Chapter 106 All the boys want to lose!!

The next morning, the news spread that You Ran and Ryo Maruto were going to graduate together.

Although many people are surprised that You Ran will graduate so quickly, for many people, this is good news.

“You Ran, this guy has finally graduated, and the pressure for this kid to stay in school is too great.”

“Even the previous True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight can’t defeat him, even if the homological cards are now on the market, the general homological cards are not his opponents, and even the legendary cards of the three illusions have been easily solved by him. After this kid graduated, there was one less headache in school. ”

“After this kid graduates, won’t my Lord Wanjangmu become the real number one? And that way, you won’t have to watch him go to and from school with Asuka every day. ”

Wan Zhangmu looked very happy.

For him, You Ran’s departure is not only one less strong opponent, but the most important thing is that there is one less love enemy.

Just when Wan Zhangmu was stealing the joy, someone reminded Wan Zhangmu: “By the way, Wan Zhangmu, You Ran is about to graduate, you said before that you must defeat him before he graduates, otherwise this true red-eyed dragon knight will really belong to him, when are you going to duel with him?” ”

“These guys really don’t have eyesight.”

Wan Zhangmu was speechless to these people.

It’s the time to steal the fun, why mention such a sad thing.

But these people don’t say it, Wan Zhangmu hasn’t thought of it yet.

As soon as these people said it, Wan Zhangmu was really a little uncomfortable, because he really said what he said last time.

Although at the time he said that he was welcome to challenge him at any time, as long as he had enough records.

But as a person with strong self-esteem, Wan Zhangmu did not allow him to finally duel You Ran according to You Ran’s words, and he would wait for a long time to find You Ran to challenge.

But if he was asked to challenge You Ran now, then he would have no way to defeat You Ran.

“Could it be that this True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight is going to give up like this?”

Wan Zhangmu was a little entangled.

This card is also a super rare card, and among the current fusion cards, it is definitely the top card.

Now this card has not yet appeared in the market of the second value, very rare, although the eyes are not bad for such a little money, but in the end it was taken away by You Ran in vain, still a little unwilling.

At this moment, Wan Zhangmu regretted it a little.

“Although this kid said that he would graduate soon, he never expected to graduate so quickly. If you want to get it back before graduation, forget it, challenge him again after he graduates, and take it back if you win. ”

Wanzhangmu had a decision in his heart, because Wanzhangmu also wanted face, and now he broke his promise, and he had to wait until You Ran graduated to challenge Youran, if he still challenged many times, it would be too faceless.

If he can win in the future, it proves that he is related to this true red-eyed dragon knight.

If he can’t win, it proves that this true red-eyed dragon knight may really not belong to him.

Because I applied for graduation today, You Ran and Ryo Maruto’s graduation duel was scheduled in the afternoon, and You Ran was seriously adjusting the arrangement in the morning, and did not need to come to class.

Asuka and the others were of course attending classes normally.

You Ran usually sat beside Asuka, Asuka was used to it, and suddenly the position next to it was empty, and Asuka was really not used to it.

“You Ran graduated so fast, even if I wanted to graduate early, I couldn’t do it.”

Asuka felt a little sorry.

In fact, when You Ran defeated the seahorse that time, You Ran was already qualified to graduate early, and at that time, the principal himself allowed You Ran to graduate early, but You Ran did not rush to leave.

After defeating Seven Stars this time, You Ran may feel that his strength is really enough to go to the professional duelist alliance, so he graduated.

Asuka even lost the seven stars this time, so Asuka really didn’t have the confidence to dare to say that she could graduate early.

The tenth generation did not go back with You Ran yesterday, so the tenth generation did not know that You Ran planned to graduate early yesterday, and he just heard the news this morning.

Hearing the news that You Ran was going to graduate early, the mood of the whole person of the tenth generation was not high: “You Ran actually graduated so quickly, and he didn’t find the opportunity to have a serious duel with him. ”

The tenth generation knows that his current strength is incomparable, so there is no point in challenging you like Youran.

“Why aren’t there any updates to the Hero deck at all?”

Shidai is a little crazy…

Even Asuka’s electronic angel deck has at least one or two updated ritual cards.

The electronic angel Mei Zhu Li that You Ran gave Asuka before was a relatively powerful card.

As a result, when it comes to the hero deck, there is no update at all, and it is strange to win a duel with someone with a relatively powerful homological card.

The news that You Ran was about to graduate was both happy for many people and sad for others, and when many people were talking, the time soon came to the afternoon.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, You Ran and Ryo Maruto were ready to go to the school gymnasium.

You Ran and Ryo Maruto are considered to be outstanding among all the students of the Duelist Academy, so this duel is of great interest to many people.

Ryo Maruto lost the duel with Seven Stars before, but mainly because Sho was threatened, otherwise Ryo Maruto would not necessarily come out, so the result of the duel between You Ran and Ryo Maruto, from the bright side, may be a little stronger than You Ran’s probability of victory, but Ryo Maruto’s electronic dragon deck is not vegetarian.

“The two of them finally came, I wonder who will win the duel between the two today?”

“Judging from the strength shown by both sides so far, You Ran’s chances of winning may be a little higher, but Ryo Marutō’s electronic terminator dragon is not vegetarian, and emotionally, I am more looking forward to Ryo Maruto winning.”

Emotionally, this sentence resonates with many people, because emotionally, especially for the vast majority of boys, they prefer Ryo Maruto to win.

“I hope that You Ran is unlucky today and can’t draw any good cards.”

“This kid has not lost a duel until school, it’s time to end his victory.”

“If there is anyone in the entire school who can end You Ran’s winning streak, it is only Ryo Marutō, I hope Ryo Maruto will give a little strength today and end his victory, which is just in line with the name of the electronic ending dragon, by the way, let this kid understand that he is far worse than Ryo Maruto, and I want to graduate with Ryo Maruto, which onion is he?”

Among these boys, except for Toshiro, Misawa and Jiren, none of them wanted Yuran to win.

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