Chapter 118 Inka in the Elven World!!

There is no danger in the world of elves, birds are singing, and You Ran feels that it is really good as a vacation environment.

And the little monsters here are very welcoming.

Although the language barrier is a big obstacle, when You Ran points to the fruits on the tree, these little monsters will take the initiative to help You Ran pick the fruit, without letting You Ran climb the tree.

After eating the fruit, You Ran continued to walk with these elves.

When you are visiting the elven world, the little monsters you encounter are very enthusiastic, and it is natural to follow You Ran and be a guide for You Ran by the way.

“If only I could come here anytime, anywhere.”

You Ran still likes it here, if you can bring friends over on vacation, You Ran feels that this is definitely a very good place.

It’s a pity that this situation can only be thought about and will not be realized.

You Ran estimated that he would not be able to find the Meteor Dragon or the True Red Lotus Nova Dragon for a while, so You Ran’s goal was to find monsters that could also be excluded from the game.

You Ran feels that his idea should still be right, these monsters are this effect after they become cards, but they should have some ability to travel through time and space, so then the power of these monsters, maybe You Ran can return to the real world.

It’s just that the world of this elf is too big, and You Ran followed these little monsters for two days, and he didn’t see that kind of high-star monster.

“If only the D wheel followed.”

You Ran sighed.

“I hope I won’t terminate my contract because of my disappearance, otherwise I will have Paradox die ugly.”

You Ran is not worried about anything now, just worried about this matter.

The Stardust Dragon was snatched away, and you can snatch it back after you go back, but if you lose your endorsement, it will be a big loss.

Therefore, in You Ran’s view, the matter of snatching the card did not make You Ran’s loss of endorsement serious.

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded.

“Master, you currently have 2,000 points left without a usage order.”

“yes, what’s wrong?”

Because I feel that my luck has not been very good recently, I didn’t get the digital card that You Ran wanted, so I kept Youran points first, and then continued to draw the card bag when I was lucky.

Now that the system suddenly reminds this, You Ran is a little puzzled.

“Master, you can use 1 point to exchange for a blank card on the side of the system. Now that you’ve come to the elven world, you can make friendly friends with the elves yourself, and as long as they are willing to lend you their powers, you can store their powers directly into cards. When you return to the real world, you can use these cards directly yourself. ”

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“Because the owner didn’t encounter a card that didn’t have it before, and now you do, that’s why I remind you.”

“That’s true.”

You Ran thinks this is good.

The card draw bag sometimes draws duplicate cards, and if you directly make a contract with the elf, you can directly replenish the cards that You Ran does not have, which is very powerful.

You Ran spent ten points, exchanged a blank card with the system, and then asked the Galaxy Eye Cloud Cage next to him.

You Ran couldn’t understand the words of the Galaxy Eye Cloud Cage, but the Galaxy Eye Cloud Cage could understand You Ran’s words, so he was very happy to sign a contract with You Ran, and You Ran’s card appeared like a Galaxy Eye Cloud Cage.

“This trip to the elven world is not a loss.”

You Ran is very happy, this way of printing cards is too comfortable.

Now it’s not just to find a way for yourself when you go back, but you can also print cards, which makes You Ran full of motivation, so after You Ran eats fruit, he continues to walk in the elven world.

“Cloud Cage, do you know where the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon is?”

The Galaxy Eye Cloud Cage can specially summon the Galaxy Photon Dragon, and the Galaxy Photon Dragon also has an effect that is excluded from the game, so You Ran wants to find the Galaxy Eye Photon Dragon.

However, the galaxy shook his head, indicating that he did not know.

“It’s a pity.”

But this still does not change Youran’s good mood.

When You Ran was in a good mood in the elven world, at this moment, after two days of ocean searching, no trace of You Ran was found, and some unfavorable news about You Ran came out directly.

The news media are reporting this.

“You Ran, the spokesperson of the Haima Group, after two days of ocean searching, it seems that he has not found his person, and the Haima Group seems to have given up the action of continuing to search and rescue Youran, and now the rescue personnel of the Haima Group have begun to withdraw from the seaside.”

“Don’t worry about the fans and viewers who are concerned about Youran’s safety, this station will continue to pay attention to the follow-up content, and I hope you can pray with us that this rookie duelist can be safe and sound.”

The news about You Ran’s murder can be said to be the hottest news in the past few days, so in the Duel Academy, there are also many people who pay attention to this news.

“How so, the Seahorse Group sent so many people to find You Ran, is it really…”

Asuka didn’t dare to think about it.

“Don’t worry, Asuka, since the Seahorse Group hasn’t found anyone, it means that You Ran is not necessarily in danger. Just fell into the sea, You Ran was not necessarily seriously injured at that time, maybe You Ran swam back to the shore by himself. ”

Junko opened her mouth to comfort Asuka.

After Junko finished speaking, Baihui also spoke: “Yes, Asuka, don’t worry too much first, maybe the Seahorse Group has found You Ran and protected You Ran.”

Hasn’t Haima Group withdrawn Youran’s endorsement now? So don’t be so anxious. ”

“Haima Group signed a lot of money, it is impossible to ignore it.”

“But You Ran’s phone has never been able to get through.”

Of course, Asuka hopes that You Ran will be safe and sound, so in the past two days when You Ran had an accident, Asuka called You Ran from time to time whenever she was free, and even sent messages to You Ran to report that she was safe, but You Ran never replied to the message, which made it difficult not to pay attention.

And Junko Baihui said that You Ran was protected by the Seahorse Group, even if it was protected, You Ran could talk to his friends if it was safe.

“Yes, don’t worry, I believe You Ran will have no problem.”

Ten generations also spoke.

“You Ran is a very strong duelist, and he will not lose to such despicable means. I think You Ran may not be allowed to contact us now, maybe the Seahorse Group is now investigating the identity of the person who appeared. That person always makes people feel uncomfortable, using despicable means to snatch other people’s monsters, this kind of person must guard against him a little. ”

“Ten generations are right. That person was the first to start a duel with You Ran, but in the end he used despicable means to snatch away You Ran’s monster. Therefore, if You Ran reveals the news that he is still safe now, it is very likely that he will face danger again, so the Seahorse Group may have pretended to be in order to protect You Ran and searched for two days, maybe You Ran would have been taken back long ago. ”

“You’re killing when you say that.”

Asuka can only pray that Yu is safe now, and then give him a message back to reassure him when it is safe to make sure he is safe.

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