Jingu Ga's appearance time is not long.

He just made a brief appearance and then slowly left the stage amidst the applause of the audience.

It is not difficult to see that there are not a few customers who recognize the skills of his store manager and chef.

At least Yujo Judai really likes this guy's cooking.

As Jin Gonghe left.

The lively atmosphere was restored again.

After finishing the last pasta on the plate, Yujo Judai wiped his mouth, got up and prepared to go to the kitchen to meet the No card holder.

"What are you going to do?"

Kaito glanced sideways at Yujo Judai and stood up as well,"Did you find the no card?"

"Well, let's make sure a little bit."

Yushiro Judai didn't shy away from it. Kaito knew the purpose of coming here anyway, so there was no need to hide it.

"Hum, Noka hunting doesn’t need you to be so gentle."

Kaito said coldly, waved his hand, and an incredible force suddenly expanded rapidly around him.


The whole world fell silent in a wave of fluctuations.

Even the surrounding scenery... It instantly turned gray.

All around, the waiters who were shuttling through the crowd, the customers queuing up, and the guests sitting at the table feasting, all stopped there as if the pause button had been pressed.

Everything around them at this moment, Everything was eerily quiet.

Even the soup spilled by some people while eating was clearly visible in the air.

"Oh, is this the power of the no card hunter?"

Yushiro Judai reached out and touched the soup splashing in the sky, and found that although there was a touch, his touch could not change any shape of the soup.

It was because time was suspended, so even if he could Can't moving in suspended time change everything that has been suspended?

"Let's go, in this space, only people with no cards can move normally."

Kaito didn't plan to explain too much to Yujo Judai. After all, it was a technology from the Yu-Gi-Oh World that couldn't be explained clearly by normal academics.

As the two of them walked towards the kitchen.

In the restaurant, the man wearing a tengu The man in the mask suddenly took action at this moment.

He stood up slowly, showed the duel disk under his robe, and strode to follow the footsteps of Yujo Judai and Amagi Kaito.


Yes, in the entire restaurant, there are still people who can move. In addition to these people with no cards, there is also Kira Gu from the Balian world.

But from the moment time was suspended, he huddled there pretending to be suspended as well as everyone around him.

Anyway, no one is paying attention to me, so I just stay here and wait for Chrysalis-chan’s concert....

Come to the restaurant and cook.

Opening the door to the kitchen, Shen Gonghe was sitting in front of the chopping board, playing with an especially fresh tomato in his hand.

The chefs around were all frozen in time.

But Jingu He looked calm and seemed not too surprised by what was happening around him.

"Are you no card hunters?"

Seeing the kitchen door open, Jingu He raised his head and glanced at Yujo Judai and Amagi Kaito, and said calmly

"They all look very young......."

"It seems like this isn't the first time you've encountered a no card hunter, right?"Youcheng Judai asked curiously

"Yes, there were indeed other no card hunters who came to me before you. Jin Gonghe took a big bite of the tomato,"But it's a pity that it's still ten thousand years too early to take my power away from me.""

This guy is really full of self-confidence.......

Yujo Judai smiled helplessly.

Just as he was about to say something more, Kaito beside him had no patience to continue chatting.

"Enough nonsense, the hunting is about to begin!"

"Track 7!"

"yes! Kaito-sama!"Railway 7 on the side immediately ran out and threw Kaito's crescent-shaped duel disc towards Kaito.

"Duel Mode - Photon Conversion! Drink ah ah ah!"

The black trench coat on his body turned white.

Kaito's left eye was also covered with blue electronic lines, and the duel disk on his arm was activated.

Yujo Judai also immediately showed the duel disk, and the Kaiba Corporation equipment on his body , began to flash a blue edge of light

"Two against one?"Jingong He smiled and said

"No, I want to hunt with you and this guy. Kaito glanced at Yujo Judai next to him and said coldly.

"They really treat me as an enemy."Holding his forehead, Yujo Judai sighed helplessly,"You are really in trouble."

But that's okay.

If Kaito is defeated this time, he won't cause trouble for me next time, right?

"Is there also internal strife among no card hunters? interesting."

Jingong He stretched out his right arm, and put a ring on his arm with his left hand. The next moment, the ring unfolded, and a silver-edged duel plate automatically unfolded on his right arm.

Just when the duel between the three was about to begin, At the beginning. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) In the quiet kitchen, a crisp sound of clogs suddenly sounded.

The door to the kitchen suddenly opened.

The man wearing a tengu mask had already appeared in the kitchen. gate door

".Since we are going to hunt for no cards, how can this duel be without me, Yakumo-sama’s second general, Speedy Kaku?"

Speed ​​car corner?!

What's going on with this guy?

Kaito's face darkened, looking at this guy who suddenly broke into the battle.

"Amagi Kaito, Yakumo-sama asked me to take your life and hunt all the no cards here."

Speed ​​​​Jiao came forward with the duel facilities on his body fully deployed.

"Such an unexpected intrusion?"Yushidai Judai scratched his face in embarrassment.

What a Super Smash Bros. brawl-like plot is unfolding!

【Melee Duel - Begin!】

【The Tenth Generation of Youcheng: LP4000】

【Amagi Kaito: LP4000】

【Speeding angle: LP4000】

【Jingu He: LP4000】


Melee duel between four people......

Yujo Judai took out five cards from the deck and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

This is really the first time for me to engage in a melee with so many people. (Li Ma's) In the past duels, whether it was a two-on-two team or a one-on-many team, Yucheng Judai had tried it.

But the current 1vlv1v1 mode is really fresh enough.

Each of these four people is your enemy.

But equally, everyone may be your ally.

But what you have to do is to persevere until the end in the melee between these four people and become the final winner!

"The first attack is mine, draw the card!"

Jingong He still looked calm.

The more people come, the lower the possibility of him being targeted in this melee.

Then for his deck, there will be more Expand opportunities

"Well, since there are so many guests here, let me first prepare a delicious dish according to your taste."

Jingonghe placed a card on the duel plate, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Let’s take a look at the menu first, dear guests."

"Magic card [This is the menu], activate!".

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