Chapter 104 won so easily?!!

When You Ran said this, everyone stopped talking, and opened their eyes to carefully look at You Ran’s duel to see if it was as easy as You Ran said and could win this duel.

You Ran then looked at Kagemaru: “Okay, Chairman Kagemaru, since you summoned all the three illusion demons to the field with such grace, you can attack it if you have the ability.” ”

Of course, Kagemaru knew that You Ran’s two gaika must have a way to deal with his attack.

Although the effect of the Divine Flame Emperor Uriah can be destroyed to cover a card on the field, when destroying, the other party cannot launch magic cards and trap cards corresponding to this effect.

However, Youran’s meteor dragon is the effect of the monster card, so if the effect of the Shenyan Emperor Uriah occurs at this time, it will be destroyed in turn, so this effect cannot be activated.

But it doesn’t matter, Kagemaru has other ways.

“I know that you cover two cards, which may be full of traps, but I unleashed the effect of the Phantom Demon Emperor Rabiel to release this token monster with 1000 attack power on the field, so that the Phantom Demon Emperor Rabil’s attack power increased its value, so Rabil’s attack power became 5000 points.”

“Fight, I use the Phantom Emperor Rabbi El to attack your meteor dragon.”

Kagemaru felt that the Phantom Demon Emperor Rabi El, with an attack power of 5018300, should be considered relatively safe, so he took the risk of attacking.

“I unleash the effect of the meteor dragon, and when the other party’s monster attacks, this card is excluded, so that the monster attack of that time is invalid.”

Kagemaru immediately smiled: “You choose to escape, then it seems that your two cover cards can’t increase your meteor dragon attack power by more than 1700 points.” ”

“Is it? But when this card is used, can you still be so calm? ”

“I unleash the covered card, Zero Force. When the monsters indicated on the table side of your own field are excluded from the game, you can only launch the field, and the monster strike power indicated on the other side of the table becomes zero, so your three magic attack power is all zero. ”

“What did you say?”

Kagemaru’s face suddenly changed dramatically.

“The attack power of the three phantom demons has all become zero, which is really worthy of Youran.”

Asuka was happy for You Ran, and then saw the person who had just accused You Ran.

“Well, now I know. You Ran will not easily lose this duel, and You Ran never brags about things, he said that if he can win, he can win. ”

For Asuka’s words, the person who just accused Yuran could not refute it.

The attack power of the three phantom demons has all become zero, and now there are no cards on the field except for the three phantom demons, and the hand card is also zero, so if You Ran can turn over two star tuner monsters in the next turn, then You Ran can win.

Kagemaru knows this, once You Ran turns over two Star Master monsters in the next turn, he will lose, and even if You Ran has a magic card in his hand that increases attack power, as long as the attack power exceeds 4000 points, he will also lose.

“How is it possible, with the Three Magic Magic Card, how can I lose like this?”

Kagemaru was completely unable to accept this fact.

He went to great lengths to use the card of the Three Illusions, and now told him that because of such a trap card, all the hard work he had planned for so many years had come to naught, how to accept this.

You Ran saw Kagemaru’s completely unacceptable look, and couldn’t help but smile: “Okay, Chairman Kagemaru, you just throw in the towel, you have no hope for this duel.” ”

“The three illusions that have passed are no longer great cards, and it is completely pointless to cling to this kind of card.”

The duel had reached this point, You Ran felt that the victory and defeat had actually been divided, and Kagemaru only had a primary level with the cards of the Three Illusion Demons, so a zero power made him completely unable to parry.

Even if there is no magic card in Youran’s hand that increases the attack power of the meteor dragon, can it be that even a monster with 700 attack power cannot be summoned in Youran’s hand?

Kagemaru knew that the probability of him possibly winning was relatively small, but at this point, Kagemaru could not just admit defeat directly.

“I… I finish the round. ”

“At the end of the round, the Meteor Dragon will be specially summoned to the field.”

“My turn, draw cards.”

“I usually summon Dark Resonators. Fight, I attack your Thunder Emperor Harmon with the Dark Resonator. ”

You Ran does not activate the effect of the meteor dragon to prevent accidents.

In case there is no star adjuster in these five cards, it will not be good, so it is enough to attack directly.

The Dark Resonator’s attack passed, and the 1300-point attack power easily destroyed the Phantom Demon Emperor Rabi-El, who had an attack power of 0, and Kagemaru suffered 1300 damage, and his life only became 2700.

“I use the Meteor Dragon to attack your God Yan Emperor Uriah.”

The attack power of 3300 points directly shattered the Divine Yan Emperor Uriah, and a huge damage directly attacked the shadow pill, and the whole person of the shadow pill was swept away by the explosion of energy, and the health value was zero.

“This wins?”

The people around looked at this scene and still couldn’t believe it.

“You Ran is really outrageously strong, and such monsters can easily win.”

Asuka and everyone were very emotional, knowing that there was a big gap between their strength and You Ran.

“If I had known that You Ran could win so easily, I would have listened to him at the time.”

Kushima looked very speechless from the side.

Because You Ran said at that time to give the key directly to the other party, let You Ran duel with the person who owns the Three Magic Magic Card.

At that time, Kudao thought that the Three Magic Magic Card was very powerful, but in front of the homological card, it was completely crushed.

Therefore, it was better to listen directly to You Ran at that time, but instead of listening to You Ran, it also made Maruto Ryo Asuka ten generations suffer.

At this moment, Kagemaru’s whole mind was blank: “Impossible, how can I, who has the three illusions, lose like this?” Impossible, impossible. ”

Kagemaru muttered to himself, unable to accept this fact at all.

However, losing is losing, and Kagemaru had already recovered his youth, but when the duel was lost, the power of the elves that had just been absorbed into his body through the three illusions could no longer be controlled by him, and all the elven powers were released from him.

Golden points of light flew towards the world, restoring all the cards that had just been absorbed to their original form.

“Great, my card is back.”

“My card too.”

The people around immediately became very happy.

When their beloved card is restored, they are relieved.

“Kagemaru spent so many twists and turns and decades of hard work planning, just to get these three magic cards, and the result was that You Ran won so easily, which is too shocking. I don’t know if Chairman Kagemaru can accept this fact. ”

Kurashima looked at Kagemaru lying on the ground with a dull gaze, and just felt that he was very angry at being used by Kagemaru, but at this moment, he was a little sympathetic to Kagemaru.

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