Chapter 1001 Three Magic Cards!!

Daitokuji’s expression was very ugly at this moment, and the defeat of this duel was lost in the hands of You Ran’s fusion, which he did not expect.

“There is no superiority in power, is it really my mistake?”

Daitokuji kept chanting these words in his mouth, looking at the dragon knight slaughtering the spear of the Dragoon Regiment in front of him, Daitokuji suddenly felt as if he was really wrong.

You Ran saw that Datokuji Temple was very unacceptable, but there was no way, victory had been decided, and fusion brought victory to You Ran.

“Teacher, you should know very well the power of this true red-eyed dragon knight.”

“I unleash the effect of the True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight to destroy your Dragoon Regiment Knight Slaughter Dragon Knight, giving you damage from your original attack damage value.”

Daitokuji Temple has no defense card at all, the Dragoon Regiment Knight Slaughtering Gun Dragon Knight directly exploded because of the power of the true red-eyed dragon knight, and a wave of energy directly hit Daitokuji, and 3300 effect damage made Daitokuji’s health instantly zero.

Daitokuji let out a scream, and the moment his health reached zero, Daitokuji’s whole person fell to the ground as if he had lost his life.


Ten generations immediately ran forward.

Although what Daitokuji did made Ten Generations very angry, looking at the appearance of Daitokuji at the moment, Ten Generations felt that he couldn’t do anything, so he ran over.

When the tenth generation helped Daitokuji Temple, Daitokuji looked at the tenth generation, and his eyes were full of kind and kind kindness: “Ten generations.” Asuka, I’m so sorry to do this to you. ”

“Teacher, why is this, why do you want to join Seven Stars?”

Ten generations still struggle with this issue.

At this time, Daitokuji had nothing more to say, so he weakly replied to Shidai’s words: “In fact, I have long died, and my body at this moment is just using alchemy to survive, but this body is also about to collapse.” I have been pursuing the ultimate power all my life, and I originally thought that fusion was the end, but after seeing You Ran’s homonic summoning, I felt that the homological summoning might be a new starting point. ”

“After this duel, I realized that the so-called ultimate power is just taken for granted, and no power is extreme. Only what suits me is right, and I really shouldn’t give up the power of fusion. ”

With that, Daitokuji looked at You Ran.

“You Ran, thank you, you really taught the teacher a lesson and made me suddenly realize my mistake.”

“Nothing, in fact, the attachment to strength, not only teachers, many people will make this mistake.”

“You see it better than me, and you see it better than the people who support me in my alchemical research. The pursuit of power by the people behind me has lost their minds, and disaster will soon come to this island. You Ran, I originally wanted to entrust my power to you, but now it seems that there is no need for this, you must use your own power Datokuji just said, after You Ran felt that if it was the card that could be printed three times at will, You Ran felt that it was quite wanted. ”

Unfortunately, before You Ran could speak, Daitokuji Temple turned into earth.

“Teacher Dades.”

Ten generations were taken aback.

“How so.”

The ten generations couldn’t believe that Daitokuji Temple had turned into earth just like that.

Daitokuji Temple suddenly turned into dirt, and this scene made everyone quite sad.

You Ran already knew the result, so there was nothing to be sad about, and said to everyone: “Don’t be sad, everyone. Let’s get out of here first. ”

“Yes, let’s go out first.”

Others reacted.

Although it is regrettable that Daitokuji lost his life because of this duel, Daitokuji has already said that he has actually died a long time ago, so there is no need for everyone to be too sad.

Shidai actually felt that he couldn’t say how sad, after all, Daitokuji took him as a hostage, but he just felt that the person who was good to him suddenly disappeared like this, which was somewhat uncomfortable.

Subsequently, You Ran and several people left the abandoned dormitory.

When You Ran and a few people walked out of the abandoned dormitory, they saw seven huge stone pillars in the forest, which appeared out of thin air. The tips of these seven stone pillars are sharp.

“Just seven won’t, then it won’t be the Seven Star Gate.”

Ryo Maruto reacted immediately.

“The appearance of the Seven Star Gate, I don’t know what will happen, let’s hurry over and take a look.”

Several people immediately ran towards the position of the Seven Star Gate.

This phenomenon also attracted the attention of many people in the school, and even the headmaster Kurashima was alarmed.

At this moment, in front of these seven stone pillars, Kudao was talking to himself in disbelief.

“No, could it be that even You Ran was defeated?”

It’s hard to believe this fact.

In his opinion, even if everyone else loses, You Ran, who has the strongest homological power in the world at present, will definitely not have a problem.

Immediately after, on a flat taxi field in the middle of the Seven Star Gate, a strange machine appeared in a small round pit, the machine opened, and then three cards with golden light appeared…

“Then the cards of the three magic demons.”

When Kushima was about to step forward, a helicopter suddenly drove up in the sky, and then something seemed to jump from the helicopter.

Three parachutes landed this thing smoothly on the ground, and the ground shook slightly.

After the smoke cleared, I saw a robot appear in front of everyone.

In the middle of this robot, there is an elderly man.

“This is?”

Before Kushima could react, the person inside the robot laughed: “Hehe, Principal Kunshima, have you forgotten my voice?” ”

“The voice is… Chairman of Kagemaru. ”

“Chairman Kagemaru?”

Cullonos beside him looked slightly surprised.

“The time is ripe, now the ritual of the resurrection of the three illusions and demons is carried out here.”

Kagemaru’s words made Kumeshima understand that behind the seven stars was Kagemaru.

“Why, Chairman Kagemaru, you handed me the key to the Seven Star Gate in the first place?”

Kagemaru kindly explained to Kurashima: “The so-called key to the Seven Star Gate is just a prop to let a good duelist duel with the seven stars, and to make the fighting spirit of the duelist spread. ”


“This is all for the revival of the power of the Three Illusions Magic Card.”

At this time, several people from You Ran just ran over.

Ryo Maruto was the first to speak: “That is, we were used by you in the first place?” ”

“It is your honor to be used by me and become an important pawn of the card resurrected by the Three Illusions.”

“You guy, for the card of the three illusions, let us gamble our lives to duel, and also threaten with despicable means. No matter what your purpose is, I will be your opponent, and I will definitely defeat your three illusions and let your ambitions be shattered. ”

Ryo Maruto did not forget that Sho was taken as a hostage and caused him to lose, this matter, Ryo Maruto has been holding his breath in his heart.

As soon as Ryo Maruto finished speaking, Manjome spoke: “No, let me be one, ten, hundred, thousand, and ten thousand lightning to be your opponent.” ”

“You are all too tender, let me, who is the elite teacher of the Duel Academy, Kuronos, be his opponent.”

“Let me do it anyway.”

Several people are eager to try whether the cards of the Three Illusions are really so powerful

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