The night passed.

In the early morning, amid Yuma's daily panic of being late, a new day came again.

But unlike yesterday, today's Yucheng Judai already has a very clear goal.

After finishing some tasks at hand in the morning, Yucheng Judai was ready to investigate the no card in the clues.

"Eh? You mean, do you want to take leave today?"

Sitting at the dining table, Akari was holding coffee in her left hand and typing smoothly on the keyboard of her laptop with her right hand.

After hearing Yujo Judai's words, Akari stopped typing and looked at him in confusion.

"Well, I have a little something to take care of today."Youcheng Judai smiled bitterly,"It shouldn't be a problem to just take a day off, right?"

"There's nothing wrong with asking for leave. After all, the news doesn't come out every day.......but......"

Akari came over with a suspicious look on her face, touched her chin and looked up and down Yujo Judai's body.

"Are you going to go to a Western restaurant?"Two hundred and one""Huh?"!"Yushiro Judai was shocked and looked at Akari with disbelief.


Yesterday, the clue to the no card clue was a Western restaurant.

But why would she know Akari?...

"Huh, that's true!"Seeing the change in Yujo Judai's expression, Akari raised the corner of her mouth and said with a proud smile,"I've seen that Western restaurant on the Internet a long time ago. It's a store with a very good reputation."

"Moreover, today is the first anniversary event of that restaurant, and there are a lot of discounts"

"The most important thing is that today the restaurant also invited the famous duel idol Chouno Chrysalis to perform. Many people want to go there to get the autograph of Chrysanthemum chrysalis."

"Your boy is no exception, right?"


Is that so?

Yucheng Judai felt relieved.

"Well, it’s what you said, right?......"Yujo Judai scratched his face and could only use this reason to excuse himself.

"Humph, wouldn't it be better to tell the truth from the beginning? Well, I can still help you with something."Akari took out her small wallet, took out a ticket and handed it to Yujo Judai

"This is......"

"This is a dining voucher for that restaurant. I usually like the Western food in that restaurant, so I ordered a lot of dining vouchers.

Akari smiled and said:"For the sake of your good work, I will make an exception and give you one today.""

Ah this......

Looking at the meal ticket in his hand, Yucheng Judai suddenly felt that there was something wrong with his ears.

That ninety-nine miles......When did you become so considerate?

Is there really nothing wrong with this meal voucher?

With doubts in his heart, Yujo Judai walked out of the house.

When they arrived at the door, Jiujiuchun and the sweeping robot Yoshimi were cleaning the street at the door.

As soon as Yucheng Judai said hello, he saw Jiujiuchun looking at him with a half-smile and winking at him.

It seems that Grandma Haru saw what Akari handed Yucheng Judai the meal coupon just now.

Looking at the ninety-nine spring with her aunt's smile on her face, Yujo Judai always felt that she seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Forget it, it’s more important to collect no cards......"Putting the meal ticket thing behind him, Yujo Judai walked towards the Western restaurant in the system clues.

Shortly after riding the aerial cloud car.

Soon, Yucheng Judai came to the Western-style restaurant described in the system.

Just as Akari said, the first anniversary celebration banners were hung outside the restaurant, and the duel stage for the duel idol Chouno Chrysalis was also prepared.

It seems that due to time issues, the popular duel idol in Xinyuan City has not yet arrived at the scene. Only some staff are inspecting the stage and equipment.

The inside and outside of the store were even more crowded with customers queuing up, making it completely blocked inside and out.

Looking at this long queue, Yucheng Judai's head felt a dull pain.

If the queue continues, I'm afraid it won't last all day.......


At this time, Yujo Judai suddenly saw a familiar figure in the restaurant.

He was wearing a black windbreaker, blond hair, and an indifferent expression that seemed to never change.

Amagi Kaito......

Seeing that person, Yujo Judai frowned.

Why is this guy here?

At this time, Amagi Kaito was sitting on the seat with his legs crossed, sipping coffee leisurely.

Beside him, Orbital 7 looked like he was in standby mode, looking around from time to time.

The next moment, Orbital 7's eyes met those of Yujo Judai.

"Quick, Lord Kaito! It's that Yujo Judai!"Orbit 7 hurriedly reminded Kaito.

Amagi Kaito also turned his attention to Yujo Judai.

Seeing Yujo Judai lining up in the crowd, Amagi Kaito unexpectedly didn't make any move.

He just looked at it with indifferent eyes. Yujo Judai withdrew his gaze again and drank coffee calmly.

Seeing an old acquaintance, Yujo Judai had no choice but to step forward and say hello.

"Oh, I didn’t expect to meet you here, Kaito. Kaito glanced at Yujo Judai and said in a deep voice:"Since you have also appeared here, that means that what was said in the letter is correct.""

"letter?"Yucheng Judai was stunned for a moment,"What letter?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Announcement letter given to me by someone......It is said that in this store, there is a no card."

Kaito was reluctant to say too much, but from his words, Yujo Judai also understood who that certain person was.

Yakumo Koji......

So that’s it, did Baxing also notice the card here?

However, that guy called Kaito here in advance. What was this for?......

Yujo Judai pulled up the empty chair next to him and sat down:"I thought you were here for the duel idol's autograph......."

Kaito twitched and seemed to choke on his coffee.

He wiped the corners of his mouth and looked at Yujo Judai with a strange look:"I'm not here for boring things like that. Could it be that you are here for this?"

"I’m not okay either! Who would be so bored to come here just for a broken autograph?"Yushiro Judai rolled his eyes.

Just kidding, if it weren't for the No card, I wouldn't know there are any idol activities here, right?

And......Duel Idols.

Are there really people who are obsessed with Duel Idols? This is too strange.

Restaurant corner.

Kiragu huddled on the seat in the corner, covering half of his body with a newspaper.

He swallowed hard, cold sweat dripping down his forehead. sky......Amagi Kaito, and Yujo Judai?

How could the two of them be in a place like this? And it seems that they are still discussing about the no card?

Oops, today I heard that there was an autograph for Pupa-chan here, so I came to queue early on 1.1. Unexpectedly, I met these two people and heard about the No card.......

Damn it, should I retreat first and think about it in the long run, or should I wait until they get the no card and then kill them all in one fell swoop?

He alone, with his current strength alone, would definitely not be able to defeat Yujo Judai and Amagi Kaito.

Do you want Alito to be called over to help?


He is one of the Seven Balian Emperors, and he actually queued up early in the morning to get autographs from duel idols.

If word spreads, I'm afraid I won't be able to raise my head in front of others in my life, right?

The corners of Kiragu's mouth twitched, and he was deeply entangled in his heart. or.

Just pretend you haven't seen the two of them today.

Anyway, no card can be obtained sooner or later.

But what about Pupa Jiang’s signature?......That's hard to say......

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