【Yujo Judai, if you want this guy to go back intact, come to me at Dueluan outside Shinion City]

He looked at the message sent on his phone and the photo of Kamishiro Risu.

Yujo Judai immediately realized that something was wrong.

Although I had thought that Mizael might appear at this time and find me.

But what Yujo Judai didn't expect was.

Mizael would actually take Risu as a hostage. but.

With Mizael's character, he probably wouldn't hurt Risu.

He is a typical aloof duelist. When he came to see him this time, he must have heard about him from Kiragu and Alito.

It seems that this duel with him is inevitable.

"Duduan?......"Yucheng Judai called up the map on his phone.

Duduan Temple is a duel temple located in the mountains and forests on the outskirts of Shinyuan City.

Similarly, it is also a place where Yuma often helps deliver some ingredients or supplies.

Is it here...

Looking at the position marked"253" on the map, Yujo Judai immediately took out the duel plate and wore it on his arm.


Since you want to challenge me, let me test my new deck with you in this duel.

At the foot of Duduan Mountain.

In the mountain forest, Mizhael floated in the sky and stared in the direction of Xinyuanyuan City.

Kamishiro Risu was sitting under the tree, with her hands tied and a cold expression on her face.

No injuries though.

But being restricted in her movements was enough to make her, who was already so strong, feel unhappy.

But she didn't make any noise, nor did she show any of her inner emotions.

On the contrary, she was extremely calm at this moment.

This guy has an unusual aura about him.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but deep in my soul, there seems to be a voice reminding me that this guy is very dangerous, and I must not have any conflict with him head-on.

Moreover, this person's target seems to be different from other assassins in the Balian world. He is not targeting Kujiu Yuma, but specifically targeting Yujo Judai.

In other words, this man is different from other Balian assassins.

This guy shouldn't pose any real threat to him.


Mizael was floating in the air, and his eyes suddenly turned to the distance.

When he saw a black shadow approaching him quickly, Mizael raised the corner of his mouth, showing an excited expression.

Judai Yujo, Here it comes!


Yujo Judai also saw Mizael.

He waved his hand and turned the jet wing carrying him behind him into a card, then jumped down from the air and landed firmly on the ground.

"Finally here it is, Yujo Judai."

Mizael is also a person who doesn't like nonsense.

When he saw the real owner coming, he immediately opened his palm and released the Balian cube that was shining with red light.

"Balian spherical venue, unfold!"


A powerful force rose from the ground.

The spherical field composed of countless red transparent cards instantly enveloped Yujo Judai and Mizael.

A force of levitation force, He dragged Yujo Judai up from the ground, and together with the spherical field, floated into the mid-air.


"this force......"Feeling this familiar power, Li Xu's body trembled. A strange feeling bursting out from her soul made her a little scared. at the same time.

With the advent of ball courts.

At this moment, Kaito, Lingya, and Yuma all felt this extraordinary power!

"Kaito-sama! An emergency has occurred! Strong abnormal energy is sensed in area 753!"

In the heart tower, the tentacle-like data lines on Orbit 7's fingers were tapping the keyboard quickly, reporting loudly to Kaito Hui

"There is an energy field that is very similar to the spherical field, and it is forming now!"

Spherical field?!

Kaito's expression changed.

Spherical field, how could he not remember this?

Back then, his father, Dr. Fika, used the power of the Balian world to collect No cards and made it exactly the spherical field.!

Could it be said that the people from the Balian world finally appeared!

On the other side,

Yuma and Lingya also rushed out of the campus and looked at where the spherical field appeared. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yuma!"Lingya looked at Yuma

"Ah, they are from the Balian world......"Yuma also changed from his usual silly look, and his expression was extremely solemn.

"But, who are the people in the Balian world dueling with?......"

【The Tenth Generation of Youcheng: LP4000】

【Mizael: LP4000】


In the sky above Duduan, the duel has begun.

Looking at the mark that popped up on the duel plate, Yujo Judai successfully took the lead. very good.

Seeing that he had taken the initiative, Yujo Judai raised his eyebrows and immediately drew five cards from the deck.

"My turn, draw a card!"

With a wave of his hand, he drew out a card, and Yusheng Judai immediately started his own layout.

"Since it is a duel with the Seven Balian Emperors,"

"Let's start with some appetizers."

Yushiro Judai placed a card on the duel plate:"Activate the magic card [Countdown to the End]】!"


Seeing the card activated by Yujo Judai, Mizael and Kamishiro Rio both showed somewhat surprised expressions.0

"The final countdown? I remember that the effect of that card should be......"Li Xu murmured softly

"【Countdown to the end], pay 2000 LP points, and 20 turns after this card is activated, you will win the duel."

Yucheng Judai smiled.

After his words fell, an unknown black cloud condensed on the head of Yucheng Judai.

In contrast, Yucheng Judai's health dropped significantly, and in an instant, only Half of the original

【The tenth generation of Youcheng: LP40002000】

"Are you kidding me? You actually paid two thousand health points right from the start, just to activate this thing?"

Mizael was a little angry.

20 rounds.

Could it be that Yujo Judai thinks he is the kind of opponent who can drag down his opponent for 20 rounds casually?

What a joke! I paid more than half of my life just for this. Well, doesn't this guy look down on himself completely?

"Don't show such an expression."

Youcheng Judai smiled and said:"Because the fun is still going on below."

"I summon [Cut Shark]】!"

As soon as the words fell, a shark with steel blades all over its body jumped out on the field of Yujo Judai.

【cutter shark】

【Star rating: 4

【fish tribe】

【Attack power: 1600】

"Is that my brother's card? Did Mr. Judai use this card right away in such an important duel?"Li Xu was a little surprised.

He thought that Yujo Judai wanted these cards because he wanted to use them to build some entertainment decks.

But he didn't expect that he would choose to use them in a duel of this level.

Really. Is there no problem?......

"Then, based on the effect of the Cutting Shark, I specially summoned the [Right-Handed Shark] in the deck.】!"

Yujo Judai once again specially summoned a shark

"Is it the deck of God's Lingya?"Mizael sneered,"Then let me see what you can do with these cards."

"You won't be disappointed for sure."

Yucheng Judai returned the smile,"I'll let you see what the ultimate bad deck is."

"I stack the level 4 [Cut Shark] and the level 4 [Right-Handed Shark] on the field!"

Yushiro Judai raised his right hand.

The two sharks on the field immediately turned into golden super material and poured into the sky.

"Build a stacked network with two monsters! Super Summon!"

"Come out!"

"【NO.59-The betrayal cook】!!!!"......

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