Chapter 117: Shattered Light and Paradox!!

Paradox felt that he had just returned from doing things, and the king should first be happy that he had successfully completed the plan, but instead of being happy, he also accused himself of not doing things beautifully, and Paradox was really rude.

Paradox immediately spoke: “King Sai, things are not for you to do, you think it is so easy!” The Stardust Dragon contains a very powerful power, just to be able to take the Stardust Dragon from his hands is already very difficult, and the monster that accelerates the harmony is not so easy to deal with, it is beyond the limit of my strength. ”

King Sai knew that Paradox was not strong enough to take away the meteor dragon.

King Zhai continued to speak flatly: “It seems that I have overestimated your strength a little.

But it doesn’t hurt, it is a good plan to take away his meteor dragon and let him fall into the space-time channel generated by accelerated homology. ”

At this time, Paradox had doubts.

“You asked me to deliberately help him transcend light and space while he was doing accelerated synchronization, so where exactly is he going now? Are you sure he won’t come back? ”

When Paradox asked this question, the tarot card in the hand of the king suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Seeing King Sai’s appearance like this, Paradox knew that things were not as simple as he had imagined.

“You mean that there is still a good chance that he will come back, so what am I trying to do here?”

At Paradox’s anxious look, King Sai smiled lightly: “Your purpose is to destroy the Harmony Summoning, while my purpose is to destroy this world and then reshape it.” Although our purpose is somewhat different, in the end, my purpose can help you achieve the effect, so isn’t it normal for you to cooperate with me? ”

“I dare not say that my plan must be fine, because the man named You Ran has a fate that even I can’t see. As the first person to possess the Homology Calling, if there is a duel of righteous light, are you confident that you can defeat him? ”

“Of course there is.”

Paradox answered in the affirmative without hesitation.

It’s just that King Zhai scoffed at this and chuckled, “If you really had such great confidence, you wouldn’t have taken away his Stardust Dragon as I wanted.” ”

“Since you already feel that it is going according to my plan, then you can cooperate with me well.”

Facing the tone of the king, Paradox was actually a little uncomfortable in his heart.

It’s just that the guy in front of him can see through fate and what will happen in the future, so Paradox has to bow his head and cooperate with him, because Paradox is actually surprised to come to this world, because the situation in this world has changed a lot from the history he knows.

Paradox then asked, “Since you are so confident, what if he returns?” ”

“It’s not that simple. The passage to the unknown place may be easily returned, so don’t worry too much about this problem. ”

“On the contrary, what still needs to trouble us now is the person who will get the three Astral Tripolar God Cards in this Duel King Competition. Those three cards have great power, and the person who can get those three cards also has the power to change destiny, so I need you to help me keep an eye on the duelist with the power of destiny. ”

“I’ll take care of everything, so what are you doing?”

Paradox directly and unceremoniously spoke.

Paradox was a little unacceptable to the attitude of commanding him from above to do things, in his own world, who dared to order him to command him like this.

“You think too much, how can I not have anything else to do, there are other people in the Duel Academy who have the power to see through the elves for me to bother, so I don’t have nothing to do.” Since we are cooperating, don’t let this cause us a lot of unhappiness with each other. ”

As soon as the king of Zhai finished speaking, when Paradox wanted to say something more, Paradox noticed that someone was coming, and immediately said to the king of fast: “You hide first.” ”

“It’s really troublesome.”

Paradox grumbled, but hid anyway, and then the door to the room was pushed open again, and Ed walked into the room.

“King Sai, what are you looking for me to do?”

“Ed, I came to you to let you go to the Duel Academy, I am very interested in a person in the Duel Academy.”

“Could it be that you are very famous for not having a professional duel in the last time? He should no longer be dueling the academy, right? ”

When Ed mentioned You Ran, his tone was more relaxed.

Although You Ran is now very famous, no one knows whether You Ran is a duelist specially held by the Seahorse Group.

Maybe the Seahorse Group was to create a famous duelist, and the Seahorse deliberately lost.

So whether You Ran has the strength or not, for Ed, he must talk about a duel.

“It’s not You Ran, it’s a person called You Cheng Ten Generations. You help me go to the Duel Academy and try him. ”

“Is this necessary?”

“It’s necessary.”

“Okay then.”

Ed readily agreed, and Ed never refused the king’s request.

“By the way, Ed, give me your deck first.”

“Is there something wrong with my deck?”

Ed gave his deck to the King of Sai, who held the deck with both hands and injected his power into it.

Ed is a person who knows the power of the king, and knows that the king of the fast wants to know the cards of his deck, and does not need to look at them one by one.

“Your deck is more perfect than I thought.”

“That’s inevitable, if there is nothing to do, I will go first.”

Ed took the deck and turned away.

After Ed left, Paradox came back into hiding.

“It seems that you did not lie to me.”

The king knew that Paradox was talking about letting Paradox do everything just now.

Now Ed came over and made Paradox understand that he wasn’t the only one who helped Paradox, and he didn’t let Paradox do everything.

“Of course, it’s not enough to have you as a helper.”

Originally, things would not have changed so much, but what gave King Sai a headache was that a homophony summoning appeared inexplicably, disrupting his original plan, so now he needed a helper like Paradox.

“Okay, you go get busy, you must find those three duelists who have cards that can control the three polar gods of the astral realm. In addition, you pay a little attention to the seven giant stone paintings abroad. ”

“You will be a substitution more and more, and I will deal with these two things.”

Paradox walked away unhappily.

Just confirmed that King Sai did not let him deal with things alone, so he added another thing, which was too annoying.

However, in order to change the ruined future, Paradox can only cooperate with the king of Sai, and destroy the source of harmony in this era, and the future will not be destroyed because of harmony.

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