You Ran’s bland reaction made Wan Zhangmu very unhappy.

As a super elite, who does not recognize his strength.

But You Ran’s attitude, on the surface, underestimated him, but the attitude did not take him seriously at all, as if he, a super elite, was not worth mentioning at all.

“Boy, opening your mouth and closing your mouth is a real duelist, and those who don’t know think you are very powerful.”

“I’m really good.”

You Ran did not speak modestly at all. This made Wan Zhangmu even more unhappy.

Wan Zhangmu stood up from his seat, turned to stare at You Ran: “Boy, no one has ever dared to say that he is powerful in front of my Wan Zhangmu.” ”

“Is it? The first place in Oberysk Blue, didn’t Ryo Maruto dare? ”


Wan Zhang stared at You Ran, feeling offended.

You Ran knew about Ryo Maruto, but he didn’t know that he was in the first place, and said that Ryo Maruto was the first place.

It was necessary for Wan Zhangmu to let You Ran know him.

“Boy, I’m looking to give you a chance. If Professor Kolonos really loses the duel with this freshman, I allow you to challenge me. If you win, I’ll let you into the Duelist Academy. ”

Wan Zhangmu’s annoyed and angry words attracted the attention of many people, and the people in the duel hall looked over to Wan Zhangmu and You Ran one after another.

“What happened, why did Wan Zhangmu clash with this new candidate?”

“This candidate has not seen the game just now, he should be late. Being late and clashing with Manjomu, this year’s freshmen are a little bold. ”

“It’s a little bold. Listening to what Wan Zhangmu just said, it seemed that this freshman thought that Professor Kuronos would lose to this candidate who was dueling him. This year’s candidates can’t afford to be the chief examiner. ”

“It is estimated that Wan Zhangmu can’t listen to this candidate so underestimating Professor Cullonos, in order to defend Professor Cullonos’s face, he said so.”

These people can only make brain supplements based on the last unhappy words just now.

Hearing these people’s words, Kuronos, who was preparing for a duel in the audience, became unhappy in his face: “This freshman actually dares to think that I will lose and look down on me.” ”

Cullonos felt humiliated.

He fought a duel with a freshman, was actually looked down upon by another freshman, and felt that he would lose, which he had never encountered before.

Although the tenth generation is a little dumbfounded, after hearing so many years of discussion, he probably understands what is going on.

Among so many people present, only You Ran believed that he would win the tenth generation, and the tenth generation felt very happy, and greeted You Ran: “Hey, my name is You Cheng Ten Generation, what is your name?” ”

To the greeting of the ten generations, You Ran replied with a smile: “My name is You Ran.” ”

As the protagonist, the tenth generation of Youcheng immediately felt a strong momentum from You Ran.

“You Ran, I feel that you are very powerful, and I hope that after entering the school together, we will have the opportunity to duel once.”

“If you can get into the school, you will have a chance.”

Watching the two people greeting each other across the audience, and Shidai also said that he was going to enter the school, Kuronos found that Shiro really ignored him completely and did not feel the oppression from him at all.

The two errands ignored him so much, they couldn’t bear it: “When I win the errand student in front of me first, I will teach him a little lesson from the other errand, and he actually dares to look down on me.” ”

Kuronos made a decision in his heart, and then said to the ten generations: “Errand, the duel has begun.” ”

“Okay, duel.”

After starting with five cards, the ten generations attack first.

“My turn, draw cards.”

The ten generations looked at the hand and had a strategy.

“I summon the Ehero Wingman guard. Cover one card and the round ends. ”

“My turn, draw cards.”

Kuronos elegantly drew a card and said secretly: “Hero card set, nothing special, very ordinary.” ”

“Let me tell you how big the world is.” Cullonos opened his mouth with confidence.

“Activate the magic card, collect it, pay 1000 health points, you can look at the opponent’s hand, and then choose one of the cards to throw into the graveyard.”

This card of Kolonos annoyed the ten generations: “I actually want to destroy the deck that I regard as life.” ”

After watching the hands of the ten generations, Kuronos was even more disapproving: “It’s really a bad deck.” Abandon the dead and wake up. Then cover two cards, and then activate the magic card, Daiarashi. ”

One gaika of the tenth generation and two gaika of Koulonos were all destroyed.

“Teacher, your card has also been destroyed.”

Hearing Shidai say such a stupid thing, Kuronos smiled triumphantly.

Sho Maruto asked Misawa Daichi incomprehensibly, “Why did the teacher do such a thing?” ”

Misawa Daichi next to him explained: “The Golden Evil God Cabinet is a special trap card that summons tokens after destruction. ”

“This is a sacrifice for summoning.” Sho Maruto reacted.

At this time, more problems occurred among the students of Obelisk Blue.

“That’s not the deck used for the entrance exam, it’s Professor Kuronos’ own dark deck.”

“The freshman who can win this deck should not exist yet. In this way, the new student opposite is even more finished. ”

Seeing this scene, Wan Zhangmu said flatly: “I thought this freshman would have a chance, but now it seems impossible.” ”

Originally, I thought that the tenth generation was a little special, but now I feel that I really think too much, and in the face of Kolonos, it is impossible for any new student to have the power to resist.

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