"ah! It’s already so late! Late, late, late!"

The calm of the early morning was broken by a burst of screams.

But today's morning~ is different from usual.

The person who is so panicked about being late today is not Ninety-Nine Yuma.

After all, today is Saturday, Yuma It's a day off from school.

Now Yuma is still sitting at the dining table, gnawing slices of bread without any taste.

And this is the person who yelled about being late.......

Everyone watched as Akira Kujiu ran downstairs in a hurry and danced in front of the entrance with her pigtails tied.

"Why didn't anyone remind me that it's almost nine o'clock? I made an appointment with someone else this morning and I have something to do! Akari glared at Yuma and Yujo Judai in the restaurant, obviously wanting to throw the blame on these two people.

Yuma:"Huh?" When did you tell me to call you?"

Seeing Yuma's innocent face, Akari immediately vented her anger on Yuma's head.

Without saying a word, an iron fist hit the innocent Yuma's head.

"Ah, it hurts! I know, I know! It was my fault! My fault!"

Seeing Yuma holding his head and shouting, Akari retracted his fist with satisfaction.

Looking at Yujo Judai who was sitting at the dining table and smiling, Akari flashed his fist threateningly, as if as a warning. I asked him not to tell anyone what happened yesterday, then I put on my shoes and ran outside quickly.

"Well, sister Akari, it’s true. She was obviously late, so she insisted on blaming me for the fault......."Yuma pouted and complained angrily.

"After all, she is your sister, so you should be a little considerate of her."Youcheng Judai smiled and said

"Eh? Judai, since when did you stand on her side and speak for her?"Yuma looked at Yujo Judai in surprise, as if it was the first day he met this person.

"Hahaha, it’s nothing. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen the astral body recently. What’s wrong with him?"

Yucheng Judai laughed and quickly changed the topic.

"He, he has been in the Emperor's Key recently, and I don't know what he is doing......."Yuma lowered his head and glanced at the Emperor's Key on his chest, and said with some dissatisfaction,"Really, that guy never told me anything, he just knew what he was doing secretly by himself."

"That's it......"Yujo Judai nodded, his eyes focused on the Emperor's Key on Yuma's chest.

The Emperor's Key is the entrance to the ship where the Astral Body resides.

Likewise, it is also the key to opening the [Emperor’s Door].

Sometimes, Yucheng Judai is also curious about what this thing is all about.

"Speaking of which, have people from Balian appeared again recently?"Yushiro Judai began to ask about Yuma's college life again.

"That's not the case. It seems that I haven't seen Balian's assassin for a long time. Yuma held up his face and said a little doubtfully,"It's really strange. I just said why you have been so calm recently."......Ever since Judai you defeated the man named Mizhael last time, you haven't seen Balian's assassin again."

"......Is that so?"

Youcheng Judai also vaguely felt that something was not right.

Logically speaking, after Mizael appeared, Kiragu and Arit should have already started to take action, right?

In addition, the man who has been lurking in Yucheng Vector, who is beside Ma, has been extremely honest recently.

Wait, could it be that he was too harsh and scared Balian and the others?

After all, Balian's combat power is not high now. The Thousand Lords are still sealed, and Mizar El should be regarded as the one with the highest combat power among the current Seven Balian Emperors.

Even Mizar El was defeated by him, so the Seven Balian Emperors will definitely temporarily Calm down!

Thinking of this, Judai Yujo couldn't sit still.

If they don't act quickly, how will they find the source code next?......

"What's wrong? Ten generations......Did something happen?"Yuma noticed something seemed a little wrong with Yujo Judai's expression and asked quickly.

"No, nothing......Hey, speaking of which, I recently collected some NO cards. Would you like to take a look at them, Yuma?"

"Eh? Really! Is it really possible!"Yuma's eyes lit up and he immediately became interested.

"Of course you can, but you can only see it in a duel."Yucheng Judai took out the duel disk and said with a smile,"By the way, let's see how your dueling level has improved compared to the last time."

"Xixi! Then I want to let Judai see my new one soar into the sky!"

Seeing the excited look on Yuma's face, Yujo Judai smiled and inserted his social newspaper deck into the duel disk.

Since Akari asked him to take good care of Yuma yesterday, then of course he is teaching people to fish. It's better to teach people how to fish.

The best way to improve Yuma's dueling skills is to give him the ability to protect himself, right?

Inside the Emperor's Key.

In the spaceship.

The astral body is floating in mid-air with its arms folded..

Surrounded by no cards shining with various colors.

"no card......Fragments of my memory."

0 Asking for Flowers 0

The astral body stared at the no cards around him, and in his mind, the new no cards he saw the last time he dueled with Yu Cheng Judai appeared in his mind.

Although he lost to Yu Cheng Ju Dai However, that duel revived some new memories in the mind of the astral body.

【no.22 Not chaotic and healthy】

【no.50 black corn number】

【No.78 number is archives】......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Brand new memories began to pour into the mind of the astral body

"no card......The fragments of my own memory were not just scattered after coming into contact with Yuma."

"Outside the human world, there are still seven ruins containing no cards in different forms......."

"The no card in the ruins contains clues about the [source code]......Must, get those seven no cards......"

Astral held his forehead and frowned. but.

Just like Black Mist said.

There are also key clues that do not appear in my memory.

For example, where do those seven ruins exist?

How should I get to those seven ruins?

"Hahaha......Astral body, it seems that you are confused again."

Aware of the inner struggle of the astral body at this moment, the voice of No. 96 Black Mist appeared in the ears of the astral body again.

"I don’t need to say anything more, right? If you don't accept my words, you will never be able to fully understand and recycle all the no cards!"

"bring it on......Accept my power, astral body......"

Black mist smiled eerily.

That extremely seductive voice quickly shook the astral body's heart.

Seeing the shaken expression on Astral's face, Black Mist's lips raised a sneer.

That's it.

That's it! Just a little more wavering, a little more desire for memory!

As long as you reveal the slightest flaw, then, your body, all your power! It's all mine! Astral body!

Looking at the astral body that was getting closer, No.96's eyes widened and he suddenly stretched out his right hand.

"bring it on! Become one with me! Astral body!"

"Bring the power of all no cards! And your power! Join me!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"


Darkness swept over the ship.

No.96’s wild laughter lingered on the spaceship.....six..

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