"You don’t have to look at me like that, okay?"

As if aware of Yujo Judai's accident, Akari said,"I am also a self-reported reporter who has investigated all the dark webs in Xinyuan City. Don't underestimate my investigative ability, okay?"

Ah this.

You can even investigate this kind of thing, why do you think you are a self-reporter?"...

This is too humiliating.

You must know that things were so big in zexa1's original work. Until finally thousands of masters used countless fake no cards to control almost everyone in Xinyuan City, basically not many people who had nothing to do with the protagonist group knew about the no cards.

Although Akari is very smart, it was only when Yuma officially searched for the ancient Noka ruins with the protagonist group that Akari learned something about Yuma.

Unexpectedly, maybe it was because of the changes in the timeline, or maybe it was because of his own appearance.

Did Akari know these things in advance?......

Akari continued:"You don't have to think that I am an unreasonable person, I am actually a very tolerant person........"

The Tenth Generation of Youcheng:"......"

"What's your expression?"

"Uh, it's okay, keep talking......"Yujo Judai quickly waved his hand.

Staring at Yujo Judai with the eyes of death, Akari continued:"Actually, my father said a long time ago that as long as Yuma comes into contact with Duel Monsters, his destiny will be completely changed......."

Yuma and Akari's father 187, Ninety-nine One Horse......

The bearded man dressed as an adventurer appeared in Yujo Judai's mind.

As the guide for the wandering horse in the original work.

This ninety-nine-one horse can be said to be the key figure in promoting the plot of the original work.

At the beginning, Ninety-nine One Horse, Amyrlin, and Dr. Fika were originally like-minded friends who studied different worlds together.

But one time, after Dr. Fika discovered the Balian world, he was possessed by Vector. The darkness in his heart made him push the Emerald Seat and Ninety-Nine Horses into the door of the other world, hoping that they would be the ones to open the door. A sacrifice to the gate to another world.

The Amyrlin was infected by the power of another world and became an avenger bent on revenge.

The Ninety-nine One Horse was rescued by the astral body when it fell into another dimension.

The astral body gave the Emperor's Key to the Ninety-nine Horses and sent the Horses back to the human world.

Afterwards, Kazuma entrusted the Emperor's Key to Yuma, and together with his wife Kujikumirai, they went to the Starlight Realm and continued to explore other worlds.

The reason why Kazuma said that dueling monsters would change Yuma's fate was not because Kazuma was cunning and knew everything.

But Ichima knew very well from the beginning what Yuma's true identity was.......

Yuma is not an ordinary human being.

To be precise, Yuma is actually the other half of Astral's personality.

The true other half of your personality!

This is also the reason why Yuma will not be affected by the no card, and the astral physical energy is stacked with Yuma to become zexa1 form, and in the finale, he used his own power to summon Yuma's own [Future Emperor].

Of course, it's all too complicated.

Although Akari knew about the no card, she had no idea about these things.

Not to mention her, even Yuma didn't know these things until the end.

I'm afraid the only two people who know about this are Yima and Astral, right?

Oh yes, including myself, a pure passerby who is outside the plot.

"I'm worried about Yuma's safety, but I also know very well that Yuma has grown up and is no longer the kid who doesn't understand anything.

Akari held up her face and said bitterly:"I was always jealous of Yuma when I was a child."......He's obviously an idiot, but compared to me, Yuma gets more attention from his parents."

"But later I also figured it out......After all, that guy is my younger brother. In fact, I also care about that guy Yuma......."

"If something really happened to him, I......"

Akari seemed to be getting more and more enthusiastic as she talked.

She stood up suddenly and walked to the refrigerator, took out two bottles of cold beer, and slammed it on the table. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Come! Let's drink with my sister tonight!"Akari put her arms around Yujo Judai's neck and poured a large cup for Yujo Judai carelessly.

We are basically about the same age, right?......

Yujo Judai rolled his eyes, there was really nothing he could do about this fussy woman.

After drinking a glass of cold beer, Akari suddenly started to feel trance-like.

"Speaking of which......You kid, I knew the first time I saw you that you are definitely not an ordinary person."

Sister, your ability to drink is too bad.

Do you start talking nonsense after just one glass of beer?

If you can't drink, just drink less.......

Yucheng Judai took a sip of cold beer and said,"What's so special about me?"

"You must have some special power, right? I saw you materialize the Duel Monster with my own eyes."A red wine halo appeared on Akari's face, and he grinned,"In addition, you don't even have an identity certificate from Xinyuan City. I can be sure that you are definitely not from our world!"

Have you even secretly investigated your own identity?......

Women really have great control over these details.

Yucheng Judai raised his head and took a sip without saying anything.

"But don't worry, I've said it before, I'm not the kind of unreasonable person......I also know that Yuma’s danger is not caused by you.......Your presence might be able to protect Yuma from another aspect......."

Akari said as she filled herself up with a large glass and drank it in one breath.

"call--! Comfortable!"

After drinking a glass of beer, Akari turned her attention to Yusheng Judai.

"......Speaking of which, you are also collecting those no cards, right?"

"Um......"Yujo Judai did not deny it. After all, since she could say this, it must be the result of an investigation.

Although I don’t know who is collecting information on these things......But it is the dark web after all, and no one can tell what is on the dark web.

"well......Sure enough, when we first met, you were collecting no cards, right?......"

Akari leaned on the table and poured herself another glass,"But Yuma seems to trust you.......If Yuma trusts you, then I will trust you too......"

"If you help me, I will feel relieved about Yuma a little bit......."

After all, no matter how good Yuma is, he is just a fourteen-year-old kid in junior high school.

It's a bit outrageous to think about letting a junior high school student be the savior.

However, if Yujo Judai is here......

Akari's muttering gradually became deeper.

After a while, looking at Akari sleeping soundly on the table, Judai Yujo smiled helplessly.

"so......You guy, if you can't drink, don't force yourself to drink......."......

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