He looked at his other self who was wiped out by the slashes of Hope Emperor Hope's double swords.

Black mist's heart was about to beat out.

No, not good!

If this continues.

The next person to be killed will be myself!

Kurogiri didn't have time to think about how Yujo Judai had No. 39 Hope Emperor Hope in his hand, and he didn't have time to think about how Yujo Judai killed his other self.

The only thing he knows now is that if he doesn't quickly deal with the Nine-nine Yuma in front of him, then he will be the next person to die when Yujo Judai comes out!

"Damn it, my turn is to draw a card!"

Black Mist was starting to get a little anxious.

He suddenly pulled out a card from the deck and looked at the cards in his hand.

"Activate the magic card [Super Treasure Fold] (original card)!"Black Mist said eagerly:"Target a Xyz monster with level 4 on your field as the target, and draw a card equal to the number of its level from the deck!"

"The level of [no.96 Black Mist] on my field is 2, so I can draw two cards from the deck!"

Taking out two cards from the deck, Heiwu's eyes lit up. The originally anxious situation immediately took a new turn.

"Activate the effect of [Dark Elf-Luna] in the hand card!"

"Banish a dark attribute monster from your graveyard and Special Summon this card to the field!"

"I will remove the [Evil-Eating Knife Ghost] from the graveyard! Special summon this card!"

10 Special Summon?

Yuma swallowed his saliva.

Although I don't know what Kurogiri is doing.

But now, let's get rid of the last super material of No. 96!

Yuma immediately answered:"I activate the effect of [Taiko Majin-Dong Dong Beat]!"

"Activate by removing a super material from your opponent's super monster. All [Demon] monsters on your field will increase their attack power by 500 points until the end of the turn!"

Dong dong dong dong——!

The Taiko Demon began to beat the taiko drum in front of him rapidly.

With bursts of sound waves, the last ultra-large material of No. 96 on the field was swallowed up completely.

【Taiko Demon-Dong dong beat】

【Attack power: 8501350】

"whispering sound."Seeing that his No.96 material was taken away, Kurogiri gritted his teeth and continued:"I will continue to summon [Rescue Rabbit]】!"

"Furthermore, activate the effect of Rescue Rabbit, remove this card from the field, and special summon two normal monsters with the same name below level 4 from the deck!"

"Come out! Two Level 4 [Man-Eating Gem Boxes]】!"

Black Mist summons monsters from the deck again.

At this moment, he has gathered three level 4 monster cards on the field!

"Hehehe, Kujiu Yuma, come and meet your old rival!"Heiwu's lips curled up into a sneer, and his pupils were bloodshot."I will stack three level 4 monsters on the field!"

"Super Summon!"

"Be liberated! Be angry!"

"【no.69 Heraldic God-Coat of Arms】!!!"


Yuma was shocked when he saw the no card that Kurogiri chose to summon.

I saw a bright beam of light shooting straight into the sky.

That face, as vicious as a nightmare, appeared in the super vortex.

The purple number 69 emits a dim light.

The No. 69 heraldic god, Crest, who once caused Yuma and Astral to fight for a long time, appears again!

【no.69 Heraldic God-Coat of Arms】!

【Level: 4


【Excess material: 3】

【Attack power: 2600, defense power: 1400】

"After all, it turned out to be the No card of Amyrlin......"Yuma's face turned pale when he saw the monster.

How could he forget how miserable Amyrlin used this no card to torture himself and his astral body in the WDC Cup! did not expect.

This guy, Black Mist, would actually choose to summon such a no card!

"Ha ha ha ha! When [no.69 Heraldic God-Shield] is on the field, the effects of all monsters on the field other than this card are negated!"

"And this card can permanently gain the abilities of all monsters that are invalidated by this effect! (Original effect)"

Kurogiri laughed wildly, and the heraldic shield emblem on the field began to emit strong dark power, madly devouring the abilities of all the monsters on the field! At this moment, the Taiko Majin's body on Yumajo It began to turn gray, and the whole elf seemed to have been drained of its power, and it hung its head feebly.

"Taiko Majin!"Yuma nervously called to his monster.

"It's useless, as long as [Heraldry God-Shield] exists on the field, the monsters on your field will become the nourishment of my power!"

"Moreover, the coat of arms can also inherit the effect of [no.96 Black Mist] and activate the same ability as it!"

Kurogiri's eyes were locked on [Taiko Majin],"What a pity. Did I think that eliminating No. 96 on my field would negate the effect of No. 96? How naive! Ninety-nine Yuma!"

Damn it!

Yuma gritted his teeth tightly, but it was just like Kurogiri said. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I really didn't expect that Kurogiri would be so good at coats of arms!

It is basically impossible to get rid of the coat of arms with just my own strength now.... what to do.

Ten generations, astral body......

"Fight! [no.69 Heraldic God-Coat of Arms]! Attack【Taiko Majin-Dong dong beat】!"

The black mist cracked a devilish smile, laughed and launched an attack

"Furthermore, the effect of [no.69 Heraldic God - Shield] is activated! Replicate the effect of no.96, remove an excess material, halve the attack power of your [Taiko Majin], and increase it to [no.69 Heraldic God-Coat of Arms]!"

【Taiko Majin】

【Attack power: 1350675】

【no.69 Heraldic God-Coat of Arms】

【Attack power: 26003275】

"go to hell! Ninety-nine Yuma!"

Purple beams of light were ejected from the shield's mouth, instantly shattering Taiko Majin's body.

The powerful impact swept through Yuma, flying him up, and then fell heavily to the ground.

【Ninety-nine Yuma: LP39001300】

"do not forget! And my blow! Heiwu sneered:"[no.96 Heiwu]!" Directly attack Kujiu Yuma!"

【no.96 black mist】

【Attack power: 1750!】

"it's over!"

Kurogiri smiled excitedly.

As long as this attack can succeed, he can first take away the kid's body, and then think of other ways to defeat Yucheng Judai and Astral Body step by step!

As long as he can hit......


Just when Hei Wu thought he could succeed, the voice of Starlight 953 suddenly sounded from inside the spacecraft.

"Astral? Yuma struggled to raise his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Inside the spacecraft, he saw the astral figure approaching him quickly.

He stretched out his hand in the air and shouted loudly:"Yuma!" stand up! The formula for victory has been assembled!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Yuma struggled and jumped up, reaching out his right hand towards the astral body.

The moment their hands touched, a ball of hot light suddenly rose into the sky.

"Soaring into the sky! I!"

At this moment, the two people turned into two groups of light, one red and one blue, spiraling towards the sky.

"i will i——"

"And me!"

"Stack it!"

The light blended, and the two bodies instantly became one.

The red and white armor gradually condensed on Zexa1's body. A powerful force began to sweep through the entire spacecraft, and the pollution of the black fog on the spacecraft was also cleaned up by this power. Clean and tidy!

"When two distant souls meet! The power of generational generation will show up!"

"Super transformation!"


"Wha, what?!"

Looking at Zexa1 in front of him, Kurogiri's face suddenly turned green.

It was obviously a black face, but Judai Yujo, who was leaning at the door of the spaceship as an audience, could really feel that Kurogiri's face was already green at this moment. Well. After all, you are about to overwhelm the protagonist right before your eyes. In the end, the protagonist cheats you on the spot, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Although it’s miserable.

But Yujo Judai feels that Kurogiri’s The ending should be final.......

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