At the end of the round, the effect of the Nightmare Bar disappears.

“No matter what, be sure to draw that card at the end of this round.”

The Titan felt that he couldn’t wait for Youran’s round.

“My turn, draw cards.”

The effect of the skeleton demon is offset by the grace of the gods, so it is still 9500.

Upon seeing this card, the Titan smiled: “Sure enough, the victory is still on my side.” ”

The Titan drew no other card, but the Marlboro Hammer, a card that allows the Titan to bring new hope on its own again.

“It’s so fun to laugh, but don’t forget, I said, you will lose this round.”

You Ran’s words made the Titan look at You Ran with an idiotic look: “What nonsense are you talking about this kid, in my turn, do you think you can stop me?” ”

“What is You Ran going to do?”

The Titan does not believe in Youran, but Asuka and the others do.

Once You Ran said the declaration of victory, he basically did not fail.

It is impossible for You Ran not to know that it is now a round of Titans, and if You Ran dares to say, there will definitely be conditions for success.

“Then I’ll let you see, what Ekzodia, it takes so many rounds to piece together, I’m waiting for you yellow cauliflower is cold.”

“At this moment when you draw the card, I launch a permanent trap, the card light protection wall, when this card is launched, pay 1000 health points in the unit of basic points, attack power below the basic score value of the opponent monster can not attack, I pay 3000 health points.”

“Pay 3000 health points, what are you going to do?”

The Titan’s bad premonition once again hung over his heart, and he always felt that You Ran was paying health to kill him this time.

Youran’s 4,000 health points instantly became 1,000 points.

“Then I will launch a quick attack magic card, simple reconciliation, exclude a star adjuster in my graveyard from the game, and let the attack power of a monster indicated on the side of the field increase except the attack power of the star adjuster, I will remove the scrap changer from the graveyard, and the attack power of the meteor dragon will increase by 1500 points.”

The meteor dragon’s strike power instantly became 4800 points.

“Finally this card can send you on your way.”

“I launched the trap card and finally fought. When my health is below 1000 points, it can only be launched in the opponent’s turn, I choose a monster on my own field, and then all the cards on both sides of the field and in my hand are sent to the graveyard, and then you can summon a monster from your deck and fight the monster I choose. ”

“Both players fight monsters, and at the end of the round, whoever still has monsters on the field will win.”

“What did you say?” The Titan’s whole person was shocked, and his face turned pale.

“And this move, it’s so powerful, it’s useless no matter how much health he has.”

“In front of the 4800-point meteor dragon, even the legendary God Card can’t be crossed, and You Ran won.”

Everyone just wondered why You Ran dared to say that he could win this round, it turned out that there was such a trap card.

You Ran sent all the cards in his hand to the cemetery: “I chose the meteor dragon on my field as the object and sent the hand card to the cemetery. Well, it’s time for you to send your hand, as well as your skeleton demon and your treasure hunt panda, to the graveyard, and summon a monster from your deck to fight my meteor dragon. ”

“How so.”

The Titan’s feet couldn’t help but retreat, because there was no meteor dragon in his deck that could exceed 4800 points of monster attack power.

“Don’t rub it in, choose your monster.”

“I… I choose the call of the devil. ”

In the next second, a demon’s summoning appeared on the Titan’s field.

Immediately afterwards, two monsters forcibly enter the battle stage to attack.

“Demon Summoning Thunder.”

“Disappear, miscellaneous fish. Stardust Phantom. ”

The meteor dragon instantly smashed the demon’s summoning, and the titan’s health immediately returned to zero.


The titan roared angrily, this time he lost the duel very unwillingly, such a thick health value, would actually be killed in one round, never dreamed of such a thing happening.

Not to mention that at this moment, he obviously drew the Marlboro Hammer, and the Titan felt that he had hope of winning.

It’s just that failure is failure, and the next second, the dark forces devour the Titans.

“No, I don’t want to go back to that dark world, save me!”

The spineless You Ran waited for help, but the dark game duel failed, and no one could save the titans.

“Defeat the Titans and get 2000 points.”

Looking at the appearance of the titan being swallowed by darkness, Asuka and Todai, who had seen the dark duel last time, were already very accustomed to it, but the four people who saw this scene for the first time, Misawa, Ryo Maruto, Kuronos, and Manjome couldn’t help but take a breath: “Is this the dark duel?” If you lose, you will disappear. ”

The four people also felt that the dark game was lost, at most, the key of the seven stars was snatched away, but they did not expect that the risk was so great, so in the face of the duel of the seven stars, they had to fight 100% seriously.

“You Ran, win beautifully, you can win such a duel, it’s really worthy of you.”

The opening of the admiration of the ten generations.

“It’s pure luck, if I hadn’t drawn the key cards, I might have really lost.”

“Luck is also part of strength.”

Wan Zhangmu opened his mouth to remind: “Anyway, let’s get out of here first.” Disappearing in front of your eyes is so uncomfortable here. ”

“Yes, let’s get out of here first, weird and eerie.”

Everyone walked together in the direction of the exit.

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