Chapter 115: Beccas!!

Scrap Homophony, Formula Homologator These monsters are monsters used by You Ran after a short period of fear, Scrap Warrior Formula Homotuner, screw hedgehog surrounded and were very enthusiastic about You Ran.

Usually I have only seen these monsters in virtual images, and when the real monsters are in front of you, You Ran feels quite cute.

“Usually thanks to you guys for helping me in duels.”

Seeing these little monsters in person today, You Ran felt that he still had to say thank you.

For You Ran’s words, these monsters are croaking over there, and You Ran can’t understand it at all.

If you don’t understand, the question comes, how should You Ran go back?

“System, is there any way I can go back?”

“It depends on the luck of the master, whether he can recruit a passage connected to the return to the world.”

“You’re so unreliable.”

In this way, it will give You Ran a headache~, the system can’t help at this time, then you can only rely on these monsters.

“I don’t know if I can find the Meteor Dragon or the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon in this world.”

Both of these monsters have functions that are excluded from the game, and You Ran feels that this is a function of traveling through time and space.

If you can find these two monsters, maybe you can use their power to return You Ran to the original world.

“Do you know where the Meteor Dragon and the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon are?”

These little monsters immediately shook their heads one after another, indicating that they didn’t know.

“Well, this question may be difficult for you.”

These little monsters don’t know, You Ran can only rely on his own strength to find it slowly, how to say that they are also the users of the Meteor Dragon and the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon, and they should have this opportunity to find them.

When You Ran took these little monsters to find the Meteor Dragon and the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon, at the same time, in Xintong Shino City, in order to catch up with Ran and Paradox, the two people who witnessed the duel between the two were looking blinded at the moment.

Because You Ran crossed into the world of elves through the power of accelerating the harmony, You Ran came over, and the car had not yet come, so You Ran’s car directly hit the viaduct, and the wheel of fortune fell to the ground.

Paradox glanced at the Stardust Dragon in his hand and saw You Ran disappear, knowing that the plan had succeeded, and then drove away in the D wheel.

“Hey, who the hell are you guy, duel is duel, why did you get into a car accident?”

“Don’t you guy, wait to be caught.”

The two people still have a sense of justice at this time.

Although they have to challenge You Ran in order to become famous, they will not get into a car accident in a duel. And just now, when they came over, You Ran disappeared, so the two people were very suspicious at this time whether You Ran had fallen into the sea.

“Be nosy.”

Paradox didn’t pay attention to two people at all and drove away.

One of them wanted to chase, but was stopped by another person: “Don’t chase, this guy is probably not a good stubble, just now I saw You Ran summoning the meteor dragon, but this guy knew that he was not an opponent, so he let You Ran have a car accident, this guy is not a person who is duelling in a dignified manner, so let’s let the person who should be in charge take care of it, anyway, he can’t run away.” ”

“That’s true.”

The two called the vigilante directly, as well as the hospital, and notified the Seahorse Group by the way.

When the Haima Group learned that You Ran might fall into the sea, it immediately sent a search and rescue team to search for You Ran’s traces in the sea.

When the seahorse learned the news, he was very angry.

After You Ran became the spokesperson of the Seahorse Group, the effect on all aspects of the Seahorse Park is very good.

You Ran, as the first person to use the subordinate tuning card, is still a super strong duelist who defeated the seahorse, and is also the person who will participate in the duel king competition next and is likely to win the duel king, and now the popularity in all aspects is at a very high level, and suddenly such a thing appeared, which made the seahorse very unhappy.

During the time when the Seahorse Group sent people to search for You Ran, Seahorse found a video of You Ran and Paradox dueling.

The seahorse originally thought that You Ran would be plunged into the sea if he lost the duel, but he did not expect that the duel had just begun, and You Ran occupied the upper point, and when he wanted to summon the meteor dragon, he was forced to terminate the duel.

This video has been circulated on the Internet, Haima is actually relieved, as long as You Ran does not lose, there will be no problem with the endorsement of Haima Group, so what matters now is to find You Ran’s trace.

Using this despicable way to make people lose the duel, a figure appeared in Seahorse’s mind for the first time, so he went directly to the top floor and drove the plane of the blue-eyed white dragon straight to the International Illusion Society.

Becas is now studying the monster slate of the astral three polar gods at this time, striving to materialize these three cards as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be able to catch the agreed duel king match, but Seahorse came to him, he must come out to meet that the two companies are now very good partners, so Becas feels that the relationship between the two sides is very good, when Seahorse comes, let people arrange Seahorse to the office first, good tea and snacks to serve.

As a result, Becas had just walked into the office, and Seahorse didn’t give a good face: “Becas, you guy is too despicable, we are working together now, you actually do something to the spokesperson of my Seahorse Group.” ”

Becas was also curious about how the seahorse could come at this time, but he did not expect the seahorse to say something that made him confused about the situation as soon as he opened his mouth.

“Seahorse, what happened, did you misunderstand me?”

“Isn’t this person you sent to deal with You Ran? Knowing that he could not win a duel in a dignified way, he used despicable means to cause him to fall into the sea. Beccas, we’re working together so well now, you’re seeing it in self-destruction.”

The masked person in the seahorse’s mobile phone, Becas was very speechless: “Seahorse, why do you think this person has something to do with me?” ”

“Isn’t it you? In a duel, when you can’t win, isn’t it your usual means to threaten others with despicable means? ”

Hippo hadn’t forgotten when Becas had threatened him with his brother.

Becas felt that he was too wronged, how could he remember it for a lifetime because of such a little thing.

As soon as something went wrong, he put all the blame on him, and he was too wronged.

“Wait a minute, let me figure out what’s going on first.”

Becas felt that the seahorse would not come over for no reason.

Seahorse doesn’t like to explain to others, so Beccas can only ask the secretary Hiro next to him.

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