After the card was inserted into the dueling board, the Iron Knight Kiafred burst into blue light.

"Unleash the Magic Card Binding Contact, unleash the armor from your body, and unleash your true power, Special Summon, Juggernaut - Shirtless Kia Fried. "

The card effect activated, binding Kiafried's armor, which was torn apart in the light, revealing his true face.

I saw a swordsman with long hair fluttering, naked and strong upper body, full of wildness, holding a wooden sword, standing on the spot.

[Juggernaut - Shirtless Kia Fried, 7 stars, Attack Power: 2600 Garrison: 2200]

"Juggernaut, I don't know who has sharper swords than me. "

Hidden in the shadows, the True Six Warriors-Hui Slash, stroked the katana in his hand, and stared at Kiafred on the field.

As an equally powerful swordsman, Hui Slash could feel the strength of this person's sword intent on the field.

This powerful sword intent also made the desire ~ hope in his heart burn fiercely.

"The attack power is as high as 2600!"

"This kind of attack power has already surpassed that of the Great General Ziyan. "

"Is this the strength of the duelist in the human realm?"

In the midst of the heated discussion, the castle showed a card in his hand.

"I activated the power of unity with the equipment magic card and equipped it to the Juggernaut on the field, the shirtless Kia Fried. "

After the magic card was activated, the long sword in Kiafried's hand was filled with ghostly red light.

"Monsters equipped with the power of unity will increase their attack by 800 points of attack by the number of allies on the field. "

"Nani !!"

[Juggernaut - Shirtless Kia-FriedAttack Power: 2600-4200]

In the amazed gaze of Zi Yan, the city was not over yet, I saw him rub his nose and continue:

"Hey, Juggernaut - Shirtless Kia Fried also has an effect that, when he equips a magic card, can destroy one of your monsters. "

"With such a powerful ability, is this the Sword Master?"

I saw Kiafried put the long sword in his hand at his side.

With a slight swing of the sword, the ghostly red light turned into a sword qi and flew towards the six martial artists.

The slash did not show weakness, waved the big knife in his hand, and slashed over against the sword qi.

There was a loud bang, and the entire Ziyan Dao Hall was suddenly filled with smoke and dust,

After a full five minutes, the smoke and dust in the sky slowly cleared, and everyone finally saw the situation on the field again.


Jonachi scratched his head and re-read the effect of Juggernaut - Shirtless Kia Fried.

That's right, my effect was activated correctly, why is the other party's monster still on the field.

"Hmph, the effect of the Six Martial Warriors-Slash, when he is destroyed, he can be replaced by another Six Martial Warriors monster on the field, I chose the Six Martial Warriors-Lose One. "

After hearing the effect of the slash, it suddenly dawned on the castle.

Sure enough, the warrior who was originally ready to shoot with a bow and arrows is no longer on the field.

"There's still such a thing, but it's okay, I'll continue to use the Equip Magic Card Fusion Weapon - Murayu Knife, and he can increase the attack power of the equipped monster by 800 points. "

The longsword in Kiafried's hand changed again, this time into a short knife that exuded evil energy.

[Juggernaut - Shirtless Kia - FriedAttack Power: 4200-5000]

After the weapon change was completed, Kiafred swung a sword again, and a sword aura burst out of the air again.

Then he sacrificed his teammates again and saved his life.

It's a pity that these are useless, Ziyan, who has no fold in the world, faces this Kiafred with up to 5000 attack power.

There was no longer any resistance, and after an order from the castle, there was no more slashing for the dead ghost, and it was broken by Kiafred.

[Ziyan HP: 3500-300]

"The last blow, the Pterodactyl warrior attacks directly, and the Pterodactyl slashes!"

With a sharp slash, Zi Yan, a person in the world, also lowered his noble head.

As his health reaches 0, he is also declared a complete defeat in this duel.

"I've lost, and you can do with me as you please. "

At this time, Zi Yan, the shadow martial artist who had been fighting in front of him, stood up, and behind him, I don't know when, all the shadow six martial artists had gathered.

And the original six martial artists gathered around him one after another after hearing the words of Zi Yan, the people of the world, and looked at the enemy in front of them vigilantly.

"Why, the duel has been lost, do you want to violate the mandate of heaven? "

Shadow Warrior Zi Yan said a word, and the six martial artists who were choked were speechless, but they still wanted to protect their lord.

"Get out of the way, since you lost the duel, you have to accept the price. "

Zi Yan, a person in the world, pushed away the six martial artists around him and slowly stepped forward.

He is the great general Ziyan, even if he dies, he is still a great general. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Goodbye, my dear brother. "

Shadow Warrior Ziyan pulled out the katana at his waist, and was about to slash when he heard a familiar voice sound.

"How about you listen to our opinions?"

"Of course we have to give the face of Hui Chop. "

0 begging for flowers

In this way, everyone sat around and began a heated discussion.

"I think there can only be one lord of the Six Warriors. "

"That's right, one minister will definitely not serve two masters. "

"Then let's look at him, so that there will be only one lord. "

Seeing that everyone was tense again, they couldn't sit still in the city where they were eating melons.

"Then I can ask when you can send me back. "

Hearing the words of the city, the quarreling six martial artists were instantly silent.

You must know that the scene of Ziyan being pitted just now is still echoing in their minds.

"I have a suggestion, why don't you let this duelist of the human realm come and be the new lord of all of us. "

The True Six Martial Beings-Hui Slash gently wiped the blade, and said seemingly casually, in fact, his killing intent had already emerged.

"Agreed, I think it's a good thing for a young man with such strength to lead the six martial arts. "

"That's right, after all, he is the warrior who defeated Ziyan in the world. "

After deliberation, the six warriors unanimously agreed to be their new lord in the castle.

"What about you, Shadow Warrior Ziyan?"

Shadow Warrior Ziyan sat cross-legged on the ground, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Before you agreed, I had already promised the lord of the castle that as long as the rebellion was put down, I could gain the support of our six warrior clans. "

Good guy, it's not been long before even an adult is called.

"I don't care about that, as long as I can go home, I can say anything. "

Although he said this, the heart of the city had already blossomed.

Hahaha, it is worthy of Uncle Ben, and he has been recognized by so many powerful monsters.

When I go back, I'll definitely show off with Youtian and them.

Thinking of You Tian's envious expressions, the snot bubbles in the city were almost beautiful.

"Since everyone agrees with my suggestion, from this day forward, Jonai Ke will be our new lord. "

From then on, the six martial arts who had split into three strands were once again integrated together, waiting for their new lord to exert their power to the extreme.

A moment later

Standing outside the Ziyan Xia City, Chengnai pointed to the tall horse in front of him, and asked suspiciously:

"You're saying I'll ride it and run down the trail and I'll be able to go home?"

"That's right, my lord, this horse is pitch black, but he knows the way to the human world. "

It's useless to recognize, the point is that I can't ride a horse.

The castle looked at the horse that was taller than himself, gritted his teeth, was ruthless, stomped his feet, and stepped up.

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