Chapter 105 Preparing to Graduate Early!!

You Ran could see that Kagemaru seemed very unacceptable to the defeat of this duel, but You Ran felt that it was really unnecessary.

The three illusion demons themselves are not very strong cards, even if they use the chaotic illusion demon Armitel who uses dimensional fusion killing, it is only like this, it is not resistant, and the effect is not much stronger.

“Chairman Kagemaru, don’t be so disappointed, this kind of outdated card is destined to be useless, so accept the reality, the three illusions are rubbish, it’s normal to lose.”

After speaking, You Ran turned around and left.

This duel made You Ran feel quite boring, and it was so easy to win.

“He actually said that the Three Illusions Demon is garbage.”

Kagemaru almost spat out a mouthful of old blood in anger.

“Damn, if there is no homological card at this time, the three illusion demons ~ will definitely win.”

Kagemaru felt like it was out of time.

“You Ran, it’s so beautiful to win.”

The ten generations did not hesitate to praise You Ran.

The stronger you are, the more excited the ten generations are.

You Ran is an opponent that the ten generations will one day surpass.

Although in this seven-star duel, he lost to Daitokuji teacher, proving that the power of fusion is temporarily incomparable to the power of Daitokuji’s harmony.

But You Ran finally won with fusion, making Shidai feel that it was just that he did not play the power of fusion well, and his hero deck should have a stronger possibility.

You Ran feels that the tenth generation is really a very open person, and he is not stingy when he should praise, and he doesn’t know that this is the first time to praise You Ran.

This kind of duel that will inevitably win also praises You Ran, and You Ran is really a little embarrassed.

“Actually, it’s nothing, the cards of the three illusions may be very powerful in the previous era, but the times are always improving, and they are still clinging to this outdated card, and it is normal to win. Homological fusion can easily defeat the three magic demons. ”

“You Ran, don’t be modest, or your strength is strong. Because of your victory, everyone’s cards are now back. ”

“Don’t mention such small things.”

You Ran didn’t want to attribute the credit for this kind of thing to himself.

Just now, because the card disappeared, those people blamed all the blame on You Ran, and You Ran felt quite speechless.

And You Ran is not such a big-hearted person as Shidai and Asuka.

Just now, so many people accused You Ran of not using the key of the seven stars to save two people, in exchange for You Ran is the tenth generation and Asuka, You Ran feels that he will be very unhappy.

“It’s not early now, let’s go back quickly, and we’ll just leave it to the principal to deal with here.” After a busy day, exhausted. ”

Although You Ran only duelled twice today, today You Ran has been looking for Asuka during the day and walked a lot.

Anyway, you Ran knew that Kagemaru would be sent back because of failure, so there was no point in continuing to stay here.

“Also, let’s go back.”

Several people had no opinion, because it was already night, and the result of how to deal with this matter, several people did not have much interest, so they left separately.

On the way back to Obeliskran’s dormitory, Junko, who had come out to join in the fun because of the seven-star stone pillar before, said to Asuka with Baihui: “Asuka, you can thank You Ran well today, You Ran knew that you were gone, and rushed for a day.” ”

Asuka only knew that You Ran saved him during a duel with Daitokuji Sensei, and did not know that You Ran was tired for a day in order to find him.

Asuka immediately apologized embarrassedly: “You Ran, I’m really sorry to worry you today.” ”

“It’s okay, we’re good friends, and we definitely have to help each other in danger.”

“Is it? It’s just friends. ”

Bai Hui teased You Ran on the side again.

“When you heard that Asuka was gone, you went to find Asuka in a hurry.”

In response to Bai Hui’s ridicule, You Ran immediately replied: “Sister Bai Hui, even if you disappeared at that time, as a friend, I must have gone to find you so enthusiastically, so if you don’t believe it, you can go missing and try.” ”

“It’s strange to believe your words.”

Bai Hui said angrily, she was not so bored and deliberately disappeared.

And she is not in danger, and it is completely nonsense that You Ran can seriously find her.

This topic was easily ended by You Ran, and at this time, Maruto Ryo, who walked next to him and did not speak, spoke: “You Ran, this time the storm of the seven-star key is completely over, tomorrow I will apply for early graduation, so there will be a graduation duel, I hope you can be my opponent, show all your strength, let’s compete.” ”

Ryo Maruto said seriously to You Ran, this duel Ryo Maruto has been looking forward to for a long time.

Although You Ran defeated the Three Illusion Demons so easily today, if you don’t compete, Ryo Maruto will not easily admit defeat, what is the current height of his electronic terminator, you have to verify it with You Ran.

“Okay, then let’s see who can graduate with the first place in the Duel Academy.”

As soon as these words came out, Asuka Junko and Momoe all three jumped.

“You Ran, do you mean you’re graduating early?”

The three people couldn’t help but look at You Ran, and they were very surprised by You Ran’s decision to enter the Duel Academy for only two months, and now You Ran actually decided to graduate early.

Although You Ran’s strength really doesn’t seem to have any opponents in the academy, graduating so quickly has somewhat broken the record of the entire Duel Academy’s sales history.

“Yes, I am planning to graduate early.”

“You’re too fast, don’t you want to stay in the Duel Academy for a while?”

“There is no need to stay in the Duel Academy anymore, so I plan to graduate early, just to graduate with Ryo.”

“Okay then.”

You Ran’s sudden early graduation made the three of them feel quite uncomfortable.

Ryo Maruto was actually quite surprised, but in this way, Ryo Maruto felt that it was also very good.

“You Ran, then we must be fully prepared for this duel, and we must not show mercy to our subordinates when the time comes.”

“I’m sure I won’t be merciful.”

You Ran couldn’t help if he wanted to show mercy to his subordinates.

After all, Ryo Marutō is one of the people who have the divine skill of not shuffling cards, so if he is not serious, You Ran may really lose miserably.

Then, You Ran and Ryo Maruto went back to the boys’ dormitory, and Junko, Momoe, and Asuka went back to the girls’ dormitory.

After separating from You Ran, Junko asked Asuka curiously: “Asuka, You Ran is about to graduate, what do you think?” ”

“What do you think, congratulations to him.”


The two looked at Asuka with unbelieving eyes.

“Do you feel a little pity?”

“What’s the pity, don’t think too much, it’s not early, go back.”

Did Asuka dwell with the two of them too much about this question, and after returning to the dormitory, they each went back to their rooms for ten.

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