In the duel hall of Seahorse Paradise, You Ran ran in quickly.

At the moment, the entrance exam for the Duel Academy is being held here, but it is late.

In addition to the freshmen who took the exams in the dueling hall, there were also some students of Oberyskblue watching the battle.

You Ran saw the familiar Asuka in the anime, Ryo Marutō, Manjangme and others.

But this is not important, the important thing is that You Ran saw a teacher from the Duel Academy just walking out with the materials, and You Ran immediately ran forward: “Teacher, I’m late in the car, do I still have time to take the exam now?” ”

The teacher of the academy was holding the list of students who had passed the exam in his hand, and when he saw You Ran coming so late, he was helpless: “What is going on with your candidates, why are they coming later than the other?” ”

“Teacher, it’s really an accident.”

You Ran apologized again, because she couldn’t sleep with excitement last night.

As a traverser, You Ran originally felt that he was very lucky, and he didn’t have a rare card in the game card pack.

You Ran is not particularly rich, and the way to buy is to buy a large number of card packs and draw rare cards like rich people.

Originally, I thought that there was no hope of passing the Duel Academy exam today, but an accident appeared, and the Yu-Gi-Oh system allowed You Ran to get a good deck of cards.

As long as you fight with powerful people and get victory points, you can draw card packs and get more powerful cards.

I couldn’t sleep with excitement, and I woke up late this morning.

“You’re already a lot late, and according to the rules, you can’t take the exam again, so you wait for the next time.”

The teacher of the academy immediately refused.

“Teacher, I really came late because of a little accident, so give me a chance, I’m still very good.”

“It’s not about strength, it’s about your attitude. There was just a candidate, he came over at a pinched time, and Professor Kuronos, who was in charge of this exam, was not ready to let him participate, not to mention that you are late now, it is impossible to be allowed at all. ”

“Teacher, help me talk about it. I have been preparing for this exam for a long time. I really yearn for Duel Academy. ”

Yesterday’s system’s newbie pack was not able to allow You Ran to really complete the deck, and you had to duel with some people to get points, so Duelist Academy is a good place.

Seeing that You Ran was so sincere, this teacher was a little hesitant: “Then you wait a minute, when this duel of Professor Bronos is over, I will help you ask to see if he gives you a chance.” If I don’t give you a chance, then I can’t help it. ”

“Okay, okay, thank you, teacher.”

You Ran immediately said thanks.

At this time, You Ran noticed that Kuronos, who had just stepped onto the duel platform at this time, was preparing a duel with the tenth generation of Youcheng.

You Ran knew that Kuronos would lose, and couldn’t help but say to himself worriedly: “I hope that Professor Kuronos won’t anger me after he loses and won’t let me take the entrance exam.” ”

You Ran was afraid that Curlonos could not afford to lose, and he was in a bad mood and directly did not give a chance.

But hearing You Ran say this, the teacher next to him smiled: “You are worried about the superfluous, how can Professor Cullonos lose?” ”

This teacher wondered how You Ran could have such an unrealistic idea.

Even if the system gives a lot of good cards, so that You Ran’s card set strength has increased a lot, but in the face of the Inka King, even if the card set is really completed, You Ran does not dare to say that he can win ten generations.

Not to mention that this duel is doomed to Cullonos to lose.

“Teacher, everything is in case.”

However, when You Ran finished speaking, he was heard by Wan Zhangmu next to You Ran, and looked back at You Ran: “Boy, do you know this candidate below?” His strength is very powerful? ”

Just now, Manjomu felt a little strange, because as a freshman, it is reasonable to say that Yucheng Shidai should not be qualified to let Kolonos personally come out to test him, so Manjomu doubts that Ten Generations is not a big person.

Now hearing You Ran say this, seeing that You Ran had so much confidence in the ten generations, Kuronos thought that You Ran might know the ten generations, so he opened his mouth to ask.

Of course, You Ran couldn’t say that he knew, so he opened his mouth and said, “I don’t know him.” Today is the first time we met. ”

“You don’t know him, how dare you say that he won Professor Cullonos? To make such an unqualified judgment, if you only have this level, you still don’t think about entering the Duel Academy, and if you come in, you will only be at the bottom. ”

Qin Ran didn’t know how to explain it too well, so he could only say: “A true duelist can feel the soul of a duelist he has from another duelist. ”

“What did you say?”

You Ran’s words made Wan Zhangmu immediately unhappy.

“You mean to say that I’m not a real duelist?”

“I didn’t mean it that way.” You Ran didn’t expect that when he said it casually, he was actually misunderstood by Wan Zhangmu.

“So what do you mean?”

Wan Zhangmu felt that he was being underestimated by You Ran, and asked coldly: “Do you know who I am?” ”

Of course, You Ran can’t show that he knows everything.

However, there was no need to say anything at all, and the two younger brothers beside Wan Zhangmu spoke: “Boy, you heard clearly, the super elite of our Duel Academy Obelisk Blue in front of you is accurate.” ”

“It turned out to be the super elite of Oberysk Blue, I’m really sorry, I underestimated you.”

You Ran said casually, not wanting to entangle this question with Wan Zhangmu.

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