Chapter 114 Accelerating Homological Stall!!

You Ran recognized Paradox, but Paradox did not know that You Ran recognized him, but instead said hello.

“The inventor of the homonic summoning, You Ran, long admired the daimyo, I am Paradox.”

The inventor of the homology summoning?

You Ran thought for a moment and understood, now that You Ran has used the same summoning in advance in this era, then for the future, it can indeed be counted as You Ran is the first to use the same summoning first.

You Ran knew that Paradox was very disgusted with contemporation summoning, and felt that the consonant summoning destroyed the future world.

You Ran probably knew what Paradox was here for at this time, and probably wanted to trouble him.

“Any advice?”

“Nothing, I just want to ask you for advice.”

At this time, the person who just wanted to challenge You Ran had an opinion.

“Hey, this guy from the big D wheel in front, don’t make a mistake, we came first, don’t come out to make trouble with your own D wheel fast.”

“I don’t even understand the principle of first come, first come, you owe a lesson.”

However, for the abuse of the latter two people, Paradox did not bother to deal with it at all.

Next second. Paradox clicked on the duel on the D round, and You Ran’s D wheel was forced into a dueling state.

“High-Speed World 2 Launch.”

Seeing that he was directly forced into a galloping duel, You Ran knew that he couldn’t hide if he wanted to.

“Then come on.”


Seeing that this person who suddenly appeared really preemptively fought with You Ran, the two people behind him were even more unhappy, and they accelerated their speed.

“You guy doesn’t take the words of the two of us in his eyes at all, and you actually dare not listen to us.”

“How can it be so, looking for death?”

The two men wanted to disrupt the duel between Paradox and Youran, but the rear wheel of Paradox’s D wheel suddenly rolled up bursts of smoke and dust with the ground.

The sudden rise of a large amount of smoke and dust made the first reaction of these two people to slow down the speed of the D wheel to avoid a car accident.

When the two people reacted, You Ran and Paradox who had just appeared had disappeared into the sight of the two people.

“Damn fellow. If he dares to do such a thing, he will definitely not be spared. ”

“Do things so vilely, how good can his duel be, let’s go up and take a look.”

Two people still don’t believe in this evil, can such a despicable person still be an upright duelist?

If You Ran loses, they will immediately challenge this man called Paradox, give him a little color, let him know that shamelessness comes at a price, and by the way, it can make them famous.

When the two people sped up to catch up, the fight between You Ran and Paradox had already begun.

“I use the two-star equation tuner and the eight-star stardust dragon tune, and the gathered dream crystals will open a new door of evolution and become a path of light!”

A red light accelerated in front of You Ran’s D wheel, which was the first time You Ran had used it in a galloping duel, and You Ran had a different feeling, which was the kind of feeling that ordinary duels could not produce.

“Accelerated homology.”

“Sure enough, I don’t have enough strength to capture the meteor dragon, but it doesn’t matter, I’ll just wait for this moment.”

A blank card appeared in Paradox’s hand, and this card released a chain made of cards and directly grabbed the swimming stardust dragon.

“It can actually interrupt the acceleration of homology.”

You Ran was surprised in his heart.

You Ran knew that Paradox would snatch the Stardust Dragon and try to destroy the world, but logically speaking, the future had changed, and You Ran felt that Paradox might not appear in this world to snatch his Stardust Dragon, but he didn’t expect this to happen.

And You Ran was actually on guard, so when You Ran summoned the Stardust Dragon, he was ready to directly summon the meteor dragon with accelerated homology.

As long as the meteor dragon is summoned, then Paradox should have a hard time achieving his goal.

As a result, the acceleration of the harmony was actually interrupted, which is a super power that can be summoned in the opponent’s turn.

In the next second, You Ran’s Stardust Dragon was snatched by Paradox and sealed into the card, and You Ran’s acceleration was forcibly interrupted.

“This method is really bad, don’t use any trap cards, just snatch the monster away.”

You Ran is really drunk, and he doesn’t feel martial arts.

However, You Ran felt that the acceleration of the homology was interrupted, then the speed of You Ran’s D wheel would definitely decrease, but to You Ran’s surprise, the speed of the D wheel did not decrease, but because the power of acceleration of the harmony crossed the speed of light.

“Disappear, Youran.”

Paradox’s left hand released a force that hit the red light of You Ran’s D wheel, and the next second, You Ran sensed that something was wrong, and an inexplicable attraction directly sucked You Ran away, and then fell into a dizzy dark space.

“What, I have a system protector, how can I be tricked.”

Because of the system, the moment You Ran got the Stardust Dragon, You Ran automatically obtained the Mirror Water Stop Heart, and when he got the True Red Lotus New Star Dragon, You Ran obtained the Burning Soul.

The existence of the system makes You Ran not accept the power of the dark game at all, unless You Ran loses the duel.

At this moment, You Ran did not lose this duel at all, and Paradox should not have the possibility of causing damage to You Ran.

“System, what’s going on, I haven’t lost the duel yet, how can I accept the effect of the dark force.”

“Master, this is not the power of the dark game, it is to surpass the light when using accelerated harmony, and the other party has opened a new spatial channel for you, so you have made a leap of time and space channel.”


You Ran feels that he is really back, why is there no problem with others using accelerated homology, You Ran uses accelerated homology but also crosses the space-time channel, where is this going?

“System, what will happen to me next?”

“If nothing else, the master will arrive in the elven world of dueling monsters.”

“The elven world of dueling monsters!”

You Ran felt like a joke, never dreamed that this would happen.

You Ran felt that his body was rapidly descending at the moment, and soon You Ran saw an exit that could brave white light.

When you cross this exit, you come to a sunny, lush forest.

As a human being, the world in which You Ran appeared naturally attracted the attention of the elves of this world.

Behind a few trees next to him, You Ran saw the weaker little monsters he often used as scrap warriors, equation homotuners, and screw hedgehogs hiding behind the trees and staring at You Ran.

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