Chapter 1002 likes to challenge the strongest people as soon as he comes!!

Kagemaru was not interested in Ryo Maruto and them as opponents.

“You Ran, you come to be my opponent. You are the strongest of these people with the same tone card, and it is meaningless not to defeat the strongest you. ”

You Ran remembered that the Three Magic Magic Card should need to absorb the power of the card spirit to be able to really appear.

At this time, it is reasonable to choose the ten generations with the strongest elven power, but as a result, I picked You Ran, who did not have any elven power, but only had a homological card.

“Chairman Kagemaru, you really know how to pick an opponent, and you picked an opponent that you couldn’t win in the first place.”


Kagemaru didn’t care at all, he knew that the homological card was very powerful, but in front of his three illusions, it was completely meaningless.

“Since you are so confident, it is not enough to use you as the first opponent of the true resurrection of the three illusionary demons.”

“Then come on, I’ll let you know that the cards of the Three Illusions were already in the past when the homological cards appeared. There is no point in clinging to such outdated cards. ”

“Past cards, huh? Then let me see what you are really capable of. ”

“You’ll see.”

With that, You Ran walked a few steps forward.

“You Ran, come on, you must defeat Chairman Kagemaru and re-seal the card of the Three Illusion Demons.”

“Headmaster, in fact, I didn’t say it at the beginning, there is no need to waste such energy, just duel directly with the owner of the Three Illusion Demons.”

You Ran’s words made Kusushima not know how to answer.

Because it still hasn’t been able to prevent the advent of the Three Magic Magic Cards, it still needs to be solved by You Ran in the end, so it is better to let You Ran hand over the key to the Seven Star Gate from the beginning.


Kurashima sighed, because according to his idea, he didn’t want the cards of the three illusions to come out in the first place.


“I’ll attack first and draw cards.”

Kagemaru directly took the first attack.

“I activate the magic card from the hand, the hand is erased, both sides send all the hands to the graveyard, and then draw the same number of cards from the deck.”

“The tactics are a little bit different. Didn’t you draw the three magic demons? ”

You Ran felt a little strange.

Logically speaking, people who use the Three Magic Magic Card do not shuffle the cards, basically starting with one of the three magic cards, and the cards that can achieve the summoning conditions are also in their hands.

As a result, Kagemaru first came to a hand to erase it, which was really quite unexpected.

You Ran threw the cards into the graveyard and pulled out five cards from the deck again.

“I activate the magic card, and the dead awaken and resurrect the Dark Summoning God in the cemetery. Then I activate the Dark Summoning God effect to liberate this card.

One of the Divine Flame Emperor Uriah, Thunder Emperor Hamon and Phantom King Rabi El ignores the special summoning conditions from the hand or deck, and their own monsters cannot attack this turn. ”

“Because he couldn’t attack, he took the first attack.”

“And ignoring the summoning conditions to summon a phantom demon first, this effect is really too much.”

Asuka and the others who were watching the battle felt that this card was a little speechless, and such a strong card could be summoned despite the summoning conditions. Is there anything more excessive?

“I will summon the Phantom Lord Rabi El in the deck regardless of the conditions.”

As soon as the Phantom Demon King with an attack power of 4000 appeared, it was a huge momentum, and this tall monster figure made people frightened and couldn’t help but retreat.

“A monster with 4,000 attack power at the beginning, is this the card of the three illusions?”

Everyone was taken aback.

“I cover two cards and end the round.”

“You Ran, it’s up to you, let me see if your homological strength is strong, or my Three Illusions Demon is strong?”

The answer goes without saying. Three magic is already in the past, my turn, draw cards. ”

“When you don’t have a monster card on your field, this scrap striker in your hand can be summoned from a special one.”

“Then I summon the Scrap Homophony, activate the Scrap Homophonic effect, and specially summon a monster below two stars in the graveyard, and I specially summon the one-star attack absorber in the graveyard to the field.”

“The effect of the Phantom Lord Rabiel, when you have a monster on the field to summon successfully, you can summon a token monster.”

You Ran knew this effect, so he didn’t care.

“When there is a special summon of a monster in your graveyard, the doppelgänger warrior in the hand can be specially summoned.”

“I use Samsung’s scrap tuner, plus Samsung’s scrap striker and duo warrior tune.”

“The gathered prayers will become new shining stars, become the path of light, call in harmony, fly, stardust dragon.”

“The effect of the doppelganger, when this card is sent to the cemetery as a homological material, two doppelgänger tokens can be summoned on their own field.”

“I use a one-star attack absorber to tune stars with one of the one-star duo tokens.”

“Gathered prayers will lead to the horizon of new speeds, become the path of light, the call of harmony, the power of hope, the same tune.”

“The effect of the Equation Harmony, when this card is successfully stabbed and summoned, I can draw a card from the deck. In addition, depending on the effect of the attack absorber, when this card is sent to the graveyard as a homological material, the attack power of a monster indicated on the side of the table on your field drops by 1000 points until the end stage, so your Phantom King Rabiel attack power decreases by 1000. ”


Kagemaru’s expression was slightly surprised.

Kagemaru knew that if You Ran was going to summon the Meteor Dragon, the 3,000-point Phantom King Rabi-El would not be able to compare to the 3,300-point Meteor Dragon.

“I use the two-star equation to tune with the eight-star Stardust Dragon. The gathered dream crystals will open the door to a new evolution, become a path of light, accelerate the harmony, and be born, Meteor Dragon. ”

“I activate the Meteor Dragon effect to confirm the five cards above the deck. According to the number of star tuners in it, make the number of star tuners to attack. ”

You Ran flipped through the five cards above the deck.

“I have a total of three star tuners in my deck, so I can make three attacks this time.”

“Great, three attacks, not only can defeat his Phantom King Rabi-El, but also defeat his token monsters and direct attacks.”

“If You Ran had that Demon Sealing Arrow in his hand at this time, You Ran would have won”

“Probably not?”

Kagemaru was actually quite nervous at this time, if there was really a demon sealing target, he would lose.

“Fight, I use the Meteor Dragon to attack your Phantom Emperor Rabiel.”

Seeing that You Ran did not have a demon sealing arrow, Kagemaru relaxed: “I issue trap cards, and the attack is weakened, making your attack ineffective, and ending the battle phase.” ”

“Count you lucky, I’ll cover two cards and end the round.”

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