"【This is the menu] After the effect is activated, I can select two [New Magic Chef] monsters with different card names from the deck to show to the opponent."

"The opponent chooses one of them, and the other monster is added to my hand."

Jingong He smiled and took out two cards from the deck:"Then, guests, please choose your favorite dishes first."

In front of Yujo Judai, Amagi Kaito, and Speedy Kakuzu, the two cards in Jinguga's hand appeared one by one.

【Pan-fried Boutis from the New Magic Chef】

【Bouillon Bouillon from the New Magic Chef】

"Come on, please order your food."

Jingong He bowed slightly.

Is this a new Magic Chef deck?...

Yujo Judai glanced at the two monsters in front of him.

The new Magic Chef deck uses ritual cards in the [Recipe] field to perform ritual summons.

Although the new Magic Chef deck is unpopular, it has the special ability to use monster effects to continuously liberate the opponent's monsters during the opponent's turn, thereby ritually summoning them from the deck.

All in all, it is a powerful deck that is easy to target if it can be interrupted, but if it cannot be interrupted, it will make everyone fall into despair.

In this kind of melee duel, this kind of deck can easily be ignored by the complicated duel form, and then it can be completed like stealing the chicken.

All in all, it’s a bit bad.......

Yujo Judai pondered for a moment and pointed at [New Demon Chef's Pan-Fried Botis].

Amagi Kaito glanced at Yujo Judai's choice, and after a moment of silence, he also chose [New Demon Chef's Pan-Fried Butis].

The Speedy Corner was a lot more casual and casually chose [New Magic Chef’s Bouillabaisse 793 Bouillon].

The voting ratio was 2 to 1, and the one chosen was [New Magic Chef’s Pan-Fried Butis]】!

"Very good, I have gradually understood the tastes of all the guests."

Jingong He added that card to his hand, and then continued:"Then, according to the subsequent effect of [This is the menu], I can add the corresponding monster from the deck to the corresponding monster type from the deck. Add racial cards to hand"

"Pan-fried Botis is a beast-warrior monster, so the card I added to my hand is ritual magic [Fish Dishes Recipe]】"

Kamiyaga draws a card from the deck

"Hey, what a messy deck......"The speedster's face turned gloomy, and he unfolded his folding fan somewhat unhappily.

"Yes, providing good food to customers who are looking for delicious food is not a messy thing."Jingonghe interrupted the words of the flying car corner, and then placed the card in his hand on the duel plate.

"Then, the cooking is about to begin! Activate Ritual Magic Card [Fish Dishes Recipe]】!"

"The total levels are up to the required level of the monsters summoned by the ritual. Liberate the monsters in your hand and on the field, and special summon a [New Magic Chef] ritual monster from your hand!"

"I will liberate the Level 3 [Ritual Demon-Liberator] in my hand! Perform ritual summons from cards in your hand!"


Dark flames burned behind Jin Gong He.

Three dark flames swayed with the wind.

In the darkness, a fierce light appeared in Jin Gong He's eyes, and he clasped his hands in front of his chest.

"Come out (bacg)! 【New Magic Chef’s Pan-fried Boutis】!"

An indescribable and alluring aroma hit my face.

Speedy angle and Amagi Kaito were slightly stagnant, and their spirits suddenly became trance-like.

"It tastes like pan-fried food!"Hai Liuli's head suddenly popped up from Yucheng Judai's deck, her face drooling with excitement.

"......"Yujo Judai rolled his eyes and ignored this idiot.

He was not attracted by the unusual aroma of food, because all his attention at the moment was on the fried butis.

There's nothing noteworthy about this monster.

Monsters with an attack power of 1200 and a reserve of 50 are very common. but.

Because of [Ritual Demon Liberator]......

"Hahaha, after [Ritual Demon Liberator] is used for ritual summoning, as long as the monster summoned by the ritual exists on the field, then from my point of view, the opponent player cannot perform any special summons!"

Jingu Ga's words shocked Kaito and Speedo, who were originally immersed in the aroma of food and were in a trance, and they suddenly came back to their senses.

Can't perform special summons?

Doesn't that mean that in this duel, except for Jin Gong Ga? People can only be like puppets on strings, allowed to be slaughtered by others!

"Too bad I didn't notice this for a while......"

Kaito's expression was even more solemn.

His Galaxy Eye deck relies heavily on special summons. If special summons are not available, many operations will not be possible!

"Hum, guests, please take your time and taste my food."

"【The effect of"New Magic Chef's Pan-Fried Botis" is activated. If this card is successfully summoned by the ritual, you draw a card from the deck."

Jingong He drew a card, and then waved his hand:"Hidden two cards, the round is over!" round......it's over?

Seeing Jingu Ga end the round, the pressure suddenly hit him like a mountain.

"In the melee, everyone is unable to fight in the first round. In other words, everyone cannot kill this ritual monster in the first round?"Amagi Kaito's face darkened.

"It's best not to deal with this ritual monster casually, otherwise there will be more troubles in the future."Youcheng Judai reminded you.

Even if you say this......

Kaito looked at the card in his hand in silence, thinking about how to proceed with the next round.

"My turn, draw a card!"

It's Amagi Kaito's turn! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I summon [Photon Crusher]】!"

【Photon Crusher】

【Attack power: 2000】

"Then, cover up two cards and the round ends!"Faced with the special move blockade, Kaito had no temper and could only end the round.

"oh? A monster with an attack power of 2000. This customer has a very strong appetite."Jingong He commented with a smile.

"My turn, draw a card."

Yucheng Judai also naturally chose to cover the card and pass the card:"The inner side means summoning a monster, then cover a card, and the round ends."

"This guest seems to be very restrained, but I can also clearly see your inner desire for food......."Jin Gonghe raised the corner of his mouth and touched his chin.

Obviously, for a deck that focuses on explosions, once the special move is blocked, it is basically the same as the swordsman losing his arms.

At least until the end of this round, everyone has no way to break through.

"It's my turn!"Speed ​​Car Horn shouted and drew a card from the deck.

Seeing the drawn card, Speed ​​​​Jiao glanced at the three people in front of him:"Huh, since you can't deal with this monster, let me do it.!"

"Activate the field magic card! 【The world of queues】!"

The world of ranks?!

Everyone turned their attention to the speeding car corner.

From the speeding corner field, the monster area began to rapidly expand and change toward the shape of the chessboard.

In just the blink of an eye, the four duel areas present immediately transformed into the shape of a shogi board!

"For me! Duel Monsters is like a shogi board. No matter what kind of cards, they will become my chess pieces and act according to my orders!"

Speed ​​Car Horn said loudly

"Summon [Course Monster-Knight's Keima]】!"

"Knight Keima, when summoned successfully, can destroy the card diagonally in front of it! (Original effect)"

Diagonally ahead?!

Yujo Judai and Amagi Kaito were shocked.

Have the rules of dueling monsters been changed into the rules of shogi!

"The card diagonally in front of Keima is......【Pan-fried Boutis from the New Magic Chef】!"

"Moreover, because it does not destroy the object, it will not trigger the effect of Buttis."

"This guy doesn't seem to be as messy as I thought."

Youcheng Judai secretly thought in his heart

"By the way, when [World of Procession] is on the field, monsters destroyed on the field will go to the opponent's graveyard that applied the destruction effect!"Speed ​​​​Jiao Jiao sneered,"Just send this messy fried monster to my graveyard!"

On the field, a centaur monster with a [Keima] chess piece on its face waved the slashing knife in its hand and rushed towards Jinguga.

However, looking at this menacing monster, Jinguga's expression changed. Extremely weird

"Hahaha, what an interesting deck."

"But what a pity!"

"Counter Trap Card! [The chef’s proud recipe] is activated!"

"When there is a [New Magic Chef] monster on your field, the opponent's magic, traps, and monster effects are invalid!"

Counterattack Miseko?!

Seeing Keima on the field being beaten back instantly, Speedster's expression changed and he started to look extremely ugly.

"Please wait patiently until the food is finished."

Jingonghe sneered gloomily.

On his face, the golden number 59 began to appear...........

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