angry as she is today.

"I know you're angry, but don't be angry just yet, and when the Disruption Magic is sent to the graveyard, I can add Disruption Yellow, Disruption Black, and Disruption Green to my hand from the deck. "

After the duel disc sounded, the three brothers returned to You Tian's hand again.

"Okay, resurrected with full blood, Brother Youtian is the best. "

"That's right, that's right, every time we can make our three brothers appear, they are worthy of being the most handsome men in the world. "

"Brother Youtian, I'll give you a massage, can you give me a bite of the eggs of the Extinction King Frog to eat?"

is worthy of being one of the most undisciplined monster elves, as soon as the disturbing trio appeared, they began to shoot "380" on Youtian.

"I didn't expect a generation of dueling kings Youtian to like this kind of monster elf, really...."

Dazi seemed to have made up some strange picture in her brain, and her body trembled twice involuntarily.

"Don't slap the horse here, I'm attacking the summon to disturb the red. "

The all-red disrupted monster wore the iconic briefs and posed for an appearance.

I saw him holding his hands on the ground, trying to perform a 365 backflip, and then there was no more, disturbing the red directly with a blue nose and swollen face, sitting on the ground and crying.

[Disturb Red, 2 Stars, Attack: 0 Garrison: 1000]

"The effect of Disrupting Red is activated, and when he is summoned to the field, he can summon as many of the Disturbance Monsters in his hand as he can. "

You Tian took out four cards directly from his hand and pasted them on the dueling board in turn.

"I summon to disrupt yellow, disrupt black, disrupt green, disrupt blue to take attack representation. "

After the four rays of light flashed, the field instantly gathered five monsters of red, yellow, blue, green, and black.

"Even if you rely on the Disturbed Country to reverse the attack, with 1,000 attack power, you won't be able to defeat my monster. "

Unlike the dragon sets, Dazi clearly remembers the effect of every card that You Tian has activated.

So in the face of so many monsters, he didn't panic, he still looked calm.

"You're right, with 1,000 attack points alone, there's no way to defeat you. "

You Tian didn't pump the Disturbance Triangle Hurricane in his hand, so he is now.... Only a card of unknown meaning can be held aloft.

"Let you see the power of the ancient Egyptian gods! Unleash the double summoning of magic cards, and sacrifice Disturb Red, Disturb Black, and Disturb Yellow. "

The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and between the dark clouds and the ground, countless lightning crackled.

"When it comes, the scorching wind will blow the land, and the living will become corpses!When light and darkness meet, begin the ritual of summoning the obelisk!

The earth roared, the ground began to tremble, and a powerful force soared into the sky.

The clouds were gone, the lightning stopped, and everything was silent, only the power of destruction told him of his arrival.

[Oberisk's Giant Soldier, 10 stars, Attack Power: 4000, Garrison Power: 4000]

"How could it be !!"

Dartsy was in dire sight, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"The God Card is obviously in Muto Games!!

Hearing Dazi say this, Dark Game also suddenly reacted, and hurriedly turned out the three god cards in the deck.

These three god cards, after they were stolen, but he went through a lot of hard work to get them back.

"The card of the god is obviously here, how can he be in the sky....?"

Dark Game looked at the three god cards in his hand, and his heart was very dazed.

"Hmph, the feet of Oberis are black in heart (giant god soldiers), and they are not as strong as my blue-eyed white dragon. "

Seahorse put his hands on his chest, looking at the giant god soldiers on the field, as if he had forgotten what the hell he looked like when he was addicted to the god card.

At this moment, You Tian on the field crossed his waist with one hand, and his two fingers only wanted to reach the position.

"You Atlantean, how can you understand the gods of ancient Egypt and unleash the special ability of the giant god of Oberisk!"

After the order was given, the giant soldier's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his huge hands to crush the remaining two remaining disturbing monsters.

Swirls of energy then appeared in the fists, and began to shine with blue energy continuously.

"How could it be that God was summoned so easily!!"

Dazi was also a little panicked at the moment, although he was only a part of his soul in Peacock Dance's body.

But once he is impacted by the power of the Three Illusion Gods, he will also be hurt a lot.

"Duel King Youtian, if you attack with the Giant God Soldier, the soul of the Peacock Dance will be damaged. "

Seeing that he couldn't beat him, Dazi tried to activate the trick skill, but it was obvious that this skill was ineffective against Youtian.

"Even if I don't attack, you won't let go of the soul of Peacock Dance. "

was hit by Youtian's pain point, Dazi was stunned for a moment, and didn't speak for a long time.

"So, for an old fox like you, who has lived for 10,000 years, you just have to be direct, let's go! Oberisk's giant divine soldier, the divine fist shatters and impacts!!"

The blue energy exploded instantly, as if the boundless waves were surging and rolling, surging towards Dazi wave after wave.

"Damn, Duel King Youtian, I will definitely sacrifice your soul as a sacrifice!!"

With Tatsu's roar, his health turned to zero.

After losing the game, his soul naturally withdrew from Peacock Dance's body.

After the duel ended, Orihagang's double barrier gradually narrowed, and when there was no obstacle, everyone ran over.

"Peacock Dance! The damn Dazi would do such a thing. "

The city settled the peacock dance and gritted his teeth and looked at the sky in the distance.

"Don't worry, as long as you defeat Tatsu, they will all be back to normal. "

"That's great, thank you for your travels. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at the castle with tears in his eyes, You Tian, who was a brother, patted him on the shoulder and comforted:

"Needless to say thank you for things between good brothers. "

"Hmph, mediocrity is mediocrity, I know crying and crying all day long, I have arranged an ambulance, it is better to have a good rest and prepare for the decisive battle later. "

Seahorse Seto is still the standard tsundere speech, mocking the castle while talking, and secretly even the ambulance has been arranged.

"Hey, President Seahorse, have you found that fellow's lair for Tatsu?"

"Hmph, I've found it a long time ago, and that guy Dazi's lair is on an island. "

The Seahorse Seto has been very miserable these days, and he has basically not slept much.

At the same time as Dazi launched a raid on the dark game, he also started to acquire Haima Group.

You must know that as a person who has lived for 10,000 years, Dazi's money is innumerable.

Now the largest company in the world, the Palatis Corporation, is controlled by Dachy.

Therefore, in terms of financial resources alone, Haima Group, which has not yet fully grown, is not comparable to the size of Palatis Company.

So after being threatened with a takeover, the Seahorse Seto also hurried to the castle where Becas lived.

Because Becas has a large number of shares in Haima Group.

It's a pity that he still went to the evening, and Bekas's soul has been taken away. 0

And the entire castle of Bekas, too, is a large trap.

Ameruda, one of the Three Musketeers of Dom, is waiting for him there, ready to take his soul.

After a hard battle, Seahorse Seto finally won the duel by relying on the effect of the blue-eyed ultimate wurm.

Then he returned to this place without stopping, and arranged for his subordinates to start looking for Tatsu's hideout with his colleagues who had joined the game.

So,President Seahorse is really a typical tsundere.,The kind that keeps saying no.,In fact, it's almost done.。

"I can't see it, but President Haima is still very careful. "

"Hmph. "

After being praised, Seahorse Seto snorted coldly and turned around and pretended not to care.

"You Tian, you are really still so powerful. "

Dark Game walked over, still holding three deactivated God Cards in his hands.

"What's going on with your three god cards, game. "

"I'm sorry, Youtian, I didn't protect them well, they were snatched by the Doma organization a few days ago, and when they were found again, they became like this. "

Hearing the dark game say this, You Tian seemed to remember.

In the anime, in order to resurrect the god of O'Harrigand, Tatsu uses the power of the three phantom gods to forcibly open the passage between the elven world and the human world.

This also caused the Three Illusion Gods to become very weak, and there was no way to exert their due strength.

"Don't worry, as long as you defeat Tatsu, the God Card will return to normal. "

"Well, but that giant soldier of yours..."

"Oh, you're talking about this, I'm using a replica card of the Three Illusions. "

You Tian drew out the giant god soldier in the card deck and compared it with the giant god soldier in the dark game's hand.

The names, levels, attack power, and engraved spells of the two cards are identical.

The only difference is that the background of the Katu on the Sky Card is white, while the background of the Dark Game is a yellow slate.

"But isn't there a punishment for using God's replica card?"

Faced with this question, You Tian smiled, he had already figured out how to make it up, and he was waiting for the dark game to ask.

"After this incident, you must also know that the monster cards all have elves, and the duelists who have obtained the approval of the elves will completely control the power of this card. "

"What do you mean....."

"That's right, I was recognized by the Three Phantom Gods, so they gave me some of the power, and I have these three Phantom God replica cards. "

Hearing this answer, the heart of the dark 4.1 game suddenly rose to a feeling of being NTR.

But the good friend was approved by the Three Illusion Gods, and he was sincerely blessed.

"It's you, You Tian, even the Three Illusion Gods have recognized your strength. "

"That's nature, I'm the champion of the duel city, the first dueling king, the controller of the emperor, using the duel to bring everyone a whistling, sunny and cheerful big boy Youtian!"

In the midst of everyone's chat, the ambulance arrived.

After settling down with the group of vegetative people caused by playing cards, they went to the final battle, the secret island of Dazi.


In the secret stone chamber on the island, Dazi was covering her head, her expression was very hideous.

"Duel King Youtian dares to cause damage to my soul. "

After suffering a blow from the Giant God Soldier, Dazi's soul also suffered a lot of trauma.

And his plan to collect souls was also disrupted by You Tian's action.

Although before Dazi escaped, he also took the soul of Peacock Dance with him.

But there is still a lot of way to go before the number of gods who resurrected Orehagon.

Unless.... The three people who will be chosen by the Nameless Dragon, Atum, Seahorse Seto, and Katsu Jonai, will have to sacrifice their souls.

In this way, the god of Orehagang can be successfully awakened.

"It seems that I can only find a way to break them one by one, and when I awaken the god of Orehagang, I must make you look good, and the dueling king Youtian!"

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