Two months passed in the blink of an eye, and the turmoil of the evil god was gradually forgotten by everyone.

In these two months, Tianma Yuexing took over the job of his twin brother Tianma Yexing and became the new general manager of the Asian branch.

After handing over his Millennium Eye to Yami Yugi, Pegasus began a new life. As a card maker, he was tired of endless business entertainment for so many years.

In order to concentrate on making new cards and promoting the development of Duel Monsters, Pegasus has gradually given up some of the publicity activities of the Illusion Society and moved to behind-the-scenes work.

In the subsequent development of the Illusion Society, the calm Tianma Yuexing has undoubtedly become Pegasus's most ideal social agent. In the two months since Tianma Yuexing took over as the director of the Asian branch, in addition to being conscientious and responsible in his work, Tianma Yuexing has also increased the number of limited edition cards purchased by the Lavender Game Store. This move made Pegasus secretly express his appreciation.

After all, for a global multinational group, the maintenance and development of the Illusion Society requires not only their own abilities, but also interpersonal relationships and social interactions.

Although his duel talent could not be further improved, in terms of business acumen and the handling of interpersonal relationships, Tianma Yuexing was many times stronger than his younger brother Tianma Yexing.

As for the card professors who participated in the activities of resurrecting the evil god, although their starting point was good, it was also a headache for Pegasus that they were so easily used.

After dismissing Tianma Yexing from his position, Pegasus also issued a punishment order for Richie Mather and others from the Card Professors Association. In addition to dismissing their current positions, he also sent these people directly to the lowest level of the Illusion Society.

Knowing that Pegasus was deliberately honing his will and knowledge, the card professors headed by Richie Mather and Depree Scott were extremely happy to accept the"punishment".

One thing to point out here is that, as a funny little transparent person, Willamette is the only one in the group who has not been punished and has been promoted, except for a few female duelists who are not members of the Illusion Society. What

's more interesting is that when Willamette received the transfer letter to become the head of the African branch of the Illusion Society, he once thought that someone was playing a prank on him. It was not until Pegasus called him personally that he hurried to the African branch to take up his post.

Lavender Game Shop, Sunday evening

"Hey You Feng, have you put on the clothes I bought for you? My car is here to pick us up. We are just going to attend a dance and have dinner with my parents. You don’t have to be so nervous!"

"Are you kidding? It's not just a matter of being nervous. This dress is really awkward to wear!"

Wearing a neat black dress suit, Li Youfeng walked down the stairs with a complicated expression and appeared in front of Shizayoi Kaoru.

"Xiaoxun, this suit is so awkward. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve worn something so formal since I was born."

""Wow, so handsome!"

Seeing Li Youfeng dressed in formal clothes, countless little stars immediately appeared in Shizaiya Xun's red eyes.

She hugged Li Youfeng's arm and kissed him on the face as if to declare her sovereignty.

"Hehe, you are really worthy of being my You Feng. You look so handsome in this outfit. Oh, I have to say that I have a very good taste.(^▽^)/!"

"Ah this~!"

Touching his hair embarrassedly, Li Youfeng said nervously:"Xiaoxun, you suddenly asked me to attend the dance party held by your family.

I am really not used to it.

And I said it in advance.

Although I have practiced with you for several days, I am still not proficient in dancing.

Don't blame me for embarrassing you when the time comes.

" Extending her finger and gently tapping Li Youfeng's forehead, Shizaiya Xun said disapprovingly:"Hehe, Youfeng, don't worry, the process doesn't matter.

What's important is the intention!

What's more, I am teaching you the simplest slow four-step ballroom dance.

As long as you follow my rhythm, I guarantee you will pass!


"Well, all right then!" Looking at the funny and excited look on Izayoi Kaoru's face, Li Youfeng really couldn't bear to say anything discouraging.

Since he was going to attend the ball held by Izayoi's family, he must meet Izayoi Kaoru's parents under this circumstance. Secretly recalling the dance steps he practiced a few days ago, Li Youfeng could only pray in his heart that the trip would go smoothly.

As he walked out of the game store with Izayoi Kaoru holding his arm, a middle-aged butler with glasses and half-white hair appeared in Li Youfeng's field of vision. He lowered his head slightly to Izayoi Kaoru, and the middle-aged butler said with a smile:"Miss, Mr. Youfeng, the ball is about to begin, and the master and the lady are already waiting at home. We have to speed up."

"Well, please help me, Uncle Chongshan! You Feng, let me introduce you, this is our old housekeeper Chongshan Wu, who has been with my father since I was a child."

"Uh~ Uncle Chongshan, nice to meet you, hello"

"Hehe, Mr. Youfeng, there's no need to be so reserved. It's getting late. Please get in the car."

Li Youfeng opened the car door elegantly. It was the first time that he saw the etiquette of the upper class. Sitting in the luxury car with Izayoi Kaoru holding his arm, Li Youfeng rushed to the clan territory of the Izayoi family with an uneasy mood. It was the first time for Li Youfeng, who had always considered himself a otaku, to ride in a luxury car that he had only seen in movies in his previous life.

In fact, in his previous life, he was poisoned by some urban dragon king novels, and Li Youfeng always felt that he seemed to have a feeling of counterattack.

In fact, the source of Li Youfeng's lack of self-confidence was more that he felt that his identity was somewhat incompatible with such a wealthy family. When it came to wealth, it was not enough to get it from Kaiba Seto. Li Youfeng, who received 10% of the shares, is actually already a wealthy man.

Moreover, in this world where playing cards is respected, Li Youfeng has not really figured out what the title of Duel King means.

Although in the eyes of these wealthy families he is more like a lucky nouveau riche, these words are at most just said behind their backs.

After all, even the duel nobleman Kaiba Seto was defeated by Li Youfeng, and these half-baked rich kids will naturally not have nothing to do to cause trouble for themselves.

Sensitively aware that Li Youfeng was a little restless, Izayoi Kaoru nestled in Li Youfeng's arms obediently and took out a magazine from the small bookcase next to the car.

"You Feng, this is the latest duel magazine published by the Illusion Society. It seems that your proposal to modify the duel rules has been approved."

Not realizing that Izayoi Kaoru was taking the opportunity to change the subject, Li You Feng took the magazine and opened it, his eyes lit up.

"Haha, the rules have been changed as expected. I told you, after seeing my Masked Hero, Kaiba won’t just give up! I bet that tsundere must be secretly practicing the dueling skills of the fusion deck now!"

(Seto Kaiba:"A-choo! Damn it, who is talking bad about me behind my back! Damn it~! Keipi, readjust the level of the AI for me, after all, that bastard You Feng won’t use such a weak dueling method!")

Facing Li You Feng’s gentle smile, Izayoi Kaoru agreed,"Hehe, actually I think that idiot Kaiba just refuses to face the reality, but the way he looks down on people does deserve a beating! To be honest, when my father took me to the social dance party of Kaiba Group when I was a child, I taught him a lesson, otherwise, he wouldn’t always say bad things about me."


Li Youfeng couldn't help but twitch his eyelids. He never thought that his girlfriend would beat up the young president of Kaiba. No wonder the president always said that she was a superficial violent girl. Li Youfeng showed an awkward but polite smile to Izayoi Kaoru, and then he continued to read. As expected, under his suggestion, the current duel rules have been greatly changed. The changes in the new rules are mainly reflected in three aspects.

First, the rule that fusion monsters cannot launch attacks in the round of successful fusion is cancelled. Magic card quick attack has completely withdrawn from the stage of duel monster history. When the restrictions on fusion monsters are lifted, it also means that the next duel environment will be more cruel and fierce. Secondly

, in order to distinguish the difference between the use of magic cards and traps, the new regulations in this regard are that magic cards can only be released in one's own turn, and quick attack magic cards can be used in the battle phase of one's own turn. They can only be used in the opponent's turn if they are covered. Another point to note is that in one's main turn, the turn party can only cover two cards on the back field at most.

(Note: This rule is actually the original rule of the anime, and I believe that old fans of Yu-Gi-Oh should be familiar with it. )

The introduction of this rule means that the situation of five caps in the backcourt will never happen again. In addition, there are rumors that this rule was proposed by the president of Kaiba and entered into the computer program personally. It is said that the reason why he did this seems to be to target a certain duel king who does not follow martial ethics and deliberately add it despite everyone's opposition!

It's really~very willful (domineering)!

Finally, Kaiba Group's duel disk launched the latest second-generation product.

The new duel disk officially appeared the concept of field magic cards, and the activation of field magic cards no longer occupied the backcourt space, but the current duel rules do not allow two field magic cards to appear at the same time. The first activated field magic card will be directly destroyed when the subsequent field magic card is activated.

After reading the latest duel rules jointly announced by the Illusion Society and the Kaiba Group, Li Youfeng secretly opened his own void board thoughtfully.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: 8

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (limited to 5 times per game), High Star Start, Low Star Start, Destined to Draw (HP less than 2000 and limited to 1 time per game), Dark Resistance (Passive: Greatly reduce the soul damage in duels under special circumstances), Fighter's Soul (Active: Open a special duel barrier that can be controlled to damage in three modes: slight, severe, and death.

), Summoner's Contract (limited to 1 time per game.

), Fusion Premonition (limited to 1 time per game.

), Blessing of the Three Phantom Gods (limited to 1 time per game).


: Atlas Worm Demon, Vampire Lady, Half-Dragon Maid Laundry Dragon, Nephthys Connector, Witch Craft Master Weir, Black Magician (Red Robe Version), Silver City Lord Labris, Kite Robot, Winged Dragon of the Sun God.

Unlock: Cyber Dragon Beyond the Limit! Dragon Rider of the Holy Dragon Valley!

"This is asking me to give up all the mainstream decks and play the invincible Sebadoragon! Damn it~, I don’t want to be the first generation of Caesar!"

Looking at the deck that was lit up in the void deck, Li Youfeng couldn't help but fall into entanglement.

After all, in his subconscious, the final destination of every Caesar is probably inseparable from a wheelchair. He is still very young and has not enjoyed life well, but he doesn't want to be sent to the hospital for retirement early.

For a common problem of Yu-Gi-Oh players, the most typical players of the Cyber Dragon deck and the Light Path deck basically have an obsession to raise the card in one round!

What is certain is that the comfort of this process can be called the two ultimate romances of men together with the mecha model!

(A real man never looks back at an explosion, unless the place of the explosion is his own home! )

Therefore, whether or not to use this deck is really a serious question worth thinking about!

After chatting and laughing with Izayoi Kaoru for about an hour, the luxury car drove into a luxurious villa located in the mountainous area outside the suburbs of Tong Minye.

It should be said that it is worthy of being the largest consortium in Sakura Country. After the car drove into the villa, Li Youfeng finally experienced what it meant to be domineering!

Looking at this maze-like garden and the Western classical buildings that can only be seen in anime, Li Youfeng finally understood what kind of worth this cute girl who was nestling in his arms with a happy face.

The car soon stopped in front of the main hall. Before Li Youfeng opened the car door, a middle-aged maid who had been waiting here for a long time walked up with a smile on her face.

"Miss, welcome home."

After raising her hand to open the car door, the maid gave Li Youfeng a standard maid's salute before speaking:"This must be Mr. Youfeng, I've heard about you from Miss a long time ago, and now it seems that you are really a handsome guy. No wonder our Miss is so fascinated by you."

"Ah~ this~, thank you for the compliment~, in fact, I am just an ordinary person, not as good as you say."Looking at this kind-looking middle-aged maid, Li Youfeng became more reserved.

"Oh, Aunt Miki, please stop teasing Youfeng. Can't you see that he is already very nervous?"

Knowing that the maid was teasing Li Youfeng on purpose, Shizayoi Kaoru quickly stood in front of Li Youfeng as if protecting her child.

"You Feng, let me introduce you to our head maid, Aunt Miki Saki. She was originally my mother's personal maid. After my father and mother got married, she came to our Izayoi family with them. It can be said that Aunt Miki has watched me grow up since I was a child."

Looking at Izayoi Xun's happy face, Miki Saki whispered to Li You Feng:"Haha, Mr. You Feng, our eldest daughter has never liked any boy since she was a child. You are the first person she took the initiative to bring home! Come on, I will secretly support you two."

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