The duel is over.

As Thunder Flash was defeated.

In the hands of Judai Yujo, two brand new NO cards were condensed.

【no.91Thunder Dragon】

【No.57 Fenxun Dragon - Three-Headed Dragon]

Seeing the card in Yucheng Judai's hand, Hui Liuli said happily:"Great, Judai-sama has successfully collected two more no cards!"

"In this case, Judai-sama has already collected six no cards in his hand."


Although I have collected six no cards,

I am still far away from collecting all one hundred of them.

Judai Yujo put away the two no cards in his hand.

His system interface, Also included are these two new no.

"So, the last no card in the heart garden now is the one in Kelong's hand, right?"

Yushiro Judai looked at Captain Corn beside him.

Captain Corn quickly responded:"It's such a Judai-sama, but......Compared to me and Lei Shan, Ke Long is several times stronger......."

"Eh? It doesn't feel that strong. Hui Liuli touched her chin,"After all, you and Lei Shan both give people the impression of being weak." Captain Corn blushed and shouted at the top of his lungs:"That's because Judai-sama is too strong!" We have collected a lot of no cards here, but we have never encountered such a powerful duelist as Judai-sama!"

"However, Kelong is indeed different......Her deck, and the no cards in her hand, are completely different from ours."

Captain Corn said solemnly:"Moreover, compared to me and Lei Shan, Kelong is a living body made from dolls abandoned by humans."

"Because she had been abandoned by humans, she has a high degree of resistance to humans.......If Judai-sama doesn't cheer up, he might get bitten back."

There is nothing wrong with what Captain Corn said.

In the original work, the little princess Colon is indeed a doll abandoned by humans.

However, the person who abandoned Colon is the one in the Yuma protagonist group who has always been secretly in love with Yuma. Catwoman kitten.

Because the kitten likes the new and hates the old, the kitten abandoned Colon after getting a new doll.

Before entering the crusher of the garbage recycling site, Colon, who was full of resentment towards humans, was killed by Dr. Fika. Discovered and transformed it into a new life form, using its powerful resentment and power to hunt the No card.

Now, the hunting of the No card has stopped.

But Kelong's resentment towards humans will not dissipate just because the hunting stops.

And , as the signature star of Xinyuan Amusement Park.

The Doll House where Ke Long is located is not often open.

If you want to enter the Doll House, you may also need certain permissions....

"That, if you want to enter the Doll House......Judai-sama, I have a secret passage that can bypass the permission door and enter......."

Just when Yusheng Judai was thinking about whether to use Kaiba technology to hack into the heart.

From the side, a voice suddenly came.

Everyone turned around.

But they found that Lei Shan had appeared behind them at some point and was scratching his head in embarrassment.

"that......I suddenly realized that I had become as elven as Captain Corn.......Judai-sama, do you mind having one more younger brother? Hehehehe......"

Heart garden.

At the top of the heart tower, in the control room.

In front of the big screen, Amagi Kaito had a solemn expression.

Ever since he let Yakumo Kyouji escape that night, Amagi Kaito has been looking for Yakumo Kyouji's whereabouts.

However, Yakumo Koji seemed to have disappeared from the world at this time.

Even if Shinon's highest technological power is mobilized, there is no trace of Yakumo Koji at all.

"That rascal......"

Kaito gritted his teeth.

What happened to him.

What is this kind of power all about?

I am upset.

Orbital 7 on the side suddenly ran over and said anxiously:"Reporting to Lord Kaito, Captain Corn and Thunder Flash in the heart garden suddenly lost contact!"

"What?!"Kaito's expression changed, and he quickly followed Track 7 to the monitoring equipment on the side.

In the monitoring equipment, the entire heart garden was divided into several areas.

In each area, there were corresponding portraits of characters hanging there.

And the person in charge The portraits of Captain Corn and Thunderbolt in their own area have turned gray at this moment.

It is obvious that they have been......

"Could it be Yakumo?"Kaito immediately thought of Yakumo Koji.

Captain Corn and Thunderbolt each have no cards in their hands.

But now, the only person who wants to continue collecting no cards is Yakumo. The company is prosperous

"Track 7, check who in the heart still has the no card in his hand!"Thinking of this, Kaito hurriedly asked Orbital 7

"Yes! Kaito-sama!"

Orbital 7 immediately came to the screen, with countless electronic tentacles emerging from the robot hand, tapping the computer keyboard quickly.

Soon, the holder of the last no card in the heart appeared on the screen.

【Princess Kelong】

【Location: Doll House】

【Have no card: no.22 is not random!】

"Track 7, let's go!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"yes! Yes! Kaito-sama!"

Kaito grabbed the windbreaker on the seat and put it on his body, striding towards the door with Orbital 7.

Yakumo Koji......This time, I will definitely defeat you completely!

The other side.

Under the guidance of Lei Shan.

Yucheng Judai rode a high-speed loader, jumped down from the forest canyon, and followed the river to the next area of ​​​​the Heart Garden.

Doll's House

"The back door of the Doll House is connected to the river in the forest canyon. Ordinary tourists will never know these things."

Lei Shan floated next to Yucheng Judai and said,"Ah, right ahead is the castle where Ke Long lives."

0 Asking for flowers 0

The words fell.

In front of Yujo Judai, a huge and dreamy castle gradually appeared in his field of vision.

The castle seemed to be made of various colored building blocks.

Around the castle, there were also A large area of ​​artificially made large dolls.

At a glance, it seems like you have arrived at a fairy tale castle that girls dream of staying in.

"Amazing......Is this the Doll's House?"Hui Liuli's eyes lit up.

She looked at the castle in front of her longingly, her tail wagging excitedly.

Lei Shan reminded:"Master Judai, be careful. Princess Kelong hates being disturbed by outsiders. of."

Yusheng Judai nodded and drove the loader towards the shore.

Parking the loader on the shore, Yucheng Judai followed the winding steps to the main entrance of the Doll House.

Here, the castle gate Half-hidden there.

The room was dark, and the deep environment made people feel a little hairy.

"Judai-sama, why do I feel that the air around me is a little cold?"Hui Liuli rubbed her hands and said with fear.

She looked at the castle that was quite cozy from a distance, but why did it become eerie when she got closer?


Yucheng Judai did not respond.

However, he also unfolded the duel disk, carefully pushed open the castle door, and walked in.

The interior of the castle was dark and crowded.

Rows of shelves were placed around the hall.

And with the entry of the ten generations of Youcheng.

On the shelves, pairs of eyes shining with white light brightened up, looking straight at Judai Yujo as if they were alive.

Yujo Judai frowned and quickly pressed his fingers on the top of the deck, ready to take action at any time.

At this time, Yucheng Judai was on heightened alert.

A crisp sound of footsteps suddenly reached the ears of Judai Yujo and the three elves beside him.

In the darkness, the short figure gradually squirmed.

Yujo Judai turned his attention to the short figure.

The light coming from the half-opened door behind him gradually made the face in the darkness clear.

At this time.

A lifeless doll's face appeared in front of Judai Yujo and the elves without warning.

The gloomy doll's face was half covered in darkness, with a strange white light shining in its pupils.

"Ouch! How terrible! Judai-sama!"

Hui Liuli, Captain Corn, and Thunder Flash were immediately frightened out of their wits, and each of them scrambled to hide behind Yu Cheng Ju Dai.

Yu Cheng Ju Dai stared at the figure in the darkness, and seemed to already know the identity of this person.

I saw a blond doll girl wearing a blue bow on her head, slowly walking out of the darkness. She looked at Judai Yujo in front of her and the three elves hiding behind him, shivering.

The corner of the doll girl's mouth raised slightly, A mechanical and sharp voice like a puppet came from his mouth.


"Come to the Doll House!".....and..

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