Yami Yugi:"Fuck Lokta Oga! You Feng, you idiot, who can understand what you are saying!"

Jonouchi:"Damn it, You Feng, can you be serious for a moment? What's this all about? I've searched everywhere for the God of Gamblers movie you mentioned last time, but Tong Shiye doesn't have it at all!"

Knowing that Li Youfeng often says some incomprehensible jokes, Yami Yugi and Jonouchi, who often hang out with him, couldn't help but complain loudly.

"It's finally over."

The dark clouds covering the night sky gradually dissipated, and the bright stars dotted the dark night sky like gems.

Knowing that it was because of his misunderstanding that he made a big mistake, Tianma Yexing had no reason to continue this"meaningless" duel.

Putting his hand on the deck, Tianma Yexing said slowly with a look of relief:"Mr. You Feng, here, I want to apologize to you for my previous rudeness. Your strength is unquestionable, and the title of Duel King belongs to you."

"I have no reason to continue this duel, so I choose to surrender.……"

""Night Walk Boy!" Just when Tianma Night Walk was about to surrender, Pegasus suddenly called him.

Striding up the stairs to the duel arena, Pegasus said with a smile:"As a true duelist, every duel you experience is a proof of your own growth. As my child, you should understand that even when facing the most powerful opponent, you must never give up your desire for victory so easily!"

"Yexing, Lord Pegasus is right!"

Tianma Yuexing stepped forward and shouted to Tianma Yexing on the ring:"You often tell me that I am the moon bathed in the sun, but to me, you are the brave man who can carry on in the desperate night. Stand up, Yexing, even if your opponent is the Duel King, don't give up easily!"

"Yes, Night Walk, Lord Pegasus and Moon Walk are right, you haven’t lost yet, show the Duel King our backbone!"

"Come on, Ye Xing, defeat the Duel King. As the heir of Lord Pegasus, how can you just give up like this?"

"Come on! Night walk!"

"Stand up and defeat him!"

"Everyone~!"Kneeling on the duel arena, after seeing this scene, two lines of tears appeared on Tianma Yexing's face.

Looking up and seeing Pegasus smiling at him, Tianma Yexing felt as if endless power was surging in his body!

After wiping the tears from his face, Tianma Yexing showed a confident smile on his face and slowly stood up from the ground.

"That’s right, my most precious family members are right!"

Looking at Li Youfeng with full fighting spirit, Tianma Yexing said with a faint smile:"Mr. Youfeng, I'm really sorry, now I'm afraid I still have to try to struggle a little bit, after all, my family members are watching me, so, I have no reason to give up so easily!"

"Ha~! What a trouble!"With a heavy sigh, Li Youfeng scratched his hair helplessly and his expression changed instantly. With a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, Li Youfeng immediately took a posture to fight.

"Now that we have come to this, what are you waiting for? Let's end this duel as soon as possible!"

"Haha, then let me be the referee! You Feng, now, do you want to end your turn?"

Looking at Tianma Yexing who had regained his fighting spirit, Li Youfeng knew that this guy must have reached his peak state now. He secretly guessed that this guy might have a great draw, so Li Youfeng raised his hand and slapped a card on the duel disk.

"I activate Angel's Gift, draw three cards from the deck and discard two."

"Pot of Greed is activated, and I draw two more cards from my deck!"

"Next, I will cover the backcourt with three cards, and my turn is over!"

After nodding to Li Youfeng, Pegasus smiled and stretched out his hand to the Pegasus Night Walker.

"Ye Xing, your dueling talent is definitely not just this. At this stage, your strength is still on the rise, so come on, Ye Xing, as my proudest child, show your true strength to the Duel King! Come on, you can start your turn now!"

"Lord Pegasus, I won't let you down! It's my turn, draw a card!"

With a confident smile on his face, Pegasus raised his hand and drew a card from the deck.

"I will activate the Magic Card Angel's Charity from my hand. According to the effect of this card…"

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing Pegasus Night Walker launching the angel's charity, Li Youfeng immediately laughed sinisterly

"At this moment I want to open the cover card on the field!"

"The magic card is activated, and the dead are resurrected!"

"The effect of this card is to Special Summon a monster in the Graveyard to my field."

"I choose to Special Summon the Elemental Hero Shadowmist Lady!"

"The special effect of the Elemental Hero Shadow Mist Lady is activated. If this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can add a Transformation Magic Card from the Deck to your hand!"

"It’s not over yet. Next, I’m going to open another face-up card and activate the quick-attack magic Mask Transformation!"

"The effect of this card is to target a Hero Monster on your field, send it to the Graveyard, and then Special Summon a Masked Hero Monster with the same attributes as that monster from the Extra Deck!"

"Now, I'm going to send the Dark Elemental Hero Shadowmist Lady to the Graveyard and then Special Summon it from the Extra Deck!"

"Masked Hero Dark Method!" (Attack 2400 Defense 1800)

"A true hero doesn't need friends!"Accompanied by a gloomy and hoarse voice, a hero who looked like a black panther and was wearing black armor appeared on Li Youfeng's field.

Just when Tianma Yexing was slightly stunned by this new masked hero, Li Youfeng immediately activated the special effect of this monster.

"The special effect of Masked Hero Dark Magic is activated. As long as this hero monster exists on the field, the cards sent to the opponent's graveyard will not go to the graveyard but will be directly excluded. Therefore, all the cards you sent to the graveyard because of Angel's Charity will be excluded."

"Nani?" Cold sweat instantly broke out on his forehead, and Pegasus turned his head with some resentment and looked at Pegasus standing beside him.

"Ahem! You Feng, you are indeed a true duelist, as you have been able to bring the masked hero I just created to such an extent." Noticing the aggrieved look on Tianma Yexing's face, Pegasus said that he would not take the blame for this.

""Hehe~ Night Walk, continue your operation!" With a bright smile on his face, Li Youfeng crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at Tianma Night Walk in a playful manner. There was only one card cover and a useless"golden egg" on the opponent's field. In the current situation, it can be said that in most cases, it is already a dead end.

"Haha, you are worthy of being Mr. You Feng. Your dueling skills really opened my eyes. However, I will not give up so easily."

Putting two cards that are of little use to me into the exclusion area, Tianma Yexing's eyes still exuded a fighting spirit that was unwilling to admit defeat.

"Since the tactic of piling up the graveyard doesn't work, I can only attack from the front!"

Showing a card, Pegasus Night Walker said:"This monster can release monsters with a total of eight stars or more on our field and special summon them!"

"Now, I will release the Winged Dragon Ball on the field, and then Special Summon, Beast King Barbaros!" (Attack 3000 Defense 1200)

"The special effect of Beast King Barbaros is activated. This monster can remove a Barbaros monster from the Graveyard, then select two cards on the opponent's field and destroy them."

"Now, I will remove the Divine Beast King Barbaros from the graveyard. At the same time, I will choose to destroy the Masked Hero Kamikaze on your field and the cover card on the back field!"

Just one word, these two cards are easy to confuse.

Under the command of Tianma Yexing, the Divine Beast King Barbaros threw the spear in his hand towards the Masked Hero Kamikaze. The spear ruthlessly pierced through the body of the Masked Hero Kamikaze and continued to move forward. It accurately pierced the cover card on Li Youfeng's back field.


With two explosions, the Masked Hero Kamikaze, who could not be destroyed by battle, and a blasting armor cover card were blown into powder at the same time.

"Damn it, it's really the exploding armor

, whoever covers it will die!" Looking at the exploding trap card on his backfield, Li Youfeng, who originally didn't believe in it and wanted to give it a try, twitched his mouth. As for his face, it instantly became extremely exciting because of such ridiculous metaphysics.

Yami Yugi:"Oh no! The masked hero Anfa is no match for Barbaros. You Feng is in danger now!" Jonouchi

:"Are you kidding? Could it be that You Feng will lose to Tenma Yagyo at this juncture?"

Kaiba Seto:"Damn it, I don't admit it. How could You Feng lose to Tenma Yagyo, a green boy!"

Compared to the duelists in Sakura Country, the attitude of these people from the Illusion Society is completely different.

"Haha, well done, you are worthy of being called Pegasus Night Walk!"

"Come on, Ye Xing, just go ahead and defeat the Duel King completely!"

"Yexing, I bet two thousand dollars on you, don’t lose!"

"Hehe~! Mr. You Feng, I will take the title of Duel King from you today!"

Hearing the cheers of his companions, Tianma Yexing also showed a happy smile on his face. However, what he did not notice was that in the face of such a desperate situation, not only did Li You Feng not show any panic, but even Pegasus closed his eyes and shook his head with some regret.

"Let’s fight, Beast King Barbaros, attack the Masked Hero Dark Method!"

"Destruction Shooting!"

"Tsk tsk~ Ye Xing, you are still too naive!"

A card popped out from the graveyard of the duel disk, and Li Youfeng said with a smile:"The special effect of the lonely (bone) bet (pig) in the graveyard is activated!"

"During the Battle Step when a monster attacks, you can remove this card in the Graveyard from play, making that monster's attack negateable!"

"Oh, it appeared. You Feng’s most skilled tomb pit. This move is really hard to guard against!"

"Haha, I knew it wouldn't be that easy. After all, You Feng is very afraid of death."

"Tsk, it's just some small tricks that are not presentable, nothing to brag about!"

Seeing that the Beast King returned empty-handed, Yami Yugi, Jonouchi and Kaiba Seto also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. You Feng is indeed worthy of his reputation. My turn is over."

Glancing at the Beast King Barbaros and the cover card on his field, Tianma Yexing secretly complained:"The Divine Beast King Barbaros has 3000 attack points. Ordinary monsters can't easily break it. Even if it is destroyed by the effect, the cover card Devil's Sanctuary on my back field can summon a special demon derivative that returns the attack damage to the attacker!"

"Now, I have done everything I should do. I can only leave it to fate whether You Feng will be fooled!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, 0 times remaining in this game

"I activate the magic card from my hand, Mask Supply!"

"The effect of this card is that you can add a Hero Monster and a Transformation Quick Play Magic Card from your Graveyard to your hand."

"Then, I will activate the magic card Dalan. The effect of this card is to destroy all Trap Cards and Magic Cards on both sides' fields!"

"Damn, this card is also handmade by Master Pegasus!"

"In this case, I'm going to open the cover card in the backcourt!"

"The Devil's Sanctuary!" (Original comic book)

"With this card's effect, I can Special Summon a Demon Metal Token!"

Looking at the magic card that Li Youfeng showed from his hand, Tianma Yexing's eyes became more sour. As for Pegasus, the person involved, the expression on his face also became very subtle.

(Pegasus:"Damn, it's so embarrassing. I use my handmade cards to deal with my adopted son. This scene always feels a bit weird.")

As a gift to Li Youfeng, the cards made by Pegasus are not just the original versions. You know, these cards are made in a purely handmade way. Let's not talk about the effects of these cards. Just the superficial value is not something that can be measured by money.

What is certain is that in this world where duels are respected, if these cards are sent to the auction house, they can definitely be sold at an unimaginable high price.

Just when Tianma Yexing was full of jealousy, the magic card Dalan also activated its due effect. Although it did not achieve the original purpose, it can successfully force Tianma Yexing's last cover card in this situation where one strike can decide the outcome. Li Youfeng said that this magic card is definitely worth using!

"Haha, now the obstacle has completely disappeared. The demon metal derivatives are nothing."

"Now, I will activate the quick-play magic Mask Transform from my hand!"

"By sending the Masked Hero Dark Method to the graveyard, I will Special Summon - Masked Hero Dark Ghost!"(Attack 2800 Defense 1200)

Everyone:"Another new Masked Hero?!"

Looking at the new Masked Hero Li Youfeng on the field, everyone in the ring exclaimed in amazement. As for Kaiba Seto, he clenched his fists tightly because of his strong desire to win.

"Damn it, it looks like this rule that fusion monsters cannot attack during the turn they are successfully fused must be changed as soon as possible!"

"2800 attack power?"

Unlike Kaiba Seto who was addicted to playing cards, Pegasus Yagyo on the stage couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the attack power of this new masked hero was not as good as that of the Beast King Barbaros.

"Even the new hero monster is still no match for me. It seems that the outcome of this duel will have to wait until the next round."

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