The next day.

In the mountains and forests on the outskirts of Xinyuan City.

Mizhael found Arit and Kiragu who were training.

Throw two of the [Balian Spherical Cubes] in your hand to them~.

Alit and Kiragu took over the Balian spherical cube, and each of them showed a surprised expression.

"Oh, that means that as long as we have this thing, we can use our full strength in the human world, right?"

Jiragu looked at the small cube in his hand and said excitedly

"In this case, I can use all my strength to teach that Yujo Judai a lesson."

Alite clenched the cube in his hand, his face filled with fighting spirit again.

He was severely punished by Yujo Judai before. Will he finally have the opportunity to defeat Yujo Judai's army this time?

"Hum, in short, just work hard."

Mizael chuckled and turned around.

"Anyway, if you just rely on you, it will be difficult to complete the task of collecting no cards in this life, right?"

As soon as the words fell, Mizael had already dodged and turned into red dust, disappearing in front of Arit and Kiragu.

"Hey, you guy!"Alite clenched his fists angrily, but he could only burst into incompetent rage,"Damn it, this bastard is too arrogant!"

Kiragu stopped the angry Arit, with a puzzled expression on his face:"Mizael has always been so confident, but......He ran somewhere alone. Could it be that he wanted to act alone?"

"Doesn't that guy want to find trouble for Yujo Judai alone?"Alite's mind was spinning very fast, and he suddenly thought of something,"That guy is always a competitive person. After hearing our report about the existence of a person like Yu Cheng Judai, we will definitely challenge him."

"Hey, it's true......"Jiragu crossed his arms and frowned,"Forget it, let him go alone."

"Anyway, in the end, he is the only one who suffers."

"Then, Mr. Judai, I leave all these cards to you."

At the gate of Xinyuan Academy.

Kamishiro Risu smiled and packed the cards he agreed on yesterday into a gift box and handed it to Yujo Judai.

Yujo Judai took the gift box and took out the cards inside. There were more than a dozen cards, indeed These are the cards needed to travel to the city for ten generations.

"Thank you so much, Risu."Yucheng Judai put away the card and thanked him sincerely.

Li Xu responded with a smile:"It's nothing. This little thing is nothing compared to you saving me."

It has to be said that although Li Xu is the kind of girl who is hot on the outside and cold on the inside, she will treat people wholeheartedly as long as she recognizes them.

For example, her brother Ling Ya, and Yuma whom she met later. , Xiaoniao and their companions.

That means......

Are you considered recognized by Li Xu?

"Speaking of which, how did you get these cards from Ling Ya? Did he give these cards to you so easily?"

Yushidai Judai is still very curious about this.

Although people like Lingya are not as single-celled as Yuma, they are also duelists who love cards as much as their lives.

How can he lend cards to others so easily?

"This is it......"Li Xu smiled and stuck out his tongue,"Ling Ya doesn't know this."


Yujo Judai was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he couldn't hold it any longer:"Then this was stolen!" Are you kidding me? Card stealing is really a bit too bad!

Yujo Judai did not want to use such a card for a duel.

Just as he was about to return the card to Li Xu, Li Xu suddenly covered his mouth and snickered again.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Judai, you are too easy to deceive."

Looking at the girl who was almost bent over with laughter, a big drop of sweat dropped from Yujo Judai's forehead.

"Ahem, I just lied to you, just accept these cards and use them."

Wiping the corners of his eyes, Li Xu straightened up and said seriously.

"......real or fake?"

"of course it's true! Could it be that Mr. Judai thinks I am the kind of person who just steals other people's cards?"Li Xu puffed up her cheeks and looked at Yu Cheng Judai angrily.


To be honest, Yujo Judai really can’t understand the girl in front of him at all.

"In short, if Mr. Judai doesn't believe it, then I'll give Lingya a call."Li Xu took out her cell phone and took advantage of the situation to broadcast Ling Ya's number.

"Forget it, of course I believe Li Xu."

Yucheng Judai quickly stopped Li Xu and put the card into his deck.

"Then, next time Mr. Judai has a duel, you can call me and let me see what kind of deck Mr. Judai wants to use Lingya's cards with."

Li Xu smiled and waved her hand,"There are still classes at school in the afternoon, so I'll leave first."

"Well, it just so happened that I was going to take some photos."Yucheng Judai nodded and watched Lixu return to the academy.

After seeing Lixu's back disappeared,

Yucheng Judai breathed a long sigh of relief.

"She is really a difficult girl to deal with. Yubel folded his arms and appeared next to Judai in Yujo,"That's it, Judai.""

"Heck, I didn't say I couldn't even handle a child."(If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

0 Request for Flowers

Yucheng Judai rolled his eyes and responded to the venomous guy next to him.

"Huh, why do I feel like you can't do anything about this Kamidai Risu?"Yubel raised his lips.

If we say that girls like Asuka and Rei Saotome in the past, Yujo Judai had the means and methods to deal with them, and they could escape if nothing happened.

But it is obvious that in front of this Kamishiro Risu, Yujo Judai has Jojudai was completely passive. He was simply suppressed by a child.

"I just can't see through her."

Yushiro Judai shook his head.

Kamishiro Risu was originally a very mature girl.

Except for being afraid of cats, every other aspect of Risu was far beyond the limits of her peers.

It was even said that she was better than some adults. She is much more mature.

When I am in front of her, it is difficult not to treat her as an adult.......But when treating her as an adult, it is difficult to ignore her identity as a junior high school student.

This is very......contradiction!

"Forget it, let’s not talk about her."Youcheng Judai rubbed his brows,"The power yesterday evening, if I guessed correctly, should be someone sent from the Balian world."

"Let's look for some clues about that person."

"Humph, are you starting to change the subject?"Yuber couldn't help but joked.

"......Does this count as a change of topic?"

In the academy.

After saying goodbye to Yujo Judai, Risu walked slowly in the corridor of the teaching building with his hands behind his back.

Recalling Yujo Judai's stunned expression just now, Risu couldn't help but want to laugh.

I didn't expect that a person who usually looks very stable can show such an expression....... but.

It just feels fun.

I was thinking about it.

Suddenly, a cool breeze came from behind Li Xu


Li Xu was startled and quickly turned around to look.

But in the empty corridor, a blond man was leaning against the wall, staring at Kamishiro Risu with his blue eyes.

"Always felt......You seem familiar."

Mizael stared at Kamishiro Risu, but soon he smiled with relief.

"That’s all"

"No matter what happens, it's fine"

"I just saw you talking to that Yujo Judai. You two must be acquaintances, right?"

"Then, I will use you as a hostage.".....righteous..

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