Chapter 103: Three Phantom Demons All Appear!!

You Ran said that Kagemaru was lucky, and Kagemaru could not agree with this sentence.

“If I’m lucky, then you’re sad that you’re unlucky.” My turn, draw cards. ”

“I activate the covered card, the cry of life and death, and summon the Dark Summoning God inside the cemetery to the field again.”

“Again, it’s too despicable, actually summoning phantom demons continuously in such a way.”

Everyone felt a headache for You Ran.

“I will liberate the Dark Summoning God and summon the God Yan Emperor Uriah from the deck.”

“The effect of Shenyan Emperor Uriah, the attack power of this card is to increase the number of permanent trap cards in his graveyard multiplied by 1000, in addition to this call of life and death just now, the hand erasure launched before has three permanent traps stuck in the cemetery, so the attack power of Shenyan Emperor House has become 4000 points.”

“It’s 4000 again, the three illusion demons are so easy to summon, and the attack power is still so strong, it’s too much.”

“It’s not over yet, except for the Dark Summoning God in the graveyard, I will add the Thunder Emperor Harmon in the deck to the hand.”

“Then I activate three perpetual magic cards, and then send these three perpetual magic cards to the cemetery to specially summon the Thunder Emperor Hamon.”

“The third phantom demon has also been summoned, three monsters with an attack power of 4000, how is this an opponent?”

“Three phantom demons with an attack power of 4,000, this battle is really impossible for ordinary people to deal with. You Ran is a meteor dragon, can it work? ”

Many people were worried about You Ran, but at this time, Asuka noticed the calm look on You Ran’s face.

“Don’t worry, You Ran is not panicked at all, so You Ran’s Gaika can definitely deal with this situation, and the attack power of 4000 is only 700 points higher than You Ran’s meteor dragon, and it can easily be surpassed.”

Asuka’s words made everyone feel as if this was the case.

You Ran’s deck still has a lot of cards that increase attack power, so it is not too difficult to surpass the 4000 points of illusion.

During the duel, Kurashima thought of something, so he asked Ryo Marutō: “Ryo, what is going on, why was the key to the seven stars finally gathered?” In the duel with the seven stars, did You Ran lose? ”

Ryo Maruto immediately replied: “It’s not like this, except for You Ran, all of us lost the duel, but in the last duel, Asuka and Judai were taken hostage, and You Ran gave the key to the last Nana Star in order to save them.” ”

“Although they defeated this seven-star later, they got together the seven-star key.”

“That’s so, as long as You Ran hasn’t lost.”

Kushima put down a little snack.

If You Ran lost in the duel of the seven stars, then it would be difficult for Yudao to believe that You Ran could win in the duel of these three illusions.

But if You Ran just wants to save his companions and Ya loses the key to the seven stars, then as long as You Ran has not lost, then this duel You Ran will not necessarily lose.

At this time, Zhong Mi found a problem.

“What’s going on and why is my card going blank?”

“The card becomes blank?”

This statement attracted the attention of others, and many people took out their decks from their pockets, only to find that their monster cards had become blank.

“My card has also become blank, what the hell is going on?”

At this time, everyone looked up at the three illusions in the sky, only to find that the power of their cards turned into golden points of light and merged into the three illusions.

At this time, Kagemaru in the robot obtained the power of the Three Illusions Demon to counter him.

“Coming out, power gushing out.”

Kagemaru spoke excitedly, and then the glass cover in the machine was broken, and a young middle-aged man jumped out of the machine.

“You’re Kagemaru?”

Kushima widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

“Won’t you? Isn’t Chairman Kagemaru very old? Is this the power that the Three Illusions Demon brings him? ”

“Hahahaha, it’s great to be young. The power of the elves will all become my power through the three illusions, allowing me to regain my youth. ”

“Now I can only use the power of the three illusions within this enchantment, when I defeat You Ran, I can use it without scruples, and then the power of the elves of the world will be absorbed by me, and I will gain eternal life.”

“The elven power of the world’s cards will be sucked away, so won’t all the game monsters disappear?” It’s all strange You Ran, why did you give the key of the seven stars to that person. ”

Someone began to blame You Ran.

When a person began to blame the cause of the matter on You Ran, there were others who blamed You Ran for the disappearance of the monster card that he had bought so hard.

“That’s right, it’s just to save people, and now the whole world is in crisis.” You Ran, you have to take full responsibility for this matter. ”

“You Ran, what do you say about things now. If you lose this duel, all the monster cards will be gone. You are a sinner for players in the entire duel world. ”

Everyone blamed You Ran for the blame.

Because the ten generations and Asuka who were rescued by Yuran could not accept it.

“Why do you want to say this, if there is no You Ran, even if the key of the seven stars is given to you, it will be snatched away, so how can this matter be blamed on You Ran’s body.”

“Yes, this matter itself is not You Ran’s fault, and now the duel has not yet decided the winner, you don’t jump to conclusions so early.”

“The duel is not over now, but in front of three phantom demons with an attack power of 4,000, You Ran has no way. And the specially sealed cards, these three cards must have stronger power, so this duel is difficult to win. ”

“The two of you were rescued because of You Ran, so of course you spoke for You Ran.”

Originally, the tenth generation was not very popular, but Asuka was definitely popular on the boys’ side, but at this moment, in the face of crisis, Asuka has also become the object of blame.

You Ran found that when people encounter danger, it is really easy to push the responsibility of things onto others.

And what kind of sinner is the player of the dueling world, does You Ran feel that it is necessary to rise to this height?

“Okay, you all shut up, it’s time to say so, as long as this duel wins, won’t it?”

“You said simply, can you win this duel? The card of the Three Illusions is so strong, there must be other effects hidden. ”

“You just watch obediently, this duel is not difficult for me.”

After speaking, You Ran was too lazy to take care of this gang of people.

If these people feel that You Ran can’t win, then You Ran can’t make them believe it, and in the end, they can only talk about the result of the duel.

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