“My turn, draw cards.”

Looking at the hand, You Ran said: “President, just in your round, you issued a declaration of victory, then I am the same in this round, I won the victory of this duel.” ”

“You said you were going to beat me in this round?” The seahorse’s eyes became sharp.

He has three gaika cards on the field, and you dare to ignore his gaika?

Of course, You Ran knew that there were gaika on the seacourse, but this did not prevent You Ran’s victory.

“That’s right, I’m going to beat you this round. Usually summons the Scrap Homophony, and activates the Scrap Homotonator effect, which specially summons the duo warriors in the graveyard to the field. ”

“I use a three-star junk tuner to tune stars with a one-star destroyer. The gathered stars will evoke the power of new life and become the path of light. Homonic summoning, fluctuating dragon phonosaurus. ”

This fluctuating dragon is a bit special, if the effect is activated, You Ran can only summon in unison, but this turn, You Ran does not want a homological summon.

“I activate the magic card from the hand, fuse. I fused the dragon homological monsters on the field with the doppelgangers of the warrior clan. ”

“Actually fusion summoning, You Ran will actually use fusion summoning.”

This scene really surprised many people.

“It will actually be a fusion summon.” The seahorse on the opposite side was also surprised, You Ran would fuse the summoning thing, and the seahorse was really defenseless.

You Ran had always been a homological summoning before, but suddenly a fusion summoning came, which made people really uncomfortable.

“Fusion summon, come out, Wave Dragon Knight.”

A monster with an attack power of 3200 appeared in front of everyone.

“I activated the effect of the Wave Dragon Knight, except for the meteor dragon in the graveyard, until the end stage, and used it as the monster card of the same name to get the same effect. So I activated the effect of the meteor dragon to determine the five cards above the platoon. ”

Everyone immediately understood You Ran’s plan.

“There is a blue-eyed white dragon and a blue-eyed sub-white dragon on the president’s field, fluctuating the attack power of the dragon knight 3200, if there are two star adjusters above the deck, won’t the president lose?”

“This is not necessarily, have you forgotten that the president also has a strong and invincible most powerful trap card. However, if You Ran still has a card in his hand that increases his attack power, which can cause more than four hundred damage at a time, it is difficult to say, and in the end, it depends on whether the other two cover cards of the president can defend against his attack. ”

No one expected that the situation would evolve into this situation, and You Ran actually forced the seahorse to such a dangerous point.

The five cards that You Ran determined had two star tuners.

“President, just two attacks, about to get on.”

“Then you can attack it and try it.” Seahorse replied confidently, and his other two gaika cards could easily cope with the current situation.

“Of course try, fight.”

You Ran immediately entered the battle stage.

“At this moment, I launch a quick attack magic card from my hand, sealing the demon arrow, which can only be activated at the beginning of my own or the opponent’s battle stage, and after this card is launched, until the end of the round, both sides cannot activate the effect of the magic trap card.”

“What did you say?” The seahorse was shocked.

This result is definitely something that the seahorse never expected.

His gaika can indeed resolve the crisis, but if he can’t launch it, it’s useless.

“No, did he seal all three of the president’s cover cards? Do you really want to win? ”

“Just kidding, how could the president lose to You Ran?”

Everyone could not accept this fact.

“I use the Wave Dragon Knight to attack the blue-eyed white dragon and the blue-eyed sub-white dragon.”

Under everyone’s gaze, the Fluctuation Dragon Knight destroyed the blue-eyed white dragon and the blue-eyed sub-white dragon, each monster caused 200 points of damage, and the seahorse’s 400 health points just returned to zero, and the seahorse was helpless.


The audience gasped.

“Mamma Mia, he actually won President Seahorse, I really hope it’s a nightmare.” Koulnos was the first to say that it was unacceptable.

“He actually did it, he did a miracle.” Asuka looked at Yuran incredulously.

In fact, Asuka was ready to drop out of school with You Ran, even if she thought that You Ran was very strong, it was impossible to win this super strong duelist, this is a man who was once chosen by the God Card.

“You Ran is too powerful.” Shidai was happy for Youran.

Witnessing such a wonderful duel, the ten generations knew that there was a person in the Duel Academy that he had to seriously take as a challenge target.

“There is really an incredible person in the freshman this time, and I really hope to have a duel with him.” Ryo Maruto was also very excited at this time.

A duelist like Seahorse, Ryo Marutō felt that it was difficult for him to challenge, and You Ran not only resisted all of Seahorse’s offensive, but also turned defeat into victory, and was the first place in the academy, and his heart that had been invincible for too long also burned.

“I… I…… Actually lost, lost to a second person besides the game. ”

The whole seahorse froze in place, completely unable to accept this result.

Aside from Muto Games, Seahorse has always believed that there is no second person in this world who can defeat him in a dignified manner.

Whether it is Becas or Dazzy before, they are just rats who rely on the power of dark games.

“How come, my brother actually lost.”

Keipei, who was watching the live broadcast at the Haima Group, held his computer and could not accept this fact.

Even Bekas, who facilitated this duel, was shocked and exclaimed in the laboratory: “I can’t believe it, Seahorse Boy took the card I specially prepared, and actually lost to this teenager, the power of the homological card set is terrible.” ”

Becas immediately looked at the researchers in the lab.

“Have you successfully recorded the energy data at the time of the homological summoning?”

“Yes, we have successfully recorded all the data, and now we are starting to parse it, I believe that there is a high probability that we can figure out what the power of homological summoning is.”

“That’s good.”

Becas was slightly relieved.

The Homological Card Set can even defeat the cards he specially made for Seahorse, and if a competitor issues a Homological Card Set, the International Illusion Society may really go out of business.

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