The air in the abandoned dormitory was terrible, and when they walked out of the dormitory, everyone felt how fresh the air was.

“Just now I had a duel with that seven-star, everyone saw that seven-star is not a fair duelist, so when you adjust the deck, you have to prevent this more weird deck.” You Ran opened his mouth to remind everyone.

“That’s right, if you hadn’t gone to duel with them just now, the rest of us might have been completely helpless to face his side.”

Everyone is very fortunate about this.

If the Titan just now found any of them, it is likely that in the second round of the Titan, he will bring all of Ekzodia together, and they will directly lose miserably.

It was really not easy for You Ran to maneuver so many rounds and win in the end.

Maruto Ryo also spoke up at this time to remind everyone: “In the duel with You Ran just now, I can indeed see that the seven stars are relatively despicable. Although the person just now did not use any other insidious means, there is no guarantee that the other seven stars will not do this, so we still have to pay attention to the safety issues other than dueling. It’s best if we encounter some seven-star duel next time, and we will act together. ”

“Yes, that’s right.” Shidai immediately spoke in agreement.

“The last time I was in an abandoned dormitory, I actually dueled with the seven-star guy just now. He used hypnotic meanness last time to get us to give up the duel, so really be vigilant. ”

“Okay, then say so, if anyone encounters Seven Stars again, we remember to contact and act together when the time comes.”

After agreeing on this matter, everyone left to go back to the dormitory.

After returning to the dormitory, You Ran used up the points he had just received from the Titans.

Among the cards drawn this time, several cards were obtained that surprised You Ran.

“Finally got the Black Rose Dragon. If there is this black rose dragon directly bombing the field today, how can it be so troublesome. ”

Today’s duel between You Ran and the Titan really ate the pain of the light shield sword and the nightmare iron bar.

If you can blow up the field, You Ran may not need to use the combination of the final battle and the Light Shield Wall to win.

In addition to this Black Rose Dragon, You Ran also obtained the Red Lotus Demon Dragon and the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon, and You Ran also liked these two cards.

“With this True Red Lotus Nova Dragon, I can avoid this weakness of my monster’s insufficient attack power. The next time you encounter a seahorse, it won’t be so hard. ”

The last time You Ran dueled with the seahorse, it was because the seahorse easily summoned the blue-eyed ultimate dragon with 4500 attack power.

In the face of this kind of non-shuffling cards, basically three cards are connected together.

Therefore, You Ran’s estimate that after this turmoil passes, and the duel with Ryo Maruto, his three electronic dragons must also be connected together.

Plus the power bond, then it is even more incredible, so the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon can make up for the lack of Youran’s high attack power card.

In addition to these three cards, You Ran also has several trap cards that can be used together, so You Ran has to readjust the deck again.

When Yuran Dormitory adjusted the deck, Asuka, Toshiro, and Ryo Maruto returned to the dormitory and began to adjust the deck.

After seeing the duel of the seven stars tonight, they felt more and more that they needed to take into account all the possibilities of it as much as possible.

When You Ran and the others readjusted their deck to prepare for the arrival of the other six people, the death of the Titan was immediately known to the other members of the Seven Stars.

“I really didn’t expect that the titan, who has the power of Ekzodia, actually lost to that You Ran.” Dissatisfied voices sounded in the pitch-black space.

“The plan to get the key to the seven stars cannot be delayed, which of you will go to the Duel Academy next?”

In the next second, a woman’s voice sounded in the dark space: “This result is quite surprising.” Titan’s deck should be able to finish each other in two rounds at most, and it is really unexpected that they will be counter-killed. However, this also proves that these students of Duel Academy are not easy to underestimate, so we have to pay attention to it. ”

“If you go to the Duel Academy again before you get the Harmony Card now, there will be no good results. The listing of the equivalent card set is continuing to implement the plan. ”

“It seems that you don’t have the courage of the Titans yet.”

“You let us go to the Duel Academy now, and meeting You Ran is completely sending you to death. If you don’t have the power to defeat him, you won’t get all the keys, so if you’re really impatient, you can go on your own. ”

“If I can go on my own, what do I want you to do?”

“Since you can’t go now, you need us to help you, don’t be so domineering.” Another man’s voice sounded.

“I don’t have to wait for the same set of cards and go to the Duel Academy now, but the true red-eyed dragon knight I wanted, you didn’t help me get it.”

“Although this true red-eyed dragon knight has been released now, I have not received any news about the card obtained by any player so far, so I can’t help you get this card.”

“Then it’s no wonder we, be patient.” Get a card that we can enhance our strength, and we will naturally go to the Duel Academy. ”

“Well, I really didn’t expect that because of a You Ran, we seven stars couldn’t carry out action.”

After the voice finished speaking, it fell silent and stopped talking.

The other six people did not speak, and the whole space fell silent.

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