On the dark path, a young man with yellow hair was galloping on a horse.

",, run slowly, I'm about to lose my breath. "

The castle was lying on the horse's back, and his tense legs were already sore.

"Alas, lord, there is no way to open up the path to the human world if the speed is too slow, please bear with me. "

The dark horse didn't hear the answer, and the lord agreed with it, and ran harder.

But what it didn't know was that the main city in its mouth was already foaming at the mouth at this time, fainting on horseback and unconscious.

At this moment, in the palace of the tyrant.

The palace, which was once lavish and was now full of fallen guards.

The marble-covered walls are also full of large and small cracks.

"Huh, huh, you are the master of this palace, the tyrant of the mouths of the outcasts. "

Seahorse Seto gasped for breath rapidly, and after a series of battles, his physical strength was also obviously lacking.

According to the plan, Seahorse originally wanted to find the tyrant directly and ask about the whereabouts of the primeval white stone.

Who knew that this palace was so heavily guarded, in addition to ordinary guards, there were also a large number of generals.

These generals are all strong men with dueling ability, and their strength is not low.

Of course, these so-called powerhouses can't be compared with President Haima.

But no matter how strong a hero is, he can't stand up to a lot of people.

After defeating six opponents in a row, the Seahorse President was able to enter the palace.

"I'm asking you, you're a tyrant in the mouths of outcasts. "

"I.... I... Me, whoa!!"

Under the pressure of the seahorse, the man, who looked to be fifty or sixty years old and called a tyrant, actually cried directly.

"He's not the man who snatched the primeval white stone. "

The blue-eyed girl hid behind the seahorse and said timidly.

"Why, who are you talking about as a tyrant?"

Seahorse suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, if the person in front of him was not a tyrant, it means that someone in this country is behind the scenes.

"The tyrant he spoke of was me. "

With the voice watching, a red-skinned half-orc warrior appeared from the palace gate.

I saw him holding a huge mallet and walking in step by step.

"You're the Barbarian King!"

President Seahorse finally understood at this time, it turned out that it was a kingdom ruled by humans on the surface, and it was indeed barbarians interfering in everything behind the scenes.

"It seems that you know me, so I won't have to tell you who I am. "

"You took the Ancient White Stone?"

Hearing this, the barbarian king suddenly burst out laughing.

"The Ancient White Stone, not only did I take the Ancient White Stone, but I also wanted to enslave the Blue-Eyed clan and make them all my slaves!"

Want to enslave the Blue-Eyed Clan?

Saying this kind of thing in front of President Haima is equivalent to saying in front of others that their wives are big and white, who can stand this.

"Hmph, without further ado, it seems that you can only be honest if you are defeated. "

"Hahaha, I can't ask for it, you're right, blue-eyed girl. "

The girl whose name was called tightly grabbed the anti-gravity cloak of the Seahorse President, and her hands trembled constantly.

"Don't get the duel between men on women's heads, come on, let me end you. "

"It's a shame. "

The dueling disc of the two is completed and the duel is ready.

"Duel !!" x2

4000 HP on both sides.

"My turn draws!"

The president of the seahorse, who was physically exhausted, did not rob the other party, and gave up the first attack.

"I'm on guard inside to summon a monster and cover a card to end the round. "

The Barbarian King's hand didn't seem to be good, and he actually started on the defensive.

"Hmph, I'll definitely let you see the power of the Blue-Eyed Clan, draw cards!"

Thinking that his wife's (blue-eyed white dragon) family was being bullied, the seahorse spoke loudly.

"Unleash the Alms of the Angel of the Magic Cards, draw three cards, and send two cards to the graveyard. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The white angel with a halo above his head radiated light, helping President Seahorse to complete the opening filter.

"Next, unleash the magic card to resurrect the dead, resurrect it, the strongest dragon, Bruis White Dorragon (blue-eyed white dragon). "

The dragon flapped its wings, and its cyan wings instantly opened, bringing up a strong wind pressure that sliced the skin of the barbarian king like a knife.

[Blue-eyed White Dragon, 8 stars, Attack Power: 3000 Garrison: 2500]

"Cut, I'll just make you happy first. "

"Hmph, hard-mouthed fellow, I'll summon the sapphire dragon next and take an attack. "

Blue gems turned into skin, and angry dragons roared wildly into the sky.

[Sapphire Dragon, 4 stars, Attack Power: 1900 Garrison: 1600]

Two giant dragons appeared in an instant, and the powerful coercion made the guards who had just woken up faint again.

"The sapphire dragon attacks, the dragon breathes!"

The sapphire dragon, who received the order, flew directly into the sky, opened his big mouth and spit at the monster that was put on the cover... 0

"You've been tricked, activate the effect of the Wilderness Warrior, when she is destroyed by battle, I can summon a special warrior with an attack power of less than 1500 points. "

With that, the Barbarian King summoned a monster from the deck to the field.

"The monster I chose is Barbarian 0. "

A purple-skinned orc came out of nowhere, holding a mallet taller than him.

Although the barbarian race is a warrior race, their appearance is more like an orc warrior race than a warrior race.

[Barbarian No. 0, 1 star, Attack Power: 50 Garrison: 100]

"When Barbarian 0 was specially summoned to play, his ability was also activated, and I added a Barbarian Feast LV5 to my hand. "

The barbarian king was also a man with two brushes, and with a single attack on the seahorse, he had completed so many chains.

"Hmph, I still have the strongest dragon, the blue-eyed white dragon attack, the wind bomb of destruction!"

The blue-eyed white dragon opened its big mouth, and the blue-white energy bombs instantly gathered and bombarded towards Barbarian 0.

"It's useless, activate the trap card absorption shield, nullify your attack, and restore the health of the monster's attack power. "

A shield stands in the way of the Shattered Wind Bomb, destroying its destructive power into oblivion.

[Barbarian King HP: 4000-7000]

"Damn, there could be such a thing. "

The seahorse that has been fighting continuously has a somewhat vague sense of duel at this time.

He now relied on a single willpower to hold on to this duel.

"I stamped two cards and ended my round. "

"Hahaha, it's my turn, let's let you see despair, 2.2 draw"

The barbarian king laughed as if he had won the battle.

"Unleash the Magic Card Barbarian's Feast LV5 and summon Barbarian No. 1 and Barbarian No. 2 in your hand to the field at the same time. "

Above the palace, a bonfire was lit, and after a primitive drum beat, two orcs, one red and one brown, appeared.

With rough mallets in their hands, they roared at the sky and pounded on their chests.

[Barbarian No. 1, 5 stars, attack power: 1550 garrison: 1800]

[Barbarian No. 2, 5 stars, Attack Power: 1800 Garrison: 1500]

"Little ones, as long as you defeat the man in front of you today, the last person of the Blue-Eyed Clan will also become our slave!"

When the two barbarians on the field heard this, they roared even more excitedly.

The eyes that look at the seahorse also become tyrannical, as if looking at prey at your fingertips.

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