"I activate a quick attack magic card! proliferation!"

Yucheng Judai held up the card in his hand.

"This card can be activated by liberating a [Chestnut Ball] on your field. Special Summon the [Chestnut Ball Derivative] on your field in defense position as much as possible!"

Proliferation, the first generation Duel King, one of the god cards of Muto games.

In the first generation environment, Proliferation has the ability to infinitely summon chestnut ball clones (classic mouthpiece).

Of course, this heaven-defying effect quickly caused Pay attention to it, and re-modify the effect of proliferation in the subsequent environment (a classic example of a certain president being cautious).

The derivatives summoned by proliferation cannot be used as a superior summon to release.

Even so, five tokens are summoned in one turn, and Even though it cannot be released as a superior summon, it is also very powerful.

Especially in an environment with connected summons, it goes without saying what the five derivatives represent.

Of course, even in this super world.

Summoning five monsters at once is also a very scary thing.

"Wait, wait a minute! Don't you need to release [Chestnut Ball] to activate [Proliferation]? The monster on your field is not [Kurizi Madara]'s!" Sentaro Ariga couldn't help but said.

"oh? Didn't I explain it?"Yushiro Judai raised his eyebrows,"[Kurizi Pills], [Kurizi Beads], [Kurizi Maru] and [Kurizi Tuan] are all considered [Kurizi Ball] monsters according to the rules!" all......Considered a chestnut ball monster?!

Sentaro Ariga was shocked and suddenly felt an ominous premonition. next moment.

The chestnut circles on the field turned into light and disappeared on the field of Yujo Judai.

Immediately, on the Judai field of Yujo, the clones of Kurizi Ball began to gather one by one.

【Chestnut ball derivative】X5

【Star rating: 1】

【Defense: 200】

"Five chestnut balls suddenly appeared!"The little bird shouted excitedly

"But, damn it, even so, there is no point in having more of these derivatives! Sentaro Ariga was still arrogant,"Derivatives cannot be used as materials for super summoning. No matter how many you summon, what use will they have?""


As Sentaro Ariga said.

Derivatives cannot be used as materials for super summoning!

For this super world, such derivatives that cannot even be upgraded and released seem to have no meaning at all. but


A golden light appeared in Yucheng Judai's eyes.

On his body, Kaiba Company's dueling device also began to operate.

【The duel link system is starting】

【Building a connection to summon the required environment】

【Extra monster area is expanding! 】


Under the shocked eyes of Sentaro Ariga and Ling Ya.

The duel plate of Yucheng Judai shone with a dazzling light!

"Eh? What, what happened!"The bird looked at the scene that appeared in the AR mirror with a confused face.

She didn't understand the duel very well.

But she could also see that there was an independent monster above the monster area of ​​Yucheng Judai. extra monster area!

"this......What is this? Why, why does this kind of thing appear in the duel system!"

Sentaro Ariga was in a daze.

Not to mention him, even Lingya on the side was dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of the duel area.

"I use one of the [chestnut ball derivatives] as a link material to perform a link summon!"

Connection Summon?!

This unfamiliar word entered the ears of Ling Ya and Sentaro Ariga, making them both raise their heads and look at the chestnut ball derivative that turned into a red light and surged into the sky.

"Connection summons? What kind of summoning method is this?"The little bird is also a little confused.

I have never heard of it. There are other summoning methods in this world other than superior summoning, ritual summoning, fusion summoning, and super summoning!

"Are you kidding me? Connected summoning, is this a newly developed summoning method?"Sentaro Ariga is in chaos.

"......"Ling Ya also half-opened his mouth, watching this scene blankly.

"Link summoning is a method of sending monsters on the field that meet the summoning conditions to the graveyard, special summoning from the extra deck to the extra monster area, or special summoning under the link mark arrow!"

"Token monsters are considered [normal monsters] in terms of rules】"

"Therefore, a level 1 [Kuriball Derivative] can be treated as a level 1 normal monster for Link Summoning!"

"Come out! LINK-1!"

"【Connect chestnut balls】!"

A blue light emerged on the field.

As the scarlet arrow fell, a black electronic chestnut ball appeared in front of everyone!

【Connect chestnut balls】

【Electronic community/connection】

【Connection tag:】

【Attack power: 300、LINK-1】

"A defenseless monster?!"Ling Ya immediately saw the difference of this monster.

It has no defense power, which means that the connected monster cannot perform defense position!

"But what can a monster with only 300 attack points do?"Ariga Sentaro shouted bravely.

"I summoned the Link Monster just to make room for this monster."

Yushidai Judai held a card between his fingers:"When there are more cards in your own graveyard than in the opponent's graveyard, this card can be specially summoned from your hand!"

"Come out! 【Babylon Chestnut】!"

Place the cards in your hand on the duel disk.

The next moment, a rather sinister-looking green one-horned chestnut ball appeared on the field of Yujo Judai

【babylonian chestnuts】

【Star rating: 5】

【Demon clan】

【Attack power: 1500/Defense power: 1000】

"The attack power and defense power of Babylonian Chestnut increase by 300 points x the number of [Chestnut Ball] monsters on your field and in the graveyard!"

"Attention, [chestnut ball derivatives] also have the field of [chestnut ball]!"Yushiro Judai smiled,"In other words, the attack power of [Babylon Chestnut] is increased by the five [Kurizi Balls] on the field, and the [Kurizi Pill] [Kurizi Ball] [Kurizi Round] [Kurizi Bead] in the cemetery. [Chestnut Ball], a total of ten [Chestnut Ball] monsters x 300 points!"

Countless chestnut balls began to rush towards the Babylon chestnut on the field crazily. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As the chestnut balls continued to be devoured, the body of the Babylon chestnut began to gradually expand.

The terrifying aura made the earth tremble!

【babylonian chestnuts】

【Attack power: 15004500, defense power: 10004000】

"Attack power, 4500?!"Sentaro Ariga's jaw almost hit the ground.

"It's not over yet! Activate the quick attack magic card! 【Centralized socket】!"Judai Yujo showed the magic card in his hand,"Target a face-up monster on your field, and that monster's attack power will increase by the value of its defense power until the end of the round!"

Electricity fell from the sky.

The already huge Babylon chestnut body doubled again!

That body that looked like mountains and rivers stunned both Sentaro Ariga and Ling Ya.

0 flowers requested

【babylonian chestnuts】

【Attack power: 45008500!!! 】

attack power...

8500? ? ?

Sentaro Ariga was confused.

Is this, is this still those harmless-looking chestnut balls from before?

Damn it, it actually reached 8,500 points?!

"you didn't always wantComic Hero - King Arthur] Was it destroyed by battle?"Youcheng Judai smiled and said,"Then this time, I will do as you wish."

"Wait, wait a minute!"Sentaro Ariga was dumbfounded.

After this punch, even his own life was not enough to survive it!"

"Lingya! Are you saying you don’t want to save your sister? Could it be that you just watched him kill me?"

Sentaro Ariga turned his attention to Lingya for help.

The only person who can save him now is probably Lingya!

But it doesn't matter, as long as Lingya's sister is still in his hands, then he can be sure that Lingya will He would not look down upon being defeated by Judai Yucheng!

As expected, Ling Ya's face darkened and he clenched his fists tightly.

If he could not find Li Xu safely, then he would......

"Lingya, this is so outrageous"

"Are you actually struggling with this kind of thing?"

Just when Ling Ya was struggling in his heart, a cold voice appeared behind Ling Ya.

Ling Ya's body trembled and he hurriedly turned to look at the source of the sound. He saw a man on the steps not far away.

A blue-haired girl wearing a pink hospital gown stood there.

Looking at Ling Ya with an indifferent expression.

"Wha, what?!"

Sentaro Ariga was shocked when he saw the girl.


Kamishiro Risu?

How could she appear here!

Isn't she locked in her own comic world?

Ling Ya's expression was slightly dull for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and showed a rather helpless expression.

"Who do you think I am so entangled for?......"

The corners of Kamishiro Risu's mouth raised slightly.

She turned to look at Yujo Judai over there, with a hint of unknown emotion in her red eyes.

She couldn't remember what happened when she came to.

But I always felt that this young man seemed to have appeared in his sleep when he was unconscious.

The young man covered in darkness, and behind him, the evil-minded hero with the aura of the terrifying devil.

"City tour......Judai, right?"Kamidai Risu spoke slowly.

"Please help my incompetent brother finish this duel."

Youcheng Judai smiled faintly.

She didn't need to tell her, she would definitely do the same.


"Alas!!!"Sentaro Ariga was so frightened that he rolled and crawled in an attempt to escape from the duel.

"【Babylon Chestnut], attack [Comic Hero-King Arthur】!"

Yujo Judai opened his hand, and the Babylon chestnuts on the field immediately rushed towards Sentaro Ariga with overwhelming force.

In the roar of the explosion.

Sentaro Ariga's comic book hero was torn to pieces without mercy.

He himself flew several meters away amidst the screams, fell to the ground and passed out.


Looking at Yujo Judai who ended the duel cleanly.

Kamishiro Risu frowned slightly.

Traveling to the city for ten generations......

Although the things in the dream were very blurry.

But I always feel it.

The way he made himself feel.

Very strange...........and..

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