Chapter 112 Signing a Contract with Haima Group!!

Last night, a few people gathered at the beach and did not leave until after nine o’clock.

You Ran said that there was no need for a few people to come to the beach to see him off today, but when You Ran pulled his suitcase out of the dormitory not far away, he saw Asuka leaning against a tree, standing and waiting for Youran.

“Asuka, didn’t you say you didn’t have to come and send me off?”

Asuka came to You Ran, took out a card from her pocket and handed it to You Ran.

“You Ran, this card is the electronic angel Mei Zhu you put here for me, now I will return it to you.”

“Asuka, you don’t have to be so visible, this card should still be very important to you now, so it’s okay to put it here for the time being.”

Asuka shook her head and said, “I know that you gave me this card with good intentions, but after this duel with Daitokuji-sensei and watching your duel with Daitokuji-sensei, I understand that there is no need to limit yourself to your own concepts. ”

“The electronic angel is indeed not strong now, and I can’t use its power to become stronger, so I plan to give up the electronic angel deck and rematch a set that suits me.”

Saying that, Asuka laughed: “And I also hope to get good results in the future Duel King Competition, and even get those three Astral Tripolar Gods.” Since I want the homology card, then I need to make a change, this card will only become a constraint if it stays with me, so I give it back to you. ”

In fact, You Ran felt that Asuka should have made a change a long time ago, the electronic angel was neither in harmony nor in excess, nor did it link monsters, and there was really no point in clinging to such a deck.

So Asuka was willing to make changes, and You Ran felt that it was still good, so she took back the card from Asuka.

“I’m sure I’ll be very surprised by your changes when I see you again.”

“I’ll definitely impress you.”

Asuka thought for a while, and then asked, “You Ran, there will be no professional duelist competition in the next half a year now, what are you going to do?” ”

“Maybe it will take some time to get a D-round driver’s license, and you may walk around like a graduation trip.” But as long as you come to Shindo Shino City and talk to me, you will definitely be able to meet me. ”

“For half a year at most, I will definitely go to Shindo Shino City to find you.”

“I’ll wait for you in Shindo Shino City then.”

The four eyes were facing each other, this time Asuka did not escape Youran’s eyes, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then Asuka lowered her head in embarrassment.

“I’ll take you to the dock.”


The two walked side by side, and Asuka sent Yuran to the dock.

Watching You Ran’s boat disappear on the coastline, Asuka went back to the cafeteria to eat breakfast and sat on the boat blowing the sea breeze You Ran was still quite emotional, because You Ran did not expect that he would end his life at the Duel Academy in two months.

“I don’t want to leave, but now the changes are a little more than expected, and I have to go.”

You Ran sighed in fact, You Ran still quite enjoyed his life in the Duel Academy, but now that even the cards of the Astral Three Polar Gods have come out, You Ran feels that since he used the same tone, the changes in this world seem to have accelerated a lot.

Therefore, You Ran felt that he still had to strengthen his strength, otherwise he would not be able to protect anyone, so continuing to stay in the school was not conducive to You Ran continuing to brush points.

Because of the previous duel with Ryo Marutō, You Ran originally thought that he could get a lot of points, but You Ran’s deck strength was too strong, so You Ran only won 800 points in the end.

To get more points, you can only leave the Duel Academy first.

And even the Duel King Competition has been held, and You Ran believes that the next stage must be in Shindo Shino City.

“If only I was lucky enough to draw those excess cards.”

You Ran hoped to get the power of excess cards as quickly as possible, but unfortunately You Ran’s luck was a little back, and he drew some related magic trap cards.

Although there are a few oversized cards drawn, they are not what You Ran likes to use.

To play the excess card, you can’t use the NO card, You Ran feels almost interesting, so the few excess cards that You Ran has now are not rare to use.

After four hours on the boat, the boat returned to Shindo Shino City.

As soon as You Ran disembarked, two people wearing suits and sunglasses who resembled bodyguards appeared in front of You Ran.

“Hello Mr. You Ran, we are from the Haima Group, our president invited you to Haima Group, I don’t know if you want to?”

“President Seahorse? Absolutely. ”

You Ran immediately agreed.

Seahorse is a noble person who makes You Ran no longer have to worry about money, so You Ran certainly doesn’t mind.

“That’s great, Mr. You Ran please come with us.”

These two people were very happy, and You Ran spoke more than they expected.

You Ran got into a specially prepared limousine and went to the Haima Group.

After half an hour, You Ran arrived at Seahorse’s office.

The seahorse was dealing with work, and when he saw You Ran push the door in, the seahorse put the work down.

You Ran is one of the few people who rely on real strength to gain the recognition of the seahorse, so the seahorse still gives a great degree of respect to You Ran.

“Just sit down.”


You Ran sat down on the sofa, and then asked, “President Seahorse, I wonder what happened to you looking for me?” ”

Seahorse got up from the desk, took a document, then sat down opposite You Ran, put the document on the glass table, and pushed it in front of You Ran.

“This is a signing document, I hope you can become the image spokesperson of our Haima Group’s Seahorse Park, the contract is all the treatment conditions, you can take a look.”


You Ran frowned slightly.

“President Seahorse, I remember that the spokespeople of Seahorse Park are not all top duelists of the Professional Duelists League? I don’t seem to be famous yet. ”

“As a duelist who can defeat me, you are much stronger than those people. After the video of you dueling with me goes out, you may not know that you already have a lot of fans online, so it is only fitting that you become the new spokesperson of our Seahorse Park. ”

“And you should be participating in the upcoming Duel King Tournament next, I believe you can get good results, so without any company competing with me, it is a good thing for me to sign you in advance.”

“But don’t worry, I won’t lose him to a really powerful duelist, so the treatment in all aspects of the conditions is definitely the highest.”

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