Turtle Bad Beast - Gamesiele.

It has the ability to eat the opponent's monster and special summon it in attack position on the opponent's field.

Moreover, it also has the ability to activate the unexpected magic, trap, or monster effect of [Turtle Bad Beast - Gamesiele] by removing two Bad Beast counters from itself and the opponent's field, negating the activation of that one and banishing it. Ability.

The invincible three-color Kang, except for the noble one, and the powerful one with no limit of once per round, these are the hidden attributes of the turtle bad beast.

Coupled with the Turtle's field magic card [Kyoto-Seaside Area].

The bad turtle beast can make the opponent Kang's mother not recognize him in one round.

So beautiful, Turtle Bad Beast.

Only the strong deserve to possess such a powerful card!

But it's obvious that Thunder Flash didn't realize the powerful effect of the Turtle Bad Beast.

Watching his Thunder Flash dragon being eaten by turtles as food.

If Lei Shan didn't have a face, his expression would definitely be similar to that at a funeral

"Me, my thunder dragon......"

Lei Shan unknowingly lowered his speed.

It wasn't until Yucheng Judai drove up to Lei Shan's side that Lei Shan suddenly came back to his senses and hurriedly increased the speed of the car to the maximum.

"Damn it, you turned my trump card into this......"

Thunderbolt's body flashed with strong electric sparks.

It is enough to see that it has reached the peak of its anger value at this moment.

"I will never let you go! Activate the trap card! 【Excessive resuscitation】!"

Throwing his hand, Thunder Flash roared:"Target a Xyz monster in your graveyard, special summon that monster, and overlap this trap card under the Xyz monster to use as Xyz material!"

"Come to life! 【no.91】!"

The surrounding forest began to tremble.

The Thunder Flash Dragon, which was originally swallowed by the turtle, jumped out of the summoning array again.

But compared to the previous one, the Thunder Flash Dragon was surrounded by five spectacular super materials.

The current Thunder Flash Dragon only has one piece of super material left on its body, swaying pitifully.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as the no card is still on the field, there are endless possibilities!

"It seems that you are not very satisfied with the bad turtle beast......."Yujo Judai sighed.

But yes, although the turtle bad beast has a powerful effect.

But the attack power is only 2200 points, which is indeed a bit too low.

"In that case, I'll give you another card!"

Yucheng Judai waved his hand, and a card in his hand was already pasted on the duel plate.

Under the feet of the Turtle Bad Beast and the Thunder Flash Dragon, dark black summoning arrays began to shine again.

The next moment.

A card covered with The giant that soaked up the crimson lava rose up from the ground, with the Thunder Flash Dragon in its left hand and the Turtle Bad Beast in its right hand, swallowing them all in one mouthful.


Although Lei Shan has no face, it can be seen from its large and small eyes that it seems to be a little shocked at the moment. this...

What is this?!

The lava-clad giant roared.

The terrifying heat wave almost overturned Lei Shan’s car

【Lava Demon】

【Star rating: 8】

【Demon clan】

【Attack power: 3000]

Damn it.

Lei Shan almost spit out curse words from his mouth.

This, what is this?

In other duels, monsters are summoned to one's field.

Why do you have to summon monsters to other people's fields in your duel?

"Compared to the Turtle Bad Beast, the Lava Demon's attack power should be enough, right?"Yucheng Judai chuckled and threw two cards on the field,"Hidden two cards and the round is over!"


Behind Yujo Judai, Hui Liuli, who was hugging his neck tightly, and Captain Maize, who was hugging his thigh, both showed silent expressions.

I always feel that it started when Judai-sama put down these two monsters on the opponent's field.

The outcome of this duel has begun to become less important.......

"But, damn it! Lei

Shan gritted his teeth and pulled out a card from the deck:"In that case, I will use the monster you gave me to teach you a lesson!""

"My turn, draw a card!"

The card drawing phase is over.

The preparation phase begins!

The lava demon on the field began to pour hot saliva from the corner of his mouth! The surrounding forest site began to boil, and the terrifying temperature even caused many leaves to roll up!


Lei Shan raised his head in confusion and saw the lava demon's saliva coming straight towards him.


The screams sounded.

Looking at Lei Shan who was so burned that he almost overturned the car, Hui Liuli and Captain Corn covered their faces one after another. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Thunder flash: LP40003000】

"This, this monster......Will my health points be deducted by 1,000 points during the preparation stage?"Lei Shan finally realized that powerful monsters must be accompanied by corresponding risks.

Although the Lava Demon has a powerful attack power of 3,000 points, it is also very troublesome to have a fixed blood deduction of 1,000 points every round.

"hateful!"After taking a look at the drawn card, Lei Shan knew that it would not be enough to rely on hand cards alone.

At this time, the loaders from both sides passed through the curve of the forest almost in tandem.

In front, a golden light flashed The card appeared in their eyes

"It’s a high-speed card!"Hui Liuli pricked up her ears.

Youcheng Judai drove the loader speed to the maximum.

However, even so, compared to Lei Shan, their speed was still slightly slower.

Lei Shan, as an elf born from electrons, The control of speed will never be comparable to that of ordinary people!

"got it!"

With a wave of his hand, a card with a lightning symbol engraved on the back appeared in Lei Shan's hand.

"Activate high-speed magic! 【Su Sheng】!"

Lei Shan immediately put the card into the duel plate,"Choose a monster in the graveyard and revive it!"

"Come back again! 【no.91 Thunder Flash Dragon】!" boom!

Lightning reappears!

The Thunder Flash Dragon, which had been devoured twice, was resurrected on the field again!

Of course, this time, I don’t even have a single super material on my body.

"Get rid of you in one go!"

Lei Shan threw down a card in his hand:"Discard the [Thunder and Lightning Seahorse] in the hand! You can add two other [Thunder Seahorses] from the deck to your hand!"

"Then, according to the rules of [High-Speed ​​Field], the fastest person can be summoned twice in one round!"

"Come out! Two thunder seahorses!"


Along with the electric current, two seahorse monsters flashing with electric current appeared on the left and right of the field.

"and! When summoning or special summoning Thunder type, four-star, or light attribute monsters on the field! The [Electrode Beast-Anion] in the hand card is specially summoned!"

"after that! I stack two [Thunder Seahorses] with level 4 [Electrode Beast-Anion] on the field! Super Summon!"

Leishan has obviously been carried away by anger.

Now he will use his full strength to completely defeat Yucheng Judai!

"Come out! 【no.57 Fenxunlong-three-headed dragon】!"

White mist lingers.

The scarlet number 57 emerges in the white mist!

Behind Lei Shan, the three-headed dragon condensed by white mist fell!

The second no card appeared!

Looking at the monster emerging behind Lei Shan.

Yujo Judai raised his lips and placed a card in his hand on the duel plate.

"During the main phase of the fifth time you summon or special summon, I activate this card"

"Um?"Lei Shan was startled for a moment.

The next moment, he saw a huge black meteorite in the sky, crashing down, causing a huge wave.

The Lava Demon God, Thunder Flash Dragon, and Fen Xun Dragon on the field were all covered in dust and smoke. Swallowed by huge waves, even the lightning flash was thrown away by the meteorite, including people and cars, rolling on the ground several times before stopping. Wait until everything dissipated.

A huge meteorite stood like an epitaph on the Next to Lei Shan.

Lei Shan, on the other hand, lay there motionless with his butt stuck out, as if he had been knocked unconscious by the meteorite.

【Primitive life form derivatives】

【Star rating: 11】

【rock tribe】

【Attack power: 5800, defense power: 7100】

【Thunder Flash, lost because he could not continue to complete the game.】

【The Tenth Generation of Youcheng: WIN......

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