It took a while for the seahorse to recover from his failure and accept this fact.

“Damn, from now on, I will never allow anyone else to draw cards in my turn.”

Seahorse made this vow in his heart.

When dueling in the Duel Tower before, his giant god soldiers originally had the upper hand, which should be able to easily destroy the game’s Sky Dragon.

But because the game launched a god-given treasure card, it destroyed his advantage, and the god’s card was destroyed, and finally lost the title of duel king and lost the god’s card.

Now Youran is actually the same here.

Originally, he had the upper hand, because You Ran launched the scales of the verdict, drew cards to resolve the crisis, and then he lost again.

The same experience, the same defeat, the seahorse will never allow a third time.

Although the duel was lost this time, the seahorse is not a person who cannot afford to lose, as long as the other party does not win by despicable means, the seahorse can be recognized.

“You are a good duelist, and this duel is indeed my loss.”

“President Seahorse actually recognized his dueling strength.”

Everyone knows that Seahorse’s words just now not only admit that he lost, but also recognize the strength of You Ran’s duel.

The point is that Seahorses are known to be proud people, and there are not many duelists who can make Seahorses recognize.

“According to what was said at the beginning, when you win, you can get a bonus of 100 million, and when you turn back, you leave an account for the principal, and I will send the money to your account.”

“You Ran got rich!”

The envy in everyone’s eyes was about to shed tears.

You Ran is of course very happy, after all, 100 million is not a small amount.

“Thank you, President.”

“You got this by strength, don’t thank me. Today’s duel is very smooth, and the next time my deck is perfected, we will have a good competition, and I hope that you will become stronger than you are now. ”

You Ran defeated the seahorse today, for the seahorse, You Ran is bound to be defeated again, so when the next time the seahorse gains the power of the homological card, the seahorse must come to You Ran and have another duel.

The reason why the seahorse has to come to You Ran to duel again, on the one hand, is because You Ran defeated him, and the seahorse must defeat You Ran to wash away his defeat.

On the other hand, it is necessary to take You Ran to test his strength after obtaining the homological card.

Defeat You Ran, and the seahorse will go to his old enemy and wash away all the shame of the past.

So for Seahorse, You Ran is now a touchstone to test his strength.

Leaving a preview that he would duel with You Ran again, Seahorse turned around and jumped off the duel platform and left directly.

“Congratulations to the master for defeating the legendary duelist Haipo Seto and getting 5,000 points.”

This point makes You Ran excited, and maybe you can get a lot of good cards.

After the seahorse left, the ten generations, Sho, and Hayato, who were sitting in the first row of the audience, saw You Ran coming down from the duel platform, so they ran to You Ran and congratulated happily.

“You Ran, there is no need to drop out of school now, and the duel just now is very exciting, and the victory is beautiful.”

“It’s a wonderful duel. You Ran, this time you created the history of the academy, defeated the president of the seahorse, and when you enter the academy in the future, the new students will definitely hear about your glorious deeds. ”

“You will suddenly become the best alumni of our academy, and even become a legend in the future.”

“It’s not such an exaggeration.”

Just as You Ran finished speaking, Asuka came to You Ran and said happily: “It should be more than this exaggeration.” President Seahorse is a very famous duelist in the whole world, and if you can defeat him, you will definitely become the idol of many students in our school in the future, and this time you really created a miracle. ”

“I don’t know if it’s a miracle or not, I just know that the two of us don’t have to drop out of school.”

In fact, You Ran’s main goal is not to drop out of school.

It’s a shame to drop out.

Even if he wants to leave the Duelist Academy, You Ran must graduate as the first place in the school, how can he drop out.

“You Ran, thank you.”

Asuka solemnly thanked Yuran.

“Thank you for keeping me in school so that I can continue to investigate my brother’s affairs.”

Asuka’s attitude of thanking her was very serious, which made You Ran feel very unaccustomed, and replied nonchalantly: “We are friends on the same front, don’t be so polite, don’t take it to heart.” ”

While speaking, You Ran noticed Kuronos, who was unwilling and secretly wanted to leave.

You Ran shouted directly at Kuronos: “Professor Kuronos, now I and Asuka shouldn’t have to accept the school’s punishment, right?” ”

Hearing You Ran shouting his name, Kuronos did not look back, but said unhappily: “No need.” ”

“Then I should be able to enter the abandoned dormitory again and find the lost things as I said before!”

“Go if you want.”

After that, Kuronos didn’t have to sneak away anymore, and left directly in annoyance.

After spending such a big battle, I wanted to expel You Ran, but not only did I not expell, but I also made You Ran create the legend of the school, and Kuronos felt that this thing was really stupid today.

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