Just as Pegasus was secretly planning his next turn, Pegasus suddenly smiled bitterly and shook his head. Seeing his beloved master showing such an expression, Pegasus instinctively felt that something was wrong.

As if noticing Pegasus's puzzled look, Pegasus said awkwardly,"Night Walker, this duel is over. You don't have the next turn."

"What? Could it be?"

Looking at the monster on Li Youfeng's field with a surprised look, Pegasus finally realized that this monster must have a special effect that he didn't know.

Knowing that Pegasus had discovered the key point, Pegasus said with the idea of training him:"The special effect of the masked hero Dark Ghost is that this hero monster can reduce the attack power to half, and then directly attack the player."

"In fact, the inspiration for making this card came from the duel between You Feng and me. His elemental hero Barbarian left a very deep impression on me. It was because of You Feng's artistic dueling skills that I was able to complete the Masked Monster series of cards."

"As I said before, it is inevitable that Fusion Monsters will officially enter the Duel Monster arena. These monsters will definitely become the new mainstream."

"So that's how it is."

Knowing that the result of this duel could not be changed, although he was unwilling, Tianma Yexing did not feel too frustrated.

Looking up at Li Youfeng, Tianma Yexing said with a smile:"Mr. Youfeng, I really admire you for being able to use the cards you just got so skillfully. The honor of being a duelist does not allow me to surrender again, so please give me the last blow."

Nodding to Tianma Yexing, Li Youfeng said:"Yexing, you are an excellent duelist. It is undeniable that you have great potential, even far surpassing your brother Tianma Yuexing"

"You are growing very fast. Even without the power of the evil god, you are still a duelist who cannot be underestimated. Keep working hard. I look forward to dueling with you again."

"Masked hero Dark Ghost, activate your special effect to end this duel!"

After receiving Li Youfeng's order, the masked hero Dark Ghost merged into the shadows like a ghost, passing the defense of Beast King Barbaros and Metal Demon Derivatives, and the hero monster appeared in front of Pegasus Night Walk in a JO-like posture.

It was a familiar feeling and a familiar taste. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Dark Ghost grabbed Pegasus Night Walk's collar!

Because of the extremely inconsistent behavior of the masked hero Dark Ghost, not only Li Youfeng was dumbfounded, but even Pegasus, the creator of the masked monster, felt something was wrong.

""Hey~! Are you kidding me! What do you want to do?"


Yes, seeing the masked hero Dark Ghost raising his fist as big as a clay pot, Pegasus Night Walker was completely numb!





After being punched in the left eye by the Dark Ghost, Pegasus screamed and fell to the ground, covering his eyes. Seeing this scene, everyone present, including Pegasus, had their mouths twitched violently.

Pegasus never expected that the card he made would become like this after it came into Li Youfeng's hands. While his face twitched violently, Pegasus couldn't help but asked Li Youfeng:"Youfeng Boy, don't you think you should say something in this situation?"

"Say something?!"

After thinking for two seconds, Li Youfeng suddenly figured out something. He gave a thumbs up to Tianma Yexing who was lying on the ground groaning in pain. Li Youfeng said with a sunny smile:"I won. It was a really interesting duel!"


Hearing this murderous and heart-piercing remark, not only did everyone present feel a pain in their balls and anus, but even the direct victim Tianma Yexing, who fell to the ground, felt that his left eye was more painful.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, as the initiator of the evil god incident, after being hit by such a punch, Tianma Yexing always felt that his depressed mood was much clearer.

Sitting up from the floor of the ring, Tianma Yexing looked at Li Youfeng who was laughing and walking towards his partner, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"What a pity, we were just a little bit away from winning." Just as Tianma Yexing was smiling bitterly, Tianma Yuexing came to his side and extended his hand to him.

"Brother, don't joke around. I can't beat Mr. You Feng at all now."

Holding Tianma Yuexing's hand, Tianma Yexing stood up, walked to Pegasus with a guilty look on his face and bowed his head deeply.

"Lord Pegasus, this incident was all due to my mistake. I am willing to accept any punishment from you."

"You deserve to be punished for causing such a big accident." Because he was the one who chose his successor, Pegasus was extremely strict with the Pegasus brothers.

"I now announce that you are relieved of your post as the director of the Asian branch of the Illusion Society and will be replaced by Tianma Yuexing. As for you, go back and study hard for another two years."

How could Tianma Yexing not understand the meaning of Pegasus's demotion in name only and promotion in reality? Tears of shame flowed from his eyes. Tianma Yexing found the card of the incarnation of God from the deck and tore it into pieces. Then he bowed his head and choked up and said to Pegasus,"As you command, Lord Pegasus."


Just when everyone was immersed in the joy of victory, Masaki Kyoko also came to the rooftop under the care of Honda and Kitamori Reiko.


Not only did he destroy the three evil gods, but he also rescued Apricot safely. A happy smile immediately appeared on Yami Yugi's face.

Just as Yami Yugi happily ran towards Apricot, the card professors of the Illusion Club also rushed towards Pegasus standing on the ring.

Knowing that the sun they worshipped in their hearts had not fallen, this ups and downs of joy also filled everyone's heart.

"Phew, this matter has finally been resolved satisfactorily." Li Youfeng looked up at the sky and his face suddenly changed,"Oh no, it's already so late. If I don't go back, Xiaoxun might get angry with me!"


After hearing what Li Youfeng said, Kaiba Seto said with disdain:"I can't believe that the Duel King would be afraid of a superficial and violent girl. It's a big joke. You↗Feng↘, I have to say that you are still far from it!"

In response to Kaiba Seto's ridicule, Li Youfeng said, you can say I can, but you can't say Xiaoxun!

Turning his head expressionlessly and looking at Kaiba Seto, Li Youfeng said like a robot:"You were hit by a club when you were grinning!"


Because of Li Youfeng's words, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but think of the embarrassing things he did in the Duel Kingdom.

"You Feng, you bastard, don't change the subject. What I'm talking to you about now is the attitude problem. It won't be long before I will trample a half-baked duelist like you under my feet!"

"You were tied to the cross, how could I have imagined that you, the president, are actually a devout believer in Jesus? I have to say that your act of setting an example by committing suicide really makes me admire you!"

"Damn it, you are bringing up all kinds of issues, right?! You are a troll who loves to expose other people's shortcomings, right?!"

"You were detained in the United States for illegal entry, and even your plane was almost dismantled!"

"Fuck you! Li Youfeng, I can't stand this anymore! Come on, show us your duel disk. The grudge between us can only be resolved by dueling. Show me your moves!"

"No! What can you do to me?~!"

"Zhuo~You shameless and despicable villain!"

"President, calm down, now is not the time for a duel, think positively, let's not argue with him!" Seeing that Kaiba Seto was about to go berserk, Willamette hugged him quickly, and after much persuasion, he finally pulled Kaiba Seto aside.

"That's right!"

Realizing that he seemed to have forgotten something, Pegasus quickly walked up to Li Youfeng and said,"Youfeng, Miss Xun is dueling with Tapir in front of the door of the Kaiba Building. You should go and take a look."

"What? Tapir?"

I never expected that the rabbit-eared devil would appear at this critical moment. Li Youfeng was a little excited.

"Damn bastard, you actually dared to attack my woman, Zouk, I think you are tired of living!"

Although he knew that Mo Liang's card-playing skills were poor, Li Youfeng was still very worried. However, just as he turned and ran towards the entrance of the rooftop, he saw a beautiful figure appear at the entrance of the rooftop at this time.

"You Feng, you are here after all!"

"Xiaoxun!" He quickly ran over and hugged Shizaye Xun tightly in his arms. Li Youfeng murmured to himself with some fear:"Fortunately, fortunately you are okay, otherwise, I will suffer for the rest of my life."

"Oh~hate~! You damn ghost~! If you want to be intimate, you can go home~. I'll be shy in front of so many people!"

A blush instantly appeared on the delicate face. Izayoi Kaoru, who was originally angry that Li Youfeng came to Kaiba Building without telling her, instantly lost her temper.

Burying her face deeply in Li Youfeng's neck, Izayoi Kaoru complained with some dissatisfaction:"Youfeng, you are so hateful. You actually came here without telling me. If it weren't for Mr. Pegasus, I wouldn't know that you were involved in such a dangerous thing."

"I know you kept it from me because you didn't want me to worry, but what if something happened to you?"

With deep feelings, Shizaiya Xun's eyes could not help but be filled with tears. Although she knew that Li Youfeng did this to protect herself, in Shizaiya Xun's opinion, since two people have chosen to be together, shouldn't they bear the ups and downs together?

"No, how could anything happen to me? You know my strength. Besides, I am the strongest duel king in Tong Shiye."

"Huh?! What did you say?"Hearing that Li Youfeng not only did not reflect on himself at all, but also boasted about himself, Shizayoi Xun's face immediately darkened.

""Huh~?" Haha, let's not talk about this. Xiaoxun, didn't you meet Baliang? You showed up here so soon. Did you defeat Baliang?"Knowing that something was wrong, Li Youfeng quickly changed the subject.

"Hi, don't mention it. When the duel was halfway through, that guy suddenly said"Oops" for no apparent reason, and then forced the duel to be interrupted."

"By the way, he also started the dark game when he duelled with me. However, with the deck you gave me, not only did I not lose any life points, but I even increased my life points to 8,000 points."

"Oh, by the way, I remember that when Tapir was escaping, he vomited a large mouthful of blood. Tsk tsk, he looked so miserable. I felt a little sorry for him."

After listening to Izayoi Kaoru's explanation, Li Youfeng understood something instantly. It must be because he killed the incarnation of God, so Tapir, who noticed the disappearance of the evil god, hurriedly interrupted the dark game and decisively chose to escape. Zork, the great evil god born from darkness, naturally knew that it was more serious than having part of his soul burned by his own white flame.

Although the punishment of the dark game sounds terrible, it is nothing to Tapir. In this case, he will be fine after resting for ten days or half a month.

""The bastard Mo Liang, it seems that the lesson I gave him was not enough!" Touching his chin, Li Youfeng began to think about how to teach Mo Liang a lesson again.

(Baku Liang:"Zhao! Why do I feel a sudden palpitation for no apparent reason? Is someone talking about me?")

As a player in the underworld, Li Youfeng's mind is naturally as small as a sardine's intestines, otherwise, who would think about cheating others every day?

During the time when Li Youfeng and Shiliu Xun were talking, Pegasus brought everyone from the Illusion Society to An Yugi.

After bowing slightly to An Yugi, Pegasus took out a small box and said apologetically:"Game Boy, I am very sorry about Ye Xing's matter. Here, I hope you can forgive his mistakes, and I will definitely discipline him strictly in the future!"

"In addition, this box contains the Millennium Eye, one of the Millennium Artifacts. I heard from You Feng that this item is very important to you, so I hope you can accept it and accept my apology."

"Millennium Eye?!"After taking the small box handed over by Pegasus, Dark Game opened it with some entanglement and took a look.

After confirming that the box contained the Millennium Eye, Dark Game smiled a little melancholy, as if knowing that this was his fate. After putting the box away, Dark Game smiled at Pegasus and said,"Mr. Pegasus, I accept your apology. I did accept the Millennium Eye. I would like to thank you for your generosity here."

Having lost the Millennium Eye, Pegasus no longer had the ability to open the Dark Game. As Li Youfeng said, the Millennium Eye is a hot potato. For a mortal like Pegasus, his move undoubtedly jumped out of the grievances and entanglements of ancient Egypt three thousand years ago.

With a happy smile on his face, Pegasus immediately announced loudly:"Well, since the matter has been successfully resolved, it is time for us to relax completely. Why don't I treat you tonight and let all of us go for a midnight snack together!"

"Well, since someone is treating me, I must go!"

"Haha, after so many duels, I am indeed hungry! Tillamuk, I have returned the duel disk I lent you. Take it!"

"Wow, am I seeing things? This is the black duel disk that can only be used by the strongest duelist in the Card Professor Association?! Haha, that's great! Umm! Jonouchi, thank you!"(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

"Hehehe~ Jonouchi, I saw it, I want to complain to Miss Peacock Dance!"✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿

"No, Xingzi, it’s not my fault. I’m just a passive victim!"(;OдO)

"You Feng, what should we do?"

"What else can I do? It’s not my style to not take advantage of a good deal, so of course I have to go out for a big meal!"


The ending picture of the original novel.

(The Evil God Chapter - End!)

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