
Black Mist now feels as uncomfortable as swallowing feces.

I finally managed to capture Yuma, but I didn't expect that this guy from Astral Body actually got rid of his seal!

Moreover, this power...

A trace of cold sweat dripped down Black Mist's forehead

"Astral, are you okay?"

Transforming into zexa1 form, Yuma also quickly took advantage of the moment to ask about the situation of the astral body.

"Well, Judai helped me unlock the seal of the black mist, and I rushed over to help you as soon as possible." The astral voice echoed in his ears

"So, why on earth did you get hit by the black mist?......"

"We’ll talk about these later. Let’s win the duel in front of you first, Yuma."

"OK, OK!"Yuma quickly showed a serious expression and looked at Kurogiri.

"it turns out......In this case, it becomes the zexa1 form......"Black fog gritted his teeth

"But what's the use even if he transforms! As long as no.96 attacks successfully, you have no chance of comeback!"

Black Mist said loudly:"[no.96 Black Mist]! Tear him to pieces!"

That's right.

Now there are no monsters or cards on the Yuma field, so there is no way to withstand No. 96's direct attack!

This attack should have ended the game!


"What are the wadoka listed?"

Yuma and Astral said in unison:"Activate the effect of the [Swordsman of the Sealed Sword] in the hand card!"

"When the opponent's monster declares a direct attack! This card is Special Summoned from your hand!"


Swish, swish, swish!

Three handfuls of turquoiseThe sword fell in front of Yuma.

A swordsman in blue armor descended from the sky, holding all three lightsabers in his hands, showing a defensive posture

【Swordsman of the Sealing Sword】

【Star rating: 8】

【Defense: 2400】

"What?!"Hei Wu's eyes widened.

"After that, when the defense power of the specially summoned card is higher than the attack power of that monster! That attacking monster is destroyed!"

Yuma clenched his fists and said loudly

"it's useless! As long as [no.69 Heraldic Aegis] is on the field, all the effects of other effect monsters on the field are negated!"Heiwu became anxious and hurriedly said loudly

"Yeah? Yuma raised the corners of his mouth,"But!" The effect of the Swordsman of the Sealing Sword is activated from the hand card!"

"And the effect of this destruction is also an effect that enters the field, not an effect that is activated on the field!"

"Therefore, the effect of [Swordsman of the Sealing Sword] destroying [no.96 Black Mist] will not be invalidated by [no.69 Heraldic Aegis]!"

"What?!!!"Kuroi was shocked.

The next moment, the body of [no.96 Kuiwu] on the field flashed with cracks.

Under Kuiwu's desperate eyes, no.96's body instantly shattered and turned into countless crystals. Fragments!

"Yuma, how do you know this?"The astral body was also a little surprised. When did the game become so smart that he actually knew how to use the effect of the Swordsman of the Sealing Sword to destroy the black mist.

Because the special move and destructive ability of the Swordsman of the Sealing Sword are at the same time. It is processed in the chain.

Therefore, as long as the Swordsman of the Sealing Sword succeeds in his special move, his destructive effect will inevitably be activated, but will not be affected by [Blood Demon]-D】、【Skill Extraction] This type of continuously invalid ability is given to the invalid

"Hehe, I also learned it from Judai."Yuma wiped his nose sheepishly and chuckled.

"Traveling to the city for ten generations......"Astral smiled and shook his head,"It seems that Judai has become your master, Yuma."

"Eh? Master?"

Yuma's mouth twitched.

Although he didn't have this idea, after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the truth.

"Well, I always think it’s weird to call me master, so I’d better forget it......."Scratching his cheek, Yuma smiled awkwardly.

The other side.

Black mist stood there blankly, watching the fragments of his clone floating everywhere.

My clone was shattered......

"Damn, damn it......But as long as the coat of arms is still there, my duel will not end!

Black Mist roared,"I cover a card, and the round ends like this!""

In conjunction with his roar, the [Heraldry Aegis] on the field also erupted into a deafening roar.

【No.69 Heraldic Shield Emblem】

【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 3275】

"Attack power 3275......Furthermore, it can also absorb the effects of monsters on the field."Yuma swallowed his saliva,"I didn't expect that now, I would still be able to meet my old rival."

"Then just deal with him the same way you did before, Yuma!"The astral body said calmly

"Ouch! My turn, draw a card!"

Pull out a card from the deck, Yuma and Astral immediately said at the same time:"I summon [My My My Warlock]】!"

"Then! Activate the continuous magic card! 【Super Transformation Tactics】!"

After activating the card, Yuma and Astral said at the same time:"Then, activate the second effect of [Onomatopoeia Selection] on the field! Target [My My My Warlock]! The levels of all monsters on your field will all become Same 4 as me me warlock!"

"Although the Heraldic Shield can negate the effects of monsters, it cannot negate the effects of magic and trap cards!"

【Swordsman of the Sealing Sword】


"oh? Coming?"Youcheng Judai looked at the scene in front of him with great interest.

"I build a stacking network with level 4 [Swordsman of the Sealing Sword] and [My My My Warlock] on the field! Super Summon!"

Yuma in ZEXAL form raised his right hand high, and an astonishing storm instantly blew on the field!

"Come out! 【No.39-Hope Emperor Hope】!"

The golden Emperor's Key slowly rose from the super vortex.

Under Black Mist's horrified eyes, Hope Emperor Hope revealed his tall body during the transformation.

The golden swordsman of hope arrives in the bright starlight!

"hateful! Hope......"Heiwu took half a step back, and then said loudly as if he was waking up from a dream:"The effect of the coat of arms is activated! Come on! I want toTake the effect you want from Huang Hope!"

"The hand of the heraldic god!"

The red bloody hand quickly stretched out and plunged into Hope Emperor Hope's chest. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Alas, as expected, as long as the coat of arms is present, troublesome things will continue one after another."Yushiro Judai stood in front of the guardrail, holding a camera and taking a photo of the scene with thunder and lightning and dark clouds.

No. 96 The scene of the decisive battle between Black Mist and ZEXAL, this is a big scene that did not even appear in the original work. Scene

"Damn it, activate the effect of [Super Transformation Tactics]!"

"When you have a [Hope Emperor Hope] monster on your field that is super summoned! Pay 500LP to activate and draw a card from the deck!"

【Ninety-nine Yuma: LP1300800]

Yuma and Astral raised their right hands at the same time and shouted in unison

"Everything is inevitable for the strongest duelist!"

"Even drawing cards can be created by duelists!"

The golden light condensed on ZEXAL's right hand, and the powerful power of hope seemed to illuminate the entire darkness.

"All the light! Power!"

"Inhabit my right hand—light the path to hope!"

"flash card draw——!!!"


Light cuts through the night.

The first golden card has been drawn by Yuma and Astral

【Different Heat Concentric Weapon-Wind God Yunlong Sword】!

"Yuma!"The astral body reminded loudly

"Ouch! I will stack [no.39 Hope Emperor Hope] as a super material! Chaos super transformation!"

The horse understood immediately.

The Hope Emperor Hope on the field once again transformed into the form of the Emperor's Key, spiraling into the super vortex.

The next moment, the golden Emperor's Key was tainted with dark chaos, and the powerful impact swept up the black remaining clouds!

"Come out! CNo.39 - The messenger who turns chaos into light - Hope Emperor Hope!"

【CNo.39-Hope Emperor-Hopley】

【Level: 4


【Excess material: 3】

【Attack power: 2500, defense power: 2000】!!!

".According to the effect of [Super Transformation Tactics]! flash card draw——!"

【Ninety-nine Yuma: LP800300]

Draw a card again, Yuma and Astral threw the two cards in their hands to Hopeley at the same time

"I will equip [Heat Concentric Weapon - Unicorn Royal Spear] and [Heat Concentric Weapon - Fengshen Yunlong Sword] to [Hope Emperor Hopley]】!"

Holding the crimson dragon blade in his left hand and the golden horned gun in his right hand, Hopeley's body instantly burned with blood-red light.

【CNo.39-Hope King Hope】

【Attack power: 25005700】

Attack power......5700?!

Hei Wu was shocked, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Fight! Yuma and Astral said at the same time,"Hope Emperor Hope!" Hope Fengshen Sword Cuts!!!"

"And during the battle phase between Hopley who is equipped with [Unicorn Gun King] and the opponent's monster, the effect of that monster is negated! Yuma clenched his fist and said,"In this case, your [no.69 Heraldic Shield Emblem] will not be able to activate the effect of [no.96]!""

"Damn it!!!"Heiwu struggled desperately, and with a wave of his hand, he opened the cover cards on the field,"Open the trap cards! Trap card! [Strength Framework】!"

"Activates when a monster with lower attack power on your field is selected as the attack target by the opponent's monster with higher attack power!"

"That attack is negated, and this card is equipped to the attacked monster! Let the attack power of that monster increase by the difference in the attack power of both monsters!"

【No.69 Heraldic Shield Emblem】

【Attack power: 32755700】

"Ha ha ha ha! see it! Now the attack power of the coat of arms is equal to that of Hopeley!"

Hei Wu laughed crazily.

"Tsk, this idiot actually tried something that was ineffective in front of Emperor Hope......."Yucheng Judai couldn't help but cover his face and slowly shook his head.

"snort......"In ZEXAL form, Yuma raised his lips and held up the last card in his hand.

"When the monster's attack is negated! I activate the quick attack magic card in my hand! 【Double chance】!"

Black mist:"?!"

"That monster can make another attack, and - its attack power is doubled!"

"Hope - Chaos Triple Slash!"

It was like a spark igniting the entire grassland.

At this moment, Hopley's whole body was burning with hot flames, and the sword blades in his hands instantly expanded several meters long!

The astonishing momentum surged towards the black mist like a wave.

【CNo.39 Hope Emperor-Hopley】

【Attack power: 570011400!!!】

"Attack power, eleven thousand four?!"

Kurogiri's whole body was numb.

He originally thought he could withstand this attack from Yuma and Astral.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a Gaika that completely ruined his life!


As Hopeley's sword smashed the coat of arms into pieces like a mountain,

Black Mist's body was thrown away like a kite with its string broken.

【no.96 Black Mist: LP34000】

【Ninety-nine Yuma: WIN!】......

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