The duel ended with no suspense.

When Yuma and Mayuki arrived from the academy.

Sentaro Ariga and everyone have been taken to the emergency room for rescue.

"Eh? Are you late? The duel is over?"

Looking at the people in front of him who had already packed up their duel trays and were about to leave, Yuma held his head and shouted,"I didn't even see what happened!"

"Well, at least Risu-san has been saved......."Xiaotiao smiled bitterly and comforted,"Besides, Mr. Judai is really powerful. He completely defeated his opponent by himself, and he also used a super powerful summoning method."

"Eh? real or fake!"Yuma quickly looked at Yujo Judai

"It's just a summoning method that people over there use."Yushiro Judai explained calmly.

In the GX era, due to the promotion of himself and Seto Kaiba, link summoning is indeed nothing new.

Of course, for the zexa1 era, they are indeed the first I saw the connection"350" call for the first time

"Eh? Isn't Mr. Judai a native of Shinwon City? Xiaoniao asked curiously,"Speaking of which, we still don't know where Mr. Judai's hometown is.""

"Well, I am indeed not a native of Xinyuan City.......As for my hometown......"Yujo Judai and Yuma looked at each other, and they both chose to fight hahaha in perfect agreement,"It's a relatively remote place, hahaha."

Yuma also echoed:"Yeah, yeah, it's not necessary anyway. You asked so carefully."

Xiaoniao also didn't doubt that he was there.

Anyway, the world is so big and full of wonders.

A novice like her who has never been exposed to duels will naturally not understand what a huge sensation a new summoning method will cause when it appears in the world.

"Speaking of which, where are the sharks?"Yuma looked around and found that Lingya had long disappeared.

"Hey, he was still here just now."

The bird also looked around for the two of them, and found that they had already left at some point.

Yuma muttered and complained:"Well, sharks are like this, they always go somewhere without paying attention......."

Yujo Judai smiled.

Those two people?...

"Traveling to the city for ten generations......"

On the hospital rooftop.

The brother and sister Kamdai Lingya and Kamdai Risu stood there, silently watching Yuma and others leaving together.

Looking at the back of Yujo Judai, Kamishiro Risu's expression was still quite solemn.

"What's wrong with that person? Ling

Ya glanced at Li Xu,"Speaking of which, how did you escape from that guy's [comic world]?""

"I have no idea......I only remember that before I woke up, that person seemed to appear in my dream......"

Li Xu shook his head and looked at Yu Cheng Judai with complicated expressions in his eyes.

Fragments of vague memories appear in my mind from time to time

【Evil Hero-Evil Blade Demon King】......

And that shuddering figure in the darkness.

Risu felt that it was Yujo Judai who saved him.

But if he really saved himself.

Then, I always feel that there are many things that cannot be explained clearly. never mind.

When you have time, you can ask him clearly in person.

"Phew, so what happened during the time I was unconscious?"Li Xu held her forehead and sighed helplessly.

She felt that she was already a little confused.

The memories that flashed through her mind from time to time made her feel as if she had been in a coma for tens of thousands of years.

"......"Ling Ya remained silent.

Many, many things happened.

It's not something he can explain clearly in just a few words.

However, today's duel in Yucheng Judai also made Kamidai Lingya start to pay attention to this person.

Traveling to the city for ten generations.

This guy is very strong......

Even he unknowingly followed his duel rhythm during the duel.

This kind of duelist feels like a more difficult existence than Amagi Kaito. hope......Please don't make enemies of such troublesome guys in the future.

"Damn it, failed again?"

In the grass. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kiragu hid here and watched the duel between the three of them from beginning to end.

Watching Sentaro Ariga, a loser, being killed instantly by Yujo Judai with one blow , Kiragu's lungs almost exploded with anger.


I gave you such a powerful power, and you didn't even use it. How dare you be attacked by a guy who appeared out of nowhere? Instant kill.

Aren't you kidding me?

There is also this guy named Yujo Judai. I have never heard of him before. There is such a character next to Kujiu Yuma.

What happened? This guy's strength , isn’t this not inferior to Kamishiro Reiga and Nine-nine Yuma? Why was this character not included in the previous information?

"If you want to collect no cards, do you have to think of other ways?......"Jiragu gritted his teeth, his heart filled with unhappy anger.

"Damn it, Ninety-nine Yuma, God's Lingya, and this Yujo Judai!"

"Next time, I will definitely make you look good!"

Leaving a vicious Gray Wolf-style villain's speech, Kiragu immediately ran away in despair while no one on the left or right noticed him.

Of course.

No one noticed him or anything, this was just his wishful thinking. 0

Following Yuma and his group who were talking and laughing.

Yujo Judai took the camera and pressed the shutter on Kiragu's huge body and awkward running posture.

Well, one of the Z4 stars, Balian Seven Emperors Lagu.

Unexpectedly, he was actually caught.

Looking at Kiragu's fleeing back,

Judai Yujo smiled slightly.

From the very beginning, he sensed the aura of the Balian world near the hospital.

I thought it was a Balian assassin controlled by Balian's power.

Unexpectedly, the person exuding such aura turned out to be this heavyweight.

I just didn't know that after the failure of this plan, this heavyweight still It’s all about whatever troubles can be made.

The next day, under the astonished eyes of the students of the Heart Garden Academy,

Kamishiro Ryo’s younger sister, Kamishiro Risu, finally started her first day of school after recovery.

I have to say, and being Compared to Ling Ya, who was feared by the whole school.

As soon as Li Xu appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of all the boys in the school. With her beautiful figure and almost perfect cute face, outsiders could not imagine that she would be the famous one. Delinquent boy, Shark's sister.

The ring on her little finger declaring that she is a bachelor is slowly shining in the sun. Risu just flicked the blue hair around her ears and temples, which caused a small commotion in the crowd.

"Oh, you are Shark's sister, right?"

At the gate of the academy, Yuma, Kotori and others also got to know Li Xu again.

"I will officially go to school starting today"

"Along with my brother Lingya, I would like to ask you to take good care of me."4.3 Risu had a gentle smile on her face that could melt glaciers. Her sweet look made the male students around her almost turn into water.

"Is she actually Shark's sister? cute."Even Tetsuo was shocked by Li Xu's smile and felt a little excited.

"Eh? You have a completely different personality from Shark. Are you really Shark’s sister?"As a single-celled creature, Yuma was not shocked by Li Xu's appearance. What he was curious about was how the personalities of the two Kamida siblings could be so different. They looked like strangers all day long. The other one looks gentle and considerate.

These are two completely opposite people!

"whispering sound......"Lingya couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"You guys......Don't be fooled by this guy's appearance."

"Sooner or later you will know, this guy"

"She is the real ice girl......."......

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