Chapter 113 Paradox from the future!!

Seahorse does things that make You Ran feel particularly good.

Although Seahorse threatened the game by jumping off a building in the Duelist Kingdom before, it was a little despicable at that time, but in the battle for the God Card, after being shattered by the darkness in the game, Seahorse still did things relatively brightly.

You Ran picked up the contract on the table and looked at it, and the above treatment made You Ran still very satisfied.

The annual endorsement fee is one billion, and Haima Group will help You Ran prepare the house, and the car will allow You Ran to live and use it all the time during the endorsement period.

This billion is only the endorsement fee for You Ran to defeat the seahorse, and once You Ran gets the title of Duel King, You Ran’s endorsement fee will rise to 5 billion.

If You Ran only won the second place in the Duel King competition, then You Ran could only rise to 200 million in endorsement fees. If you come in third place, you will leave the status quo unchanged.

If you are in fourth place, You Ran will be terminated.

I have to say that You Ran feels that the seahorse is quite realistic.

Business is business, and reality is good.

Other treaties You Ran took a look, there was no big problem, and You Ran signed it directly.

“Congratulations on becoming the face of our Seahorse Group.”

The seahorse stretched out his hand and shook You Ran’s hand.

“Thank you President Seahorse for giving me this opportunity.”

You Ran opened his mouth happily, in this way, You Ran really didn’t have to worry about money anymore.

“By the way, President Seahorse, will you participate in the Duel King competition this time?”

“I’ll consider whether to participate or not depending on the situation.”

The hippocampus did not give an affirmative answer.

For Seahorse, the whole match can make him concentrate, that is, You Ran, who has defeated him before.

Others still want to defeat him, and Seahorse feels that there cannot be a third such person in the world.

If You Ran gets the card of the Astral Tripolar God, Seahorse feels that it may be really difficult to defeat You Ran again, so for this reason, he may participate but whether he participates or not depends on the strength of the Astral Tripolar God’s card.

If the gimmick alone has no strength and cannot compete with the three phantom gods, then the seahorse is too lazy to participate, because if you can’t get the card to defeat the game, then there is no point and waste this time.

You Ran probably guessed the meaning of the seahorse, so he didn’t bother.

“President Seahorse, then I will take my leave first.”

“Later, you can go with the person I arranged, he will take you to the apartment where you stay, and there will be a professional coach to teach you to study for the D round driver’s license test, so you don’t need to worry about everything.” ”


You Ran nodded and turned away.

The two people who sent You Ran before drove You Ran to the apartment Seahorse prepared for You Ran’s apartment The room in the apartment is in the top suite, this room has 400 square meters, there is a large terrace on the top floor, there is a large swimming pool, and some relatively good decorative views.

“Mr. You Ran, this is my phone, if you have any needs, you can contact me directly, I will arrange it for you.” Then today you have a good rest. ”

“Tomorrow is the time to shoot the endorsement commercial, and the day after tomorrow you will start learning the D round. The circular terrace outside is a very good track, so the day after tomorrow there will be a special coach to teach Mr. You Ran to practice your entry into the D round. ”

“The D wheel is a general style, Mr. You Ran, you can design it yourself, tell the coach your requirements for the shape of the D wheel when you practice, and we can help you customize one.”

“The Seahorse Group is really thoughtful, I know.”

For the first time, You Ran felt that it was good to have money.

“Then I won’t disturb your rest.”

The two bodyguards left.

In the afternoon, the news that You Ran became the spokesperson of Seahorse Park was directly made public.

When this news reached the Duel Academy, many people were deeply admired, but more envious and jealous.

“This kid mixed so well as soon as he graduated, and directly became the spokesperson of Seahorse Paradise.”

“Although it is very unpleasant, after all, he is the one who can defeat the president of the Seahorse, and I heard that the president of the seahorse is a very proud duelist. Being able to defeat him will naturally gain his approval, so it is normal for this kid to become the spokesperson of the Seahorse Group. ”

You Ran received a blessing from the ten generations of Asuka from them.

Early the next morning, two bodyguards sent You Ran a lot of new clothes for You Ran to try on as a shooting endorsement.

You Ran, a star who suddenly became an endorsement, was still a little uncomfortable, so when shooting an endorsement advertisement the next day, You Ran also filmed several before passing.

On the third day, the coach came, brought a more modest D-wheel, and then taught You Ran to drive the D-wheel.

The D-wheel is a motorcycle after all, and you are still very quick to learn.

It took a month for You Ran to learn the D wheel perfectly, especially when driving in front of the duel, and when attacking the opponent behind, you need to turn around, You Ran has practiced perfectly.

In this month, Shindo Shino City has changed a lot, and in order to meet the needs of the Duel King Competition, a viaduct has been specially built for galloping duels, just like in 5DS.

After ten days, on this day, a small part of the viaduct was opened to traffic, and You Ran drove the D wheel specially tailored by the Haima Group to go out for a stroll Although You Ran likes to use the Stardust Dragon, but the D wheel You Ran still likes Jack’s D wheel, mainly because this D wheel has a backrest, and it is easier to duel when dueling, so You Ran’s D wheel is built by the Haima Group people according to the wheel of fortune.

You Ran has become the spokesperson of Seahorse Park and is a very famous duelist, so when You Ran drove the wheel of fortune to the viaduct for a ride, he encountered a professional duelist who challenged You Ran.

“… You Ran, you seem to have defeated President Seahorse, but I am very interested in challenging you. ”

“Let me duel with You Ran, I’m ranked one hundred and three in the professional duelist.”

“I’m sorry, I came out for a ride today, I don’t want to duel, let’s talk about it next time I have a chance.”

You Ran directly accelerated and shook off this gang.

“It’s not so easy to leave.”

The two men sped up the speed of the D round, trying to catch up.

It’s just that compared with You Ran’s wheel of luck, the configuration of the two of them is a little worse, so the distance is not closer, but slowly opened.

Then at this time, a particularly large D wheel drove sharply from behind, directly overtaking the two people and coming to You Ran’s side.

When he saw the mask this person was wearing, You Ran’s face changed slightly: “You are…”

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