The restaurant is still extremely hot.

The waiters carried delicious dishes among the enthusiastic crowd.

One after another delicious food was displayed in front of the guests, causing waves of exclamation from the guests.

"Sir, the pasta you ordered is ready."A piece of exquisite pasta was placed in front of Amagi Kaito.

However, it was obvious that Kaito was not very interested in this pasta that looked particularly delicious.

At this moment, he was watching with vigilant eyes. Looking at every guest around him.

Among them, there may be traces of Yakumo Kōji or Yakumo Kōji's men.

Compared to Kaito, Yujo Judai seems to be much more relaxed.

"Please give me an extra meal."Greeting to the waiter, Yujo Judai naturally enjoyed the seat that Kaito had waited in line for half an hour to get.

"Hey, you guys are going a little too far! Kaito-sama worked hard to get this position after queuing for a long time!"Orbital 7 stood up angrily and shouted at Yucheng Judai

"It doesn't matter, Kaito doesn't seem to care too much."Yushiro Judai shrugged and looked at Kaito,"You don't care if I eat at the same table as you, do you?"

Kaito didn't respond, but in the eyes of Yujo Judai, this was regarded as a default behavior.

"Kaito-sama!" When Kaito ignored him, Orbital 7 had no reason to continue driving Yujo Judai. He could only look at Yujo Judai angrily,"Damn it, you damn jellyfish head!"


Hearing this title, Judai Yujo couldn't help but choked.

Jellyfish head or something....

Orbital 7 This guy really likes to seize other people's characteristics and ridicule them.

It's obviously just a robot, why is it so venomous?

"Youcheng Judai, why do you want to collect no cards?"

At this time, Kaito finally asked again the question that he had been asking Yujo Judai in the Heart Garden Amusement Park that day.

Last time, Yujo Judai escaped because of Heart City Meihui.

But this time it was different.

Kaito has plenty of time to question Yujo Judai

"Well, haven't I already answered this?......I must have my own purpose in collecting no cards."Youcheng Judai smiled and said,"Besides, I will never have any conflict with you."

"you guy......"

"Sir, you want extra food."

Just when Kaito was about to ask more questions, the waiter came over with a piece of pasta and placed it in front of Yujo Judai.

"Oh, then I'm not welcome."

Ignoring Kaito anymore, Yujo Judai picked up his fork, immediately rolled up the pasta and stuffed it into his mouth.

"whispering sound......"Kaito's face looked a little ugly, but in the end he couldn't speak and continued.

"Ouch! The food in this restaurant is really delicious!"After swallowing a mouthful of pasta, Yujo Judai's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but marvel.

Although this tomato-flavored pasta looked ordinary, for some reason it had an extremely alluring flavor when it fell into his mouth. Taste!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is simply the most delicious thing Yujo Judai has ever tasted!


This is also the first time for Kaito to come to this restaurant.

Although this restaurant has been famous for a long time, because he has been hunting for no cards, he doesn't have much time to come here to taste it in person. He picked up the fork on the side. , Kaito took a shallow taste.

But then, his expression also changed extremely obviously, and he seemed to be shocked by the taste of this plate of pasta.

"it turns out......Tastier than expected."

Kaito seemed a little unbelievable, and hurriedly put some more into his mouth.


Looking at Kaito's eager look, Yujo Judai couldn't help but slow down his eating speed.

This pasta is indeed delicious, but I always feel that......It's so delicious that it feels a bit weird.

Could it be that it has something to do with the No card?

Yujo Judai was eating, but he was confused in his heart.

Da da da......

At this moment, a crisp sound of clogs reached the ears of Yujo Judai with an extremely eerie clarity in the chaotic and noisy hall.

Yujo Judai turned around and looked.

I found it at the crowded doorway.

A man in a kimono, with hair hanging down his back like needles and a tengu mask on his face, was striding towards the house.

His outfit was too conspicuous.

In this hall full of Western-style decorations, wearing such subculture-style clothing is really difficult to ignore.

Moreover, the dueling equipment on his waist also made Yujo Judai detect a strange feeling.

"Judai-sama! The breath of no card appears!"Suddenly, an elf's voice appeared in Yucheng Judai's ears.

It was Captain Corn's voice.

"Moreover, Judai-sama, I seem to have seen that person somewhere before......."Kelong's voice also appeared in Yusheng Judai's ears. The next moment, Kelong's vague figure floated beside Yousheng Judai, staring at the man wearing a Tengu mask.

"He seems to be the strongest shogi champion ever in Shinzono, Speedy Kakuzu!"

"I remember that he seemed to be one of Yakumo Koji's subordinates."

Kelong's words made Yucheng Judai also remember this character.

But it was obvious that Speedster didn't seem to know Yucheng Judai.

He strode past Yucheng Judai, and just looked at the man who was immersed in eating. Kaidou cast a look. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He opened the folding fan in his hand, chuckled, and followed the waiter's guidance to a newly vacant space. sit down

"Is this guy also here to hunt for no cards?"Yushiro Judai was a little curious.

Now that the speeding corner has arrived, where is Yakumo Koji?

Will he be nearby to monitor the situation here?


Since the hunters have entered one after another.

So what are they doing today ? Where is the prey to be hunted?

Yujo Judai's eyes scanned the entire Hall 867, but he did not see any suspicious person.......Oh no, I saw it.

Looking at Kiragu who was sitting in the corner of the restaurant, covering himself with a newspaper, Yujo Judai was silent for a moment, and then silently turned his eyes elsewhere.

Forget it, just pretend you didn’t see this guy.

Just when Yujo Judai was about to continue observing.

A burst of rhythmic clapping suddenly sounded in the originally noisy hall.

People's voices gradually stopped, and they all looked towards the source of the clapping sound.

I saw a strong man, wearing a spotless white chef's uniform and a tall chef's hat, walking to the front of the hall while clapping his hands.

He glanced at the guests in the hall, with a satisfied smile on his face

"Welcome everyone to participate in our annual anniversary celebration event"

"This anniversary celebration, I personally prepared delicious food for you. I wonder if you are satisfied with it?"

The man bowed slightly

"By the way, let me introduce myself to everyone."

"I am the owner and chef of this restaurant, Jingu Ga"

"I hope everyone can have a happy meal during our first anniversary event."

Slowly raising his head, an imperceptible white light appeared in the man's eyes.

"Judai-sama! This person has a very strong smell of no card on his body!"Captain Corn pointed at the man and shouted.

Is it him?

Judai Yujo's eyes darkened slightly.

This time the holder of the No card......

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